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The Two Big Questions.

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Presentation on theme: "The Two Big Questions."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Two Big Questions

2 The life of Thomas Jefferson poses two key philosophical questions…
What does the most important phrase in our Declaration of Independence actually mean? Does it matter if a person with significant historical importance has terrible aspects to their character? This is the question we will be focusing on!!!

3 Thomas Jefferson

4 The Good Founding Father Wrote the Declaration of Independence Considered a Top 5 President by may historians Founded the University of Virginia The Bad Owned slaves Had children out of wedlock with slaves Called for extremely bloody violence in French Revolution

5 Andrew Jackson

6 One of most democratic Presidents
The Good The Bad One of most democratic Presidents American people had some of the most liberty in history Encouraged continued expansion of the United States Indian Removal Act of 1830 Led to the Trail of Tears- 16,000 Cherokees forcefully removed from Southeast to present-day OK Leader during the deaths of thousands of Native Americans

7 John F. Kennedy

8 The Good The Bad War hero Strong leadership during Cuban Missile Crisis Created the Peace Corps Advocate of civil rights- helped MLK NASA grew Made Presidency and White House a more personable thing Allegedly had weekly (near daily) affairs Support various overthrows of elected foreign governments

9 Robert Oppenheimer, President Harry Truman, Crew Members of the Enola Gay

10 Demonstrated the advancement of American technology
The Good Demonstrated the advancement of American technology Protected the United States Essentially ended World War II Helped establish the U.S. as a superpower Affected and killed hundreds of thousands of Japanese civilians (men, women, and children) Changed the landscape of future conflicts Key part of fear in the Cold War

11 Phil Knight

12 The Good The Bad Provides high quality shoes to people around the world Charity for multiple poverty organizations Donates millions to various causes annually 43 factories and 160,000 workers in Indonesia alone. Make a mere $1.25 a day

13 Steve Jobs

14 Donated tens of millions to charity- $50 million to hospitals in CA
The Good The Bad Donated tens of millions to charity- $50 million to hospitals in CA Donated millions more to HIV research Brought amazing technology to the world Changed the way we live our lives Known to be a strict authoritarian leader- Apple private security known to search people’s homes Self-document awful sweatshops in Asia- “Despite summer temperatures hitting 35 degrees, with 90 per cent humidity, there is no air-conditioning. Workers say some dormitories house more than 40 people and are infested with ants and cockroaches, with the noise and stench making it difficult to sleep.”

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