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Mythology Week 4 Raprich.

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1 Mythology Week 4 Raprich

2 Monday May 18th 1. Siren (n.) 1. dangerous, attractive woman 2. apparatus for sounding loud warnings (from the Sirens, whose sweet singing lured mariners to their destruction on the rocks) 2. Thespian (n.) pertaining to drama or acting (from Thespis, father of Greek drama) 3. Titanic- (adj.) of enormous strength, size, or power (from the Titans, lawless, powerful giants defeated by Zeus) 4. Mnemonic (adj.) A device, such as a formula or rhyme, used as an aid in remembering (from Mnemosyne, the goddess of memory) 5. Chaos (n.) great disorder or confusion (from Chaos (Khaos), the first of the Protogenoi and the god of the air)

3 Week of May 18th “I believe in everything until it's disproved. So I believe in fairies, the myths, dragons. It all exists, even if it's in your mind. Who's to say that dreams and nightmares aren't as real as the here and now?”  ― John Lennon Respond to the quote in at least four sentences.

4 Tuesday May 19th 6. Zeal (n.) intense enthusiasm; devotion; fervor (from Zelos, god of great enthusiasm) 7. Nocturnal (adj.) of, relating to, or occurring in the night (from Nyx, primordial goddess of the night) 8. Psychology (n.) the science dealing with the mind and mental and emotional processes (from Psyche, a maiden made immortal and married to Cupid) 9. Insomnia (n.) the inability to sleep (from Somnus, god of sleep) 10. Apostrophes- used in possessive nouns, contractions, and in some plurals. Write the letter of the correct use of an apostrophe. a. guy's night out (implies only one guy) b. guys' night out (guy + s + apostrophe) c. two actresses' roles (actress + es + apostrophe) d. two actress's roles

5 Tuesday May 19th After studying the picture, write two observations and one question that you have. Use complete sentences and end marks.

6 Wednesday May 20th Shakespeare was not only a playwright but also a ________________________. I can only remember the names of the Great Lakes by using the ____________________ HOMES. She suffers from _______________ and is extremely tired all day.

7 Wednesday May 20th Write down the following Greek Root Words and their meaning. cosm- world or universe Ex. cosmic, microcosm graph/gram- write, draw, or record EX. graph, graphic, telegraph log- word of study Ex. logic, cosmetology micro- small Ex. microscopic, micro computer phon- sound Ex. microphone, phonics photo- light Ex. photographer, photocopy scop/skept- look at, examine Ex. skeptic, skeptical, microscope tel/ tele- far, distant, Ex. telephone, telescope

8 Thursday, May 21th 1. cosmic- 2. graphic- 3. hematology- 4. microchip-
5. phonics-

9 Friday, May 22th colossal, monumental, enormous, _________________
Write down three words synonyms and add the correct vocabulary word to complete the set. colossal, monumental, enormous, _________________ disorder, confusion, commotion, _____________________ enthusiasm, passion, fervor, _________________

10 Friday, May 22th 1. What was the message of this Ted Talk? 2. What can you apply to your life starting now?

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