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Kirk vs. Spock: Making 25th Century Decisions

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2 Kirk vs. Spock: Making 25th Century Decisions
Dr. Marc Hurwitz, Chief Insight Officer Samantha Hurwitz, Chief Encouragement Officer FliPskills & FliP University

3 Permission to Reproduce
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License. To view a copy of this license, send a letter to Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View, California, 94041, USA. You are free to copy, display, and perform the work, or make derivative works under the following conditions: You must give the original author credit, i.e., FliPskills You may not use this work for commercial purposes If you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may distribute the resulting work only under a license identical to this one Additional terms and conditions are noted in the original license.

4 Introductions My name is [ James T. Kirk ].
I work for [ Starfleet as a captain ]. In decision-making, it bugs me when [ my crew hold back their real opinion! ].


6 Who would you entrust with this life and death decision?
Kirk (emotional; instinctual; outside-the-box) Spock (rational; process-based; logical)

7 One of your staff says, “I’ve just
made a decision!” Who would you rather they made the decision like? Kirk (emotional; instinctual; outside-the-box) Spock (rational; process-based; logical)

8 You say to your boss, “I’ve just
made a decision!” Who would they rather you made the decision like? Kirk (emotional; instinctual; outside-the-box) Spock (rational; process-based; logical)

9 Who would your customers rather
you made a decision like? Kirk (emotional; instinctual; outside-the-box) Spock (rational; process-based; logical)

10 What type of decision making does
your discipline train for? Kirk (emotional; instinctual; outside-the-box) Spock (rational; process-based; logical)

11 What type of decision making does
your organization need more of to be successful in the future? Kirk (emotional; instinctual; outside-the-box) Spock (rational; process-based; logical)

12 Scenario 1 – Life and death decision?
Scenario 2 – Your preference for staff? Scenario 3 – Your boss’s preference for you? Scenario 4 – Customer preference? Scenario 5 – Discipline training? Scenario 6 – Your organization’s future?

13 Activate the visual system in your brain
Gain new perspectives Activate the visual system in your brain

14 Mind Map

15 SWOT Analysis Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats
Best engineering crew in Star Fleet Kirk is a great negotiator Crew has faced many dangerous situations Top science officer in galaxy Ship is faster than theirs Deflector shields are down Only 10% of power left Damage already taken to ship; structurally weak Have a limited ability to stop the attacks with conventional weapons Opportunities Threats Enemy doesn’t know how badly damaged the ship is We may have something they want There is a larger star fleet that we can contact Klingons care most about personal glory and success More of them than of us They appear to have sustained a lot less damage Klingons care less about loss of life, crew, or ships There is a long-standing feud between Star Fleet and the Klingons

16 KnoWonder Know Wonder From Think Better by Tim Hurson
Kirk is a great negotiator Power is at 10% of normal Weapon systems are down There are more of them than of us They don’t know all the capabilities of the Starship Enterprise Klingon society is very warlike Klingons have an overabundance of pride and self-confidence There is deep animosity between Klingons and the Federation of Planets (the side that Kirk and Spock are on) Spock is a fantastic science officer and Scotty the best engineer in the fleet No Klingon will back down from a fight Their ships are slower than the Enterprise They can’t know how badly damaged the ship is It’s not clear why they are attacking us What do they want from us? If more Star Fleet ships arrived, what would the Klingons do? Would they continue to attack if it resulted in mutual destruction? Is there something they would rather have than the destruction of the Enterprise? What would be so important to them that they would stop attacking and do that other thing? Are the Klingon ships under one central command? Do we know anyone aboard the other ships? What are the Klingons most concerned about? If we weren’t here, why would they be here?

17 Activate your unconscious


19 “Want better decisions? Feed it (your brain), and leave it!”

20 Mind your body

21 Feelings count

22 Feelings count Safe at home Risky business

23 Brave your biases

24 Functional specialty Overly narrow perspective
Rely on personal expertise only

25 Confirmation bias Only seeks supporting data
No No No No No No Yes No No Yes No No No Yes No Yes No No No No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No Minimizes conflicting data

26 So we’re all in agreement!
False consensus Overestimates agreement of others So we’re all in agreement!

27 Bias blind spot Don’t notice and downplay our own biases

28 Original Patient Copy

29 What to do about biases Use structured tools Seek diverse perspectives
Highlight downsides and upsides

30 Mind your brain

31 Mind your brain

32 System 1 Fast Automatic Effortless =

33 System 2 Slow Deliberate Effortful 27 x 39=

34 Why we avoid System 2 thinking
It takes a lot of energy It is slow It stops us doing other things It takes skill and expertise

35 Do I have the energy for this? Do I have the time for this now?
What else might be more important? Do I have the expertise to make this decision?

36 Activate your unconscious
Gain new perspectives Activate your unconscious Mind your body Feelings count Brave your biases Mind your brain

37 Collaborative decision making
“May we together become greater than the sum of both of us.” First Officer Spock

38 “Anyone can make a decision
“Anyone can make a decision. It takes excellent leadership to create the right decision-making environment.”

39 Leadership role: Decision framing
Create an environment and process that optimizes collaboration and decision quality.

40 Followership role: Decision advocating
Add value at every stage of decision-making, especially when it’s not your decision to make.

41 Closing circle What’s your biggest takeaway from today?
What questions do you have?

42 Live long and decide well!

43 Complete your evaluations… for a chance to win a prize!
Complete your session and conference evaluations here: or though the mobile app Thank you partner. We value your feedback. Microsoft will donate $1 $5 for completing a session evaluation for completing the overall conference evaluation to the non-profit organization Right to Play, a Microsoft YouthSpark Partner


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