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Games and Storytelling

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Presentation on theme: "Games and Storytelling"— Presentation transcript:

1 Games and Storytelling
About Me Storytelling / Stories as Knowledge Games & Storytelling Examples & Discussion

2 About (the academic) Me
Literature Philosophy Games Technology Aesthetic Education Media Poetics

3 The (Most Recent) Everyday Me
I get some sleep.

4 Storytelling as Knowledge
"Storytelling reveals meaning without committing the error of defining it.“ – Hannah Arendt Men in Dark Times, 1968 Storytelling is a form of AESTHETIC reasoning In the context of our current technical culture… an imperative

5 Games: Some Ideas, Resources
Ergodics Methexis Story vs./& Simulation “Actionism” (& the need for game criticism) Media of “effortful attention” Espen Aarseth’s Cybertext Marie-Laure Ryan’s Narrative Across Media Henry Jenkins’s “Game Design as Narrative Architecture” Ian Bogost’s Unit Operations & Persuasive Games Critical Gaming Project First-Person Scholar


7 Henry Jenkins: Narrative Architecture
Narrative and Experience of Designed Spaces SPATIAL STORIES / ENVIRONMENTAL STORYTELLING

8 Evoke pre-existing narratives/narrative economies
1. Evocative Spaces Evoke pre-existing narratives/narrative economies

9 Design for evental “micronarratives”
2. Enacting Stories Design for evental “micronarratives”

10 Helps & cues for navigating narrational space
3. Embedded Narratives Twin Lamps / Slavery Car Crash TES3: Morrowind Dear Esther Helps & cues for navigating narrational space

11 Provide resources for creating an experiential story
4. Emergent Narratives SLEEP IS DEATH FAÇADE Provide resources for creating an experiential story

12 Britta Neitzel: Story Worlds
Mythological action-oriented, change of states Gnoseological discovery-oriented, unfolding of meaning Ideological pattern-oriented, realization of situation/relations

13 Habit, Regimentation, Mechanization
Fritz Lang Paolo Pedercini Metropolis Every Day the Same Dream FILM VIDEOGAME

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