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Telemachus’s Growth into Manhood: The Intellectual Journey

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1 Telemachus’s Growth into Manhood: The Intellectual Journey
The Odyssey Telemachus’s Growth into Manhood: The Intellectual Journey

2 Book I First appearance: Telemachus the introspector: line 132-146
Daydreaming of the Homecoming Respect for the Laws of Zeus Blessed by Athena—a sign of Telemachus’s intelligence Evidenced of T’s kinship to Odysseus lines Telemachus’s adolescent doubts lines

3 Book I Athena’s advice: lines 320-350.
Change in Telemachus: a sense of authority: lines Change: Telemachus first speech of authority to the suitors:

4 Book II Telemachus’s first speech to the council of elders—lines 41-85
The mockery of Antinous: lines Omen of the twin eagles—sign of the twin warriors- Telemachus and Odysseus—lineas Halitherses—the prophet: lines Eurymachy’s mockery: lines

5 Book II Athena as Mentor: lines:

6 Book III The journey of growth—King Nestor at Pylos
Athena’s goals for Telemachus’s trip: to gain news of his father and to make his own name in the world. lines Nestor provides information to Telemachus about Odysseus

7 Book III Nestor recognizing that Telemachus looks like Odysseus and speaks like him—evidence for Telemachus—lines The second time we hear the Orestes story—more evidence for Telemachus of how he should behave. lines

8 Book III Athena changes from Mentor to an eagle and departs—a sign of Telemachus’s favor from the gods. lines —so Telemachus has the same favored status among the gods as did his father.

9 Book IV Menelaus as a role model—he respects the laws of Zeus—no hubris in him—lines Menelaus recognizes T’s resemblance to O. Helen’s appearance: —confirms T’s kinship to O. Helen’s story O’s appearing in Troy in disguise foreshadows his use of disguise to defeat the suitors.

10 Book IV Menelaus tells Telemachus that Odysseus is alive on the island of Calypso. lines So Telemachus has gained the information he sought and has grown emotionally and intellectual by the success of his journey.

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