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Science Room 105 Kyle Haworth

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1 Science Room 105 Kyle Haworth
Welcome Science Room 105 Kyle Haworth

2 6th Grade Curriculum Science and Technology Metric System
Chemistry (Atom) Weather Earth Science Natural Resources Engineering & Problem-Solving

3 7th Grade Curriculum The Microscope
Bacteria through Plants (Microbiology) Genetics Ecology Evolution Engineering and Problem-solving

4 Grading Quizzes/Test Projects Classwork Labs
Quarterly Grades are based on… Quizzes/Test Projects Classwork Labs

5 Grading Missing homework assignments will receive zero’s in the grade, but will not count towards the students overall grade Students are responsible for getting their absent work when they return 100 – 90 A 89 – 80 B 79 – 70 C 69 – 60 D 59 – F

6 Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)

7 Basic Science Rubric using Performance Expectations
Level of Competency and Understanding 4- Mastery- Has a complete understanding of the concept and can show evidence to support it. 3- Proficient- Has good knowledge of the concept, but has still room for improvement. 2-Developing - Has an idea of the concept, but has a lot more work to do. 1-Basic-Has minimal knowledge of the concept and must work harder to gain more knowledge. Science and Engineering Practices Disciplinary Core Ideas Crosscutting Concepts Science Education Dimensions

8 Things to Expect this year!
Homework will be slightly different as the year progresses. It may be watching a video or reviewing through notes. NO matter what it is, please be aware that not doing the homework will impact their overall grade. The purpose of homework is practice and preparation Primary focus will be on experimentation, projects, activities Test will be written and or practical hands-on exams All grades can be viewed on PowerSchool

9 Contact Information Phone: More information on district website

10 Thank you for coming to Open House!

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