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Presentation on theme: "COMMUNITY BANKING AS A CAREER CHOICE"— Presentation transcript:

COLORADO FBLA-PBL FALL LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE Introduce yourself and the banker that is present to assist in the presentation and that is available at the booth today. COMMUNITY BANKING AS A CAREER CHOICE

2 Bringing business and education together
FBLA-PBL is the premier student business association. Our mission is to bring business and education together in a positive working relationship through innovative leadership and career development programs. 1. Use this slide to introduce the fact that all in this room are leaders as a result of choosing to attend this conference today. The fact that they are leaders will be emphasized later when the point of community bank leaders is made. Source: Colorado FBLA-PBL Website

3 What are your goals after college?
1. Good job/Better job 2. High pay/Higher pay 3. Additional degree 4. Additional career focused training Data in this slide came from the Spring 2015 Student Engagement Survey obtained in an internet search. Before revealing each of the above survey points, seek student input and outline on the flip charts provided at the conference. The results of these three slides will be incorporated into the three “Opportunities” slides that follow. 5. Achieve personal satisfaction 6. Serve and support others Source: Spring 2015 Student Engagement Survey

4 “Community” 1. A body of one people living in one place or district or country and considered as a whole. 2. A group with common interest or goals. Source of the definition of community comes from the New American Oxford Dictionary. Before revealing the definition, engage students to define Community. New American Oxford Dictionary

5 “Community Bank” A Community Bank is a depository institution that is locally owned and operated. Community Banks tend to focus on the needs of the businesses and families where the bank holds offices and branches. Source of the definition is Wikipedia. Before revealing the definition, again engage the students in defining Community Bank following the same thread of discussion used to define “community”. Spend extra time here to differentiate Community Bank from other banks here, driving home to differences. Reference can be made to the “What Sets Community Banks Apart” that will be a handout available at the booth and after the presentation. Lending decisions are made by people who understand the local needs of families, businesses and farmers. Employees often reside within the communities they serve. Source: Wikipedia

6 There are 144 stars shown on this map.
Each star represents a community where one or more community banks are located. Including branches, there are over 700 locations across the state of Colorado. Depending on the location of the conference, have students identify where they are from, and see if they can identify the Community Bank located in their community.

7 Opportunities! One out of four respondents to a recent survey of bank managers responded that they are having difficulty finding talent. 1 A different survey revealed that in nearly half of the banks surveyed, those banks had senior executives that would be retiring in the next five years. 2 The next three slides address the results of the survey. Sources of the information included in this slide is the ICBA Independent Banker from August 2017, and Recruiting Millennials into the Banking Industry from August 2017. This slide refers to the #1 answer from the survey that said students seek a Good job/Better job. The same survey revealed that 31% of the banks had CEO’s that would be retiring in the next five years. 2 Source: ICBA Independent Banker August 2017 Source: Recruiting Millennials into the Banking Industry August 2017

8 Opportunities! A quarter of bank respondents to a recent compensation survey indicated that they plan to offer compensation packages that are more than 10% above the market. 1 Many banks provide opportunities to continue the education of their employees. Source of the first point in this slide is from the 2016 Crowe Horwath Bank Compensation Survey. The first point in this slide refers to point #2 from the survey; High pay/Higher Pay. Points 2, 3 and 4 from this slide refer to the #3 & 4 answers from the survey; Additional degree and Additional career focused training. Seminars and continuing education are available through trade associations as well entities that specialize in training bank employees. Technology expertise is needed. 1. Source: Crowe Horwath Bank Compensation Survey

9 Opportunities! Internships are available.
As the primary small business, agriculture, and personal lenders in communities, there are many opportunities to help others realize their dreams. A real opportunity to leave a lasting legacy in a community through helping others. The first point on this slide also refers to answers #3 & 4 from the survey; Additional degree and Additional career focused training. Points 2, 3 & 4 refer to answers 5 & 6 from the youth survey. As additional support for point 2 above, we can refer to the recent report from report from seven Federal Reserve Banks that affirms the communbity banking industry’s status as the leading small business lender. This report showed that small businesses that apply for loans with community banks are more successful and more satified than those visiting megabanks, credit unions and online lenders. Quoting Cam Fine “With the amount of blood, sweat and tears that goes into launching a startup or expanding a small business, entrepreneurs should know that they have a partner in their local community banks. For point #4 in this slide, emphasize the earlier point from the FBLA Slide (#2) that as leaders attending the conference today, they are a natural fit for the community banking industry. Bankers are looked upon as leaders in the communities they reside in. This offers opportunities to serve and support others.

10 How do I learn more? Work with your school Guidance Counselor to arrange an appointment with your local Community Bank President or Branch Manager. Drop in and visit with someone you may know that works in a Community Bank. When talking about the booth, please make sure and refer to the information sheet that is available there, or up front following the presentation. Also follow up and introduce the Community Banker that is present and assisting at the conference. Visit the Independent Bankers of Colorado website ( ) or call (303) Drop by the IBC Booth during the remainder of the leadership conference.

11 Questions?

12 Thank You for Attending!


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