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Video_Audio English Project

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Presentation on theme: "Video_Audio English Project"— Presentation transcript:

1 Video_Audio English Project
Yuying Chris Chang

2 Content Introduction Hatching the plot Choosing the right photos
Doing the voice Lumping them together Conclusion

3 Introduction What is your beef? Why video-audio English project?
What skills? What sources? How it looks? What is your beef? 剪接、轉場、特效、覆疊、字幕、配樂,到燒錄 可匯入與剪輯杜比AC-3聲音格式之DVD光碟影片檔,並燒錄出杜比AC-3雙聲道DVD影音光碟

4 Samples French animation English horror movie English animated movie
Japanese cartoon English article Brazilian creation English storybook

5 Hatching the Plot Read stories Gather ideas for your story
Know your characters Create your own story/climax Limit the breadth of your story Decide who will tell the story: first-person (“I”), second-person (“you”), or third-person (“he” or “she”) Start writing Discuss with your friends or instructors Keep revising your story

6 Create your story & Type it (30 minutes)
It’s Your Turn! Create your story & Type it (30 minutes)

7 Choosing the right photos
Decide how many photos/pictures Arrange the sequence Be consistent Use the Microsoft photos Get permission Draw the pictures yourself

8 Sequence your photos/pictures (10 minutes)
It’s Your Turn! Sequence your photos/pictures (10 minutes)

9 Doing the Voice Try to be native-like (example/video)
Pay attention to intonation/a conversational tone (example/practice) Be clear and loud enough Lower the volume of background music Give sound effects if necessary

10 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 2 Step 1


12 Other Sounds Background music: Sound effects:

13 It’s Your Turn! Do the voice & collect sound effects Route:
PC: 開始所有程式附屬應用程式娛樂錄音機 Ulead VideoStudio: 音訊 錄製語音 Others Limitation: 1 minute

14 Lump images, words, and sounds together Display the story fluently
Lumping together Lump images, words, and sounds together Display the story fluently

15 Operation Interface

16 Inserting Materials

17 Time Sequence

18 Trimming Video/Photos

19 Displaying Effects

20 Giving the Caption

21 Sounds

22 Output

23 Conclusion Content Performance

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