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Longships were tall and sleek, with a tall prow at each end topped by a carving of a dragon’s head or other figure. They had large square sails colored.

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Presentation on theme: "Longships were tall and sleek, with a tall prow at each end topped by a carving of a dragon’s head or other figure. They had large square sails colored."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ariel Reich, Oscar Cifuentes, Maria Morales, Adriana Chait, Krystal Stringer

2 Longships were tall and sleek, with a tall prow at each end topped by a carving of a dragon’s head or other figure. They had large square sails colored with bright stripes. Ten or more oars patterned each side for rowing.

3 Longships were also very fast
Longships were also very fast. They were designed to cut through the water smoothly, with a prow at each end and a thin shape. When there was no wind to fill the sail, rows of oarsmen would keep the ship on course.

4 The Vikings also known as Norsemen or Danes built longships.

5 Homeland & Way of Life The Vikings were great shipbuilders and sailors. Their homeland was in Scandinavia, present day Norway, Sweden, and Denmark. It’s no surprise they had a seafaring way of life since their lands were surrounded by sea.

6 When Vikings decided to expand, one place they set their sights on was present day England.

7 In the 9th century when the Vikings approached a costal town in England it was a fearful sight.
People from the villages would get so scared that they would leave and go to the country side.

8 Usually the towers or castles were associated with the church.
For defense the monks living on the shore lines build tall and strong tower which are know as tower houses or castles. Usually the towers or castles were associated with the church.

9 The Norman “White Tower”

10 At that time England was not one country so it was very vulnerable against the Viking attacks.
Mercia, Wessex, North Umbria, and East Anglia were all part of the British Isle.

11 865 A.D.: Vikings launched a major attack on England.
Led by: Ivar the Boneless & his brother Halfden. Fought & carried wooden shields, iron helmets, swords, spears, axes, and bows and arrows.

12 The fought for long time and throughout the years the vikings conquered large areas in north & central England. Land became known as: Danelaw Viking families settled in and made it their home.


14 Viking warriors attacked Ireland and Scotland.
The Vikings conducted wide amounts of attacks in Ireland & founded many towns like: Dublin, Limerick, Mullingar, Wexfor, Waterford, & Leixlip.

15 Vikings ruling end in 1066 with the Norman Conquest.
The Norman Conquest of England began in 1066 with the invasion of the kingdom of England by William The Conqueror. The Norman Conquest


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