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2 What is an apa format? APA Format
American Psychological Association’s standard form for preparing psychological reports. See the sixth edition of publication manual of the American Psychological Association for detailed information. APA format is used to help make the publication of journal articles uniform. Also helps reader.

3 Sections of the APA-Format Paper
Title Page Abstract Introduction Method Results Body of Report Discussion References Appendixes

Research Proposal Title Page Abstract - Introduction Method Results Expected Results & Proposed Data Analysis Discussion Conclusions References Appendixes

5 TITLE PAGE What is the research about? (i.e., the title)
Who did the research? (i.e., the authors) Where was the research done? (i.e., authors’ affiliation) Brief heading (the ‘running head’)-should not exceed 50 characters NOTE: It should summarize the main idea simply. Recommended title is words.

6 ABSTRACT One paragraph summary 100-120 words
Centered heading with the word Abstract Abstract should include The problem The method The findings Conclusions & implications

7 INTRODUCTION Title at the top of the page Objectives
Introduce the problem, and why is it important? Summarizing relevant literature and describing implications of the study Describe purpose, rationale, theoretical framework, and design of the study with predictions and hypotheses. What was done and why?

8 METHOD Starts just after introduction section
Double-spaced centered heading with the word Method How the study was conducted? Include the details which are important to understand and replicate the study Sections Participants-Who participated the study? Materials (apparatus)-What did you use? Reliability and validity of the instruments Procedure-Describe what happened from the beginning to the end

9 RESULTS Starts just after method section
Double-spaced centered heading with the word Results Actual findings of the study Summarize the data using statistics Structure The purpose of analysis Descriptive statistics Inferential statistics Conclusions

10 DISCUSSION Starts just after results section
Double-spaced centered heading with the word Discussion Evaluate and interpret findings What did you find similar or different from the previous work? Limitations, alternative explanations Propose additional research that needs to be done

11 REFERENCES A central heading on a separate page with the word References Types Journal article: Elo, A., Ervasti, J., Kuosma, E., & Mattila, P. (2008). Evaluation of an organizational stress management program in a municipal public works organization. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 13(1), Book: Smith, C., & Laslett, R. (1993). Effective classroom management: A teacher’s guide (2nd ed.). London: Routledge. Chapter in an edited book: Richards, K. C. (1997). Views on globalization. In H. L. Vivaldi (Ed.), Australia in a global world (pp ). North Ryde, Australia: Century.

12 APPENDIXES Separate page following references
Each appendix is identified with a capital letter (A,B,…) Materials used (questionnaires, scales, tests, tasks, etc.) description of an equipment


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