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BRS Next Large Trials: What is on the Horizon?

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Presentation on theme: "BRS Next Large Trials: What is on the Horizon?"— Presentation transcript:

1 BRS Next Large Trials: What is on the Horizon?
Gregg W. Stone MD Columbia University Medical Center The Cardiovascular Research Foundation

2 Disclosure Statement of Financial Interest
Within the past 12 months, I or my spouse/partner have had a financial interest/arrangement or affiliation with the organization(s) listed below. Affiliation/Financial Relationship Company Absorb global program chair (uncompensated) Consulting Fees/Honoraria Abbott Reva

3 Outstanding Issues with Absorb Bioresorbable Scaffolds
Can adverse event rates be lowered with improved technique? Are early BVS outcomes acceptable in high-risk pts and complex lesion? Does Absorb reduce long-term event rates compared to metallic DES?

4 These Questions are Being Addressed by 3 Ongoing Large Absorb Trials

5 Demonstrate very late superiority of Absorb BVS compared to Xience EES
ABSORB III + IV A clinical program consisting of integrated randomized trials designed to: Demonstrate noninferiority of Absorb BVS compared to Xience EES at 1 year, resulting in US approval and Demonstrate very late superiority of Absorb BVS compared to Xience EES

6 ABSORB III + IV Clinical Trial Program
2,250 pts with up to 2 de novo lesions in different epicardial vessels enrolled, with follow-up for at least 5 years, at up to 122 US and non-US sites 2,000 pts randomized 2:1 ABSORB v XIENCE (+50 lead-in pts and 200 pt non-randomized angio/IVUS/OCT/VM FU cohort) RVD: mm; Lesion length: ≤24 mm Scaffold diameters: 2.5, 3.0 and 3.5 mm Scaffold lengths: 12, 18, and 28 mm Primary endpoint (n=2,000): TLF at 1 year (powered for noninferiority) – US approval Key question – will it support pricing and reimbursement in our markets of interest? PIs: SG Ellis, DJ Kereiakes Study chairman: GW Stone

7 ABSORB III + IV Clinical Trial Program Co-PIs: SG Ellis, DJ Kereiakes
ABSORB IV ~3,000 pts randomized 1:1 ABSORB v XIENCE RVD: mm; Lesion length: ≤24 mm Scaffold diameters: 2.5, 3.0 and 3.5 mm Scaffold lengths: 12, 18, and 28 mm ~5,000 total pts (ABSORB III + IV) with up to 3 de novo lesions randomized, with FU for at least 5 years, at up to 130 sites. Blinded between 1-5 years. Primary endpoints: 1. TLF at 1 year (ABSORB IV pts only) - noninferiority 2. TLF between 1 and 5 years (ABSORB III + IV) - superiority Key question – will it support pricing and reimbursement in our markets of interest? PI: GW Stone Co-PIs: SG Ellis, DJ Kereiakes

8 Differences between ABSORB IV and ABSORB III
ABSORB IV: 3000 pts, rand 1:1 BVS to Xience (vs 2000, 2:1) ABSORB IV: Enrolling higher-risk and more complex pts Troponin+ NSTEMI or recent STEMI Thrombus-containing lesions Up to 3 de novo lesions (up to 2 in one vessel) ABSORB IV: Rigorous blinding to enable angina assessment ABSORB IV: Actively training sites to avoid very small vessel enrollment (RVD <2.5 mm), and near-real time core lab QCA of RVD – sites placed on hold for <2.25 mm and re-trained ABSORB IV: Strongly recommending 1:1 pre-dilatation and high pressure post-dilatation, both with NC balloons

9 Unique Aspects of ABSORB IV (i)
Blinding measures Headphones in cath lab Device allocation not recorded in chart or bills Blinded FU physicians, nurses and RCs

10 Unique Aspects of ABSORB IV (ii)
Angina assessment Detailed 5 page angina eCRF (at 1, 3, 6, 9, 12 months, and then yearly through 5 years) Angina primary endpoint: Adjudicated by a blinded clinical events committee (CEC) from the eCRF and source docs Perception questionnaire and subgroup analysis QCA assessment of incomplete revascularization and its relationship to angina

