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By Deni Djukic EDU 280 Section 3003

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1 By Deni Djukic EDU 280 Section 3003
Gender Equity By Deni Djukic EDU 280 Section 3003

2 The Reason Why I Chose This Topic

3 What is Gender Equity? “Gender equity is the process of allocating resources, programs, and decision making fairly to both males and females without any discrimination on the basis of sex…and addressing any imbalances in the benefits available to males and females” (Canadian Association for the Advancement of Women and Sports and Physical Activity).


5 Gender Equity Issues- Gender discrimination in education
In the “Multicultural Education of Children and Adolescents” by M. Lee Manning & Leroy G. Baruth, they found that females in secondary school settings “choose fewer mathematics courses than do males” (Manning & Baruth, 2009) In a study from the U.S. department of education, it was discovered that girls are outnumbered in enrollments in physics courses but have equal and more enrollments than boys in biology and chemistry courses (U.S. department of education, 2012.)

6 Gender Equity Issues- Gender Discrimination in Education cont.
Not only that, the department of education found that “females make up less than 25% of participants in science, technology, engineering, and math programs nationally” (U.S. department of education, 2012). But females are not the only ones to suffer gender inequities in educational settings…

7 Gender Equity Issues- Gender Discrimination in Education cont.
Boys are more likely to repeat a grade. In a graph in the U.S department of education study, it shown that “girls represented 39% of students retained across all grade levels” (U.S. department of education, 2012). Plus, female discipline rates are lower than male discipline rates (U.S. department of education, 2012). It is also known that “boys are nearly five times likely to be expelled than girls...and account for 70% of suspensions” (Sommers, 2013; Bolan, 2014).

8 Gender Equity Issues: The Gender Pay-Gap
When it comes to wage equity in terms of gender, the United States ranks 65th in the world (Revitz, 2015). In the United States, women are paid 78 cents lesser than men (Revitz, 2015). So why there is a pay gap between men and women?

9 Gender Equity Issues: The Gender Pay-Gap (and Political In-Distribution) cont.
While women make up 57% of college students, they also “make up 98% of the students enrolled in cosmology”, 87% of students majoring in education, 86% of student enrolled in health-related majors (Toglia, 2013). In terms of employments, 53% of women are either in education, health services, trade, transportation, utilities, and local government (International Labor Organization). Meanwhile, women only make up 24% of CEOs in the U.S. (International Labor Organization).

10 Men vs Women in Criminal Sentencing and Etc.
According to Prof. Starr and the University of Michigan, “men receive 63% longer sentences on average than women do”. Plus, “women are twice as likely to avoid incarceration if convicted” (Starr, University of Michigan, 2012). So why is this trend happening?

11 Men vs Women in Criminal Sentencing and Etc cont.
The reasons could be: “Prosecutors charging and plea bargaining decisions” (Starr, University of Michigan, 2012). “Women might be viewed as mere accessories of their male romantic partners” (Starr, University of Michigan, 2012). “The role of women as primary caregivers to their children” (Starr, University of Michigan, 2012).

12 Men vs Women in Criminal Sentencing and Etc cont.
“Female defendants receive leniency because they are more cooperative with the government” (Starr, University of Michigan, 2012).

13 References: Canadian Association for the Advancement of Women and Sport and Physical Activity (n.d.) What is Gender Equity? Retrieved from 101/what-is-gender-equity/ Manning, M., & Baruth, L. (2009). Multicultural Education of Children and Adolescents. Boston, MA: Pearson Learning Solutions. U.S. Department of Education. (2012, June). Gender Equity in Education: A Data Snapshot. Retrieved from Sommers, C. (2013, August 19). School has Become Too Hostile for Boys. Retrieved from

14 References: 5. Bolan, J. (2014, September 24). Gender Inequity Shown in Classrooms, Boys Left Shortchanged. Retrieved from shown-classrooms-boys-left-shortchanged/ 6. Ravitz, J. (2015, April 16). Women in the World: Where the U.S. Falters in Quest for Equality. Retrieved from 7. Toglia, T. (2013). Gender Equity Issues in CTE and STEM Education. Tech Directions, Volume 72 (number 7). P Retrieved from 4fcf-90fb-3b8f70043fb7%40sessionmgr4002&vid=12&hid=4208

15 References: 8. International Labor Organization. (n.d.) Gender Inequity and Women in the US Labor Force. Retrieved from workplace/WCMS_159496/lang--en/index.htm 9. University of Michigan. (2012, November 16). Prof. Starr’s research shows large unexplained gender disparities in federal criminal cases. Retrieved from 10. Starr, S. (2012, August 29). Estimating Gender Disparities in Federal Criminal Cases. Retrieved from

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