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Mrs. Brown’s Rockin’ News!

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Brown’s Rockin’ News!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Brown’s Rockin’ News!
August 15, 2016 First Grade has a snack time at 10:00. Please send in your child’s own healthy snack. We eat lunch at 11:50. Water bottles are welcome in the classroom. I have a cubby we keep them in and the students may drink as often as needed. What we are learning! Balanced Literacy The students are continuing a balanced literacy unit based on The Wizard of Oz by Frank L. Baum and discussing the elements of a fairy tale. Reading Students will be in differentiated guided reading groups at their instructional level. iRead will be set up soon! Word Work This week we begin weekly testing. We will work on a pattern all week fish dash shut shed shop Grammar writing sentences, capitalization, punctuation and sequencing Math The students will be using 99 charts to count forward and backward, composing numbers using 10 frames and tally marks with an understanding of more and less, place value Social Studies Folk Tales Specials Schedule Monday: Computer Lab Tuesday: Art Wednesday: PE-wear gym shoes Thursday: Music Friday: PE- wear gym shoes Mrs. Amy Brown Phone

2 Students must be in the building by 8:10 or they are counted as tardy.
If you need to change your child’s regular transportation, please send a note that morning. If you must call the school, please do so by 2:00 with the change. Sending a note that morning in the red folder is the best way to change transportation. Thanks! Word Study We will begin word study this week . Students will work with a basic spelling pattern each week. We will work together in class to learn the pattern and brainstorm additional words with that pattern. Word Study tests will be given on Friday unless otherwise noted. Tests will include 10 words. Some may be from the list and others will be any word that contains that pattern. This week’s Pattern: sh with short vowels Calendar September 2nd- PBIS reward September 5st —Labor Day, No School September 6th —Progress Reports BELL TIMES Students must be in the building by 8:10 or they are counted as tardy. Dismissal time is 3:10 Homework You will find a packet with assignments labeled for each day in your child’s folder on Monday. They will be due on Friday. Homework is not graded, but it is checked. It is a great way for you to stay informed with what your child is learning as well daily practice of the skills taught that week. Please fill this section out, cut out, and return to school. Your child will be entered into a weekly drawing to win a prize from the school. ________ I have read Mrs. Brown’s weekly newsletter. Print Parent Name ___________________________________________ Parent Signature

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