11 Blinded, Pooled, Interim ABSORB IV Outcomes: Comparison to ABSORB III
ABSORB III: 2008 pts randomized 2:1 BVS:EES (1322:686) ABSORB IV: 3000 pts being randomized 1:1 BVS:EES ABSORB III Pooled (N=2008) (N=2008)1 ABSORB IV Pooled (N=2494)2,3 QCA RVD <2.25 mm 19% Post-dilatation (BVS) 66% Pooled stent/scaffold thrombosis 30 days 1.0% 0.9% 1 year 1.3% 1.1% Assuming the same event rate for each arm in ABSORB III, but with a 1:1 randomization ratio. Based on January 16, 2016 data cut (N=2349 with 30 day FU and N=1297 with 1 year FU). A-IV includes 25% non A-III like subjects (troponin+ NSTEMI/STEMI, 3 lesions treated, and planned staged procedures). 11

12 Blinded, Pooled, Interim ABSORB IV Outcomes: Comparison to ABSORB III
ABSORB III: 2008 pts randomized 2:1 BVS:EES (1322:686) ABSORB IV: 3000 pts being randomized 1:1 BVS:EES ABSORB III Pooled (N=2008) (N=2008)1 ABSORB IV Pooled (N=2494)2,3 QCA RVD <2.25 mm 19% 4% Post-dilatation (BVS) 66% 83% Pooled stent/scaffold thrombosis 30 days 1.0% 0.9% 1 year 1.3% 1.1% Assuming the same event rate for each arm in ABSORB III, but with a 1:1 randomization ratio. Based on January 16, 2016 data cut (N=2349 with 30 day FU and N=1297 with 1 year FU). A-IV includes 25% non A-III like subjects (troponin+ NSTEMI/STEMI, 3 lesions treated, and planned staged procedures). 12

13 Blinded, Pooled, Interim ABSORB IV Outcomes: Comparison to ABSORB III
ABSORB III: 2008 pts randomized 2:1 BVS:EES (1322:686) ABSORB IV: 3000 pts being randomized 1:1 BVS:EES ABSORB III Pooled (N=2008) (N=2008)1 ABSORB IV Pooled (N=2494)2,3 QCA RVD <2.25 mm 19% 4% Post-dilatation (BVS) 66% 83% Pooled stent/scaffold thrombosis 30 days 1.0% 0.9% 0.3% 1 year 1.3% 1.1% 0.5% Assuming the same event rate for each arm in ABSORB III, but with a 1:1 randomization ratio. Based on January 16, 2016 data cut (N=2349 with 30 day FU and N=1297 with 1 year FU). A-IV includes 25% non A-III like subjects (troponin+ NSTEMI/STEMI, 3 lesions treated, and planned staged procedures). 13

14 Protocol revisions (sponsor and study leadership blinded)
ABSORB III + IV Protocol revisions (sponsor and study leadership blinded) Primary ABSORB III+IV superiority hypothesis changed to assess difference between Absorb and Xience between 3 and 7 to 10 years ABSORB III: Unblinded between 1 and 3 yrs ABSORB IV: Primary non-inferiority hypothesis changed to 30 days ABSORB IV: Unblinded between 30 days and 3 yrs

15 ABSORB IV: 2,553 pts enrolled at 128 sites
ABSORB III + IV Status Update ABSORB III: year results will be reported at ACC 2017 as a late breaking trial ABSORB IV: ,553 pts enrolled at 128 sites

16 AIDA Amsterdam Investigator–initiateD Absorb strategy ll-comers trial NCT Start date: August 2013 2,690 “all-comer on label” pts randomized single-blind 1:1 Absorb v Xience RVD: 2.50 – 4.0 mm; Lesion length: ≤70 mm Main exclusion criteria: RVD <2.5 mm or >4.0 mm, length >70 mm, unsuccessful pre-dilatation, 2-device bifurcations, ISR Primary endpoint (noninferiority): TVF at 2 years (cardiac death, TV-NI or TVR) Key question – will it support pricing and reimbursement in our markets of interest? PIs: Jan Piek, Robbert de Winter, José Henriques Study director: Joanna Wykrzykowska

17 NCT02486068, Start date: Sept. 2015
Compare Absorb ABSORB Bioresorbable Scaffold vs. Xience Metallic Stent for Prevention of Restenosis in Patients at High Risk of Restenosis NCT , Start date: Sept. 2015 2,100 “high-risk for restenosis” pts randomized single-blind 1:1 Absorb v Xience Inclusion criteria: Diabetes; or MVD requiring treatment; or single vessel disease lesions with RVD mm, length >28 mm, CTO, or bifurcation (single stent provisional strategy) Main exclusion criteria: age >80 years, GFR <45 ml/min, RVD <2.25 mm or >4.0 mm, 2-device bifurcations, ISR, SVG, LM, ostial Primary endpoint (noninferiority): TLF at 1 year (cardiac death, TV-NI or CI-TLR) Key question – will it support pricing and reimbursement in our markets of interest? PI: Peter Smits

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