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“Birləşmiş Krallıqda bayramlar”

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Presentation on theme: "“Birləşmiş Krallıqda bayramlar”"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Birləşmiş Krallıqda bayramlar”

2 Standart: 1.1.1.Müraciətlər zamanı sadə sualları cavablandırır 2 1 3 Kiçik həcmli mətnlərin məzmununu danışır 3 1 4 Oxuduğu mətnin məzmunu üzrə sualları cavablandırır Mövzu : “Holidays in the UK “ Məqsəd: Dinlədiyi mövzu üzrə sualları cavablandırır və onlar barədə danışır.

3 Dərsin mərhələləri: 1. Motivasiya dəq. 2. Tədqiqatın aparılması dəq. 3. Məlumat mübadiləsi dəq. 4. Məlumatların müzakirəsi dəq. 5. Nəticələrin çıxarılması dəq. 6. Ev tapşırığı dəq. 7. Qiymətləndirmə dəq.

4 i A D Y S L H O i H orse O range L emon ce-cream A pple D oor Y ellow
un Y S i L H O

5 Do you know that… Holidays can be National popular Major Religious
Local Religious

6 HOLIDAYS Mother’s day New Year’s day Father’s day Solidarity day
Christmas Halloween

7 Christmas Day (December, 25th)
The 25th of December is Christmas Day. It is one of the people's favourite holidays. People put Christmas trees in their houses and decorate them. There are beautiful Christmas decorations in the streets. On Christmas Eve everybody puts the presents under the Christmas tree. People say that at night Father Christmas puts presents into the stockings which children usually hang on their beds. The traditional Christmas meal is roast turkey and Christmas pudding.

8 April Fool’s Day (April, 1st)
April Fool’s Day is on 1 April. In this holiday people try to trick their friends, to make them behave like fools. April Fools' Day is celebrated in different countries around the world on April 1 every year.

9 Research Question How do British people celebrate Christmas and April Fool’s Day ? ?

10 The class is divided into three groups:
Holiday 1st Group 2nd Group Christmas 3rd Group Santa Claus

11 Find out the holidays celebrating in the UK and Azerbaijan .
Christmas, Halloween, Novruz, New Year, Mother's Day, Father's Day, April's Fool Day, Solidarity Day, Ramadan The UK Azerbaijan

12 Match description to the given holidays celebrating in the UK.
1. Halloween 2. Mother's Day 3. Christmas 4. April's Fool Day A. On this day children help their mothers at home and give or send them cards and presents. Some make handmade gifts. Children dress the costumes of witch, ghost, skeleton. Children go in costumes from house to house asking for treats such as candy or money apples with the question, “ Trick or Treat?” and give them to poor people. Children play tricks on each other and laugh a lot. They their families tack paper fish on each other's back. Children don”t go to school for 2 or 3 weeks. People send each other greeting cards. People also decorate their houses with lights.

13 Using the given words and word combinations make up a story.
Christmas Using the given words and word combinations make up a story. Decorate, Christmas tree, Santa Claus, turkey, Christmas dinner, Christmas cards.

14 Christmas Holidays

15 True or False. People send Christmas letters to each other.
They decorate their houses with pictures of santa. People have chicken for Christmas dinner. Children don't go to school for 2-3 weeks. People don't play tricks to each other on April 1. Children and their families tack paper fish on each other's hand.

16 Santa Claus 1. Find out what traditions are connected with the holidays and make a short text. 2. Compare English and Azerbaijani traditions of celebrating the holiday (Christmas and Novruz) 1.The English celebrate Christmas on the ___ When do we celebrate Novruz in of December Azerbaijan? 2. In England Christmas is a _______ holiday What about Azerbaijan? 3.The English decorate their houses with Do we decorate our houses before Christmas ____ and ____ before Christmas Novruz? 4. It is a tradition in England to send Christmas 4.What about Azerbaijan? ____. 5.The most popular Christmas dishes are Do Azerbaijani people cook any Christmas _____ and Christmas _____ traditional dishes at Novruz.

17 Discussing and exchanging

18 Complete the sentences
1.People celebrate Christmas … 2.People work and children go to school on … 3.People decorate their houses with … 4.April Fool's Day is on … 5.Children don't go to school … 6.People send each other … 7.The most popular Christmas dishes are …

19 Summary So today we learnt much all about Christmas and April Fool’s Day. We learnt that how the British celebrate these holidays.

20 Write a short ESSAY about your favourite holiday.
Homework Write a short ESSAY about your favourite holiday.

21 Christmas Holidays

22 Symbols of Christmas Santa Claus Christmas tree Wreath Stockings
Candles Santa Claus Gifts Jingle bells

23 Christmas Tree On the 24th of December English people prepare for Christmas. Children and their parents begin to decorate Christmas tree.

24 The snow is falling. The wind is blowing. The ground is white. All day and all night .

25 I can fall but never hurt.

26 A little old woman with twelve children: some short, some long, some hot. What is it?

27 What is without hands and
without feet, without head or body, but can open the door?

28 What man cannot live inside the house?

29 Higher than a house, Higher than a tree. Oh, whatever can that be?

30 Evalution – Qiymətləndirmə
meyarları “Holiday” “Christmas” “Santa Claus” Əməkdaşlıq Təqdim etmə Fərqləndirmə Tətbiq etmə


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