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Heat Transfer NOTES.

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1 Heat Transfer NOTES

2 TOTAL energy of motion in molecules of a substance
Thermal Energy TOTAL energy of motion in molecules of a substance (therm=heat)

3 Average amount of energy in motion
Temperature Average amount of energy in motion * Measured with a thermometer

4 HEAT Energy Transfers…
from hotter object to COLDER object Heat hot cold

5 3 types of heat Transfer 1) Radiation: infrared (not visible) and FELT as heat, can be absorbed or emitted; example: the sun, heat from a fire, frying an egg. *Touch is NOT required!* 2) Conduction: transfer of heat by TOUCH, usually includes direct contact; example: when you touch a hot pot 3) Convection: transfer of heat by movement of molecules in a liquid/gas, no touch required, heat expands followed by cooling and contraction; example: typically how heat is transfered in the troposphere, water boiled in a pot, a convectoin (toaster) oven.

6 *Feel warmth on face from sun=
Radiation (infrared) Examples: *Feel warmth on face from sun= solar radiation * Warmth of a fire * Heat off car engine

7 Conduction=touch * Touching hot light bulb * Hot sand on feet
Examples: * Hot sand on feet * Touching hot light bulb * Touching metal on hot seatbelt * Stove to pan handle * Melting ice in hand

8 Convection * Boiling in water * Convection oven


10 Heat Transfer in the Troposphere
* 3.convection 1.RADIATION from the sun * CONVECTION is the most dominant heat transfer in the troposphere with the help of winds 2.Energy reaches the surface and is absorbed = CONDUCTION, then bounces back (rises)

11 Type Definition Examples: Radiation Conduction Convection

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