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Presentation on theme: "FERNDALE HOUSING COMMISSION"— Presentation transcript:

2017 Strategic Plan

2 Home is a springboard. Shelter is a basic need, housing is an adequate foundation, but HOME is a springboard. Safe, stable housing can be the determining factoring in making/breaking a family’s success: economic, physical, mental, social…having a strong foundation can make all the difference. 19 million families qualify for rental assistance, 7.3 million receive it.

3 Shifting demographics will shape housing
Rental assistance to households with children fell by over 14% from , and for seniors