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Gilgamesh Elements of Literature 6th Course

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1 Gilgamesh Elements of Literature 6th Course

2 A Mesopotamian Epic Gilgamesh may stand on a grain of truth. Many scholars believe that Gilgamesh was a based on a real king who reigned sometime between 2700 and 2500 B.C. in the city-state of Uruk which is located in present day Iraq. The first written fragments of Gilgamesh date around 2000 B.C.

3 The story of Gilgamesh was found in modern day Iraq
The story of Gilgamesh was found in modern day Iraq. It is recorded on eleven clay tablets that are written in ancient Mesopotamian cuneiform script.

4 He is the leader of his people and the builder of a great city.
Gilgamesh is a superhuman hero. He is two parts god and one part human. He is the leader of his people and the builder of a great city. He suffers from excessive pride. With superhuman strength, courage, and persistence, he confronts obstacles and must deal with his human limitations. Gilgamesh may be the original epic hero. Gilgamesh holding a lion. From the palace of Sargon II 8th century B.C.

5 Many heroes, such as Beowulf, go on their quests alone
Many heroes, such as Beowulf, go on their quests alone. However, sometimes a hero is given a companion who serves as his FOIL. A FOIL is a character who helps to define another character by means of contrast. Examples may include Sherlock homes and Dr. Watson. Gilgamesh has a foil, and his name is Enkidu. Enkidu is Gilgamesh’s contrast because he is pure-hearted and uncomplicated. Gilgamesh, on the other hand, is handsome, courageous, strong, impulsive and willful.

6 Gilgamesh and Enkidu set out on a quest to destroy Humbaba who is the protector of the Cedar Forest where the gods live. Humbaba is evil and terrorizes humans, so Gilgamesh decides to rid the land of his presence.

7 Gilgamesh

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