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Thermodynamics in Biology

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1 Thermodynamics in Biology
Lecture 24 Thermodynamics in Biology From a University of Wisconsin lecture course

2 A Simple Thought Experiment
Just think of the biochemistry that occurs when one E. coli cells becomes one billion cells in 48 hours from simple material contained in a solution.

3 Driving Forces for Natural Processes
Enthalpy Tendency toward lowest energy state Form stablest bonds Entropy Tendency to maximize randomness Energy and order.

4 Enthalpy and Bond Strength
Enthalpy = ∆H = heat change at constant pressure Units cal/mole or joule/mole 1 cal = 4.18 joule Sign ∆H is negative for a reaction that liberates heat Heat is a form of energy.

5 Entropy and Randomness
This goes against the grain; must supply lots of energy to take 153 free amino acids and convert them into the ordered sequence that is in myoglobin.

6 Entropy and Randomness
Entropy = S = measure of randomness cal/deg·mole T∆S = change of randomness For increased randomness, sign is “+” Order versus randomness. Just think of the energy input that is required to convert the random biochemical facts in your mind into a metabolic chart - don’t let entropy overcome you.

7 “System” Definition If your brain is a closed, you can not gain knowledge. Consider how your attitude influences what you can do.

8 “System” Definition When isolated, you can exchange energy.

9 “System” Definition When open, both mass and energy are exchanged in a system.

10 Cells and Organisms: Open Systems
Material exchange with surroundings Fuels and nutrients in (glucose) By-products out (CO2) Energy exchange Heat release (fermentation) Light release (fireflies) Light absorption (plants) Life occurs in an open system.

11 1st Law of Thermodynamics
Energy is conserved, but transduction is allowed Transduction Energy is conserved; can change forms.

12 2nd Law of Thermodynamics
In all spontaneous processes, total entropy of the universe increases Randomness increase. A fact of life, just look on how messy your room gets.

13 2nd Law of Thermodynamics
∆Ssystem + ∆Ssurroundings = ∆Suniverse > 0 A cell (system) can decrease in entropy only if a greater increase in entropy occurs in surroundings C6H12O6 + 6O2  6CO2 + 6H2O complex simple Balanced equation.

14 Entropy: A More Rigorous Definition
From statistical mechanics: S = k lnW k = Boltzmann constant = 1.3810–23 J/K W = number of ways to arrange the system S = 0 at absolute zero (-273ºC) Definition.

15 Gibbs Free Energy Unifies 1st and 2nd laws ∆G ∆G = ∆H – T∆S
Useful work available in a process ∆G = ∆H – T∆S ∆H from 1st law Kind and number of bonds T∆S from 2nd law Order of the system Gibbs free energy connects the first and second laws of thermodynamics.

16 ∆G Driving force on a reaction
Work available  distance from equilibrium ∆G = ∆H – T∆S State functions Particular reaction T P Concentration (activity) of reactants and products Free energy is the driving force for reactions.

17 Equilibrium ∆G = ∆H – T∆S = 0 So ∆H = T∆S
∆H is measurement of enthalpy T∆S is measurement of entropy Enthalpy and entropy are exactly balanced at equilibrium Equilibrium balanced.

18 Effects of ∆H and ∆S on ∆G
Variations Voet, Voet, and Pratt. Fundamentals of Biochemistry

19 Standard State and ∆Gº Arbitrary definition, like sea level
[Reactants] and [Products] 1 M or 1 atmos (activity) T = 25ºC = 298K P = 1 atmosphere Standard free energy change = ∆Gº Standard state, but not physiological.

20 Biochemical Conventions: ∆Gº
Most reactions at pH 7 in H2O Simplify ∆Gº and Keq by defining [H+] = 10–7 M [H2O] = unity Biochemists use ∆Gº and Keq Biochemical conventions (assumptions).

21 Relationship of ∆G to ∆Gº
∆G is real and ∆Gº is standard For A in solution GA = GA + RT ln[A] For reaction aA + bB  cC + dD ∆G = ∆Gº + RT ln Constant Variable (from table) º [C]c [D]d } Real & standard. [A]a [B]b

22 Relationship Between ∆Gº and Keq
[C]c [D]d ∆G = ∆Gº + RT ln At equilibrium, ∆G = 0, so ∆Gº = –RT ln ∆Gº = –RT ln Keq [A]a [B]b [C]c [D]d Relationship between equilibrium constant. [A]a [B]b

23 Relationship Between Keq and ∆Gº
Equilibrium position and energy

24 Will Reaction Occur Spontaneously?
When: ∆G is negative, forward reaction tends to occur ∆G is positive, back reaction tends to occur ∆G is zero, system is at equilibrium ∆G = ∆Gº + RT ln Spontaneous [C]c [D]d [A]a [B]b

25 A Caution About ∆Gº Even when a reaction has a large, negative ∆Gº, it may not occur at a measurable rate Thermodynamics Where is the equilibrium point? Kinetics How fast is equilibrium approached? Enzymes change rate of reactions, but do not change Keq Caveats

26 ∆Gº is Additive (State Function)
Reaction A  B B  C Sum: A  C Also: B  A Free energy change ∆G1º ∆G2º ∆G1º + ∆G2º – ∆G1º Additive

27 Coupling Reactions Glucose + HPO42–  Glucose-6-P ATP  ADP + HPO42–
ATP + Glucose  ADP + Glucose-6-P ∆Gº kcal/mol kJ/mol – –30.5 – –16.7 A biochemical key - how to get unfavorable to occur couple favorable with unfavorable.

28 Resonance Forms of Pi – – – –
Stabilization by resonance gives higher energy. –

29 Phosphate Esters and Anhydrides
Anhydride - high energy bonds; esters ordinary energy.

30 Hydrolysis of Glucose-6-Phosphate
Glucose 6-phosphatase ∆Gº = –3.3 kcal/mol = –13.8 kJ/mol

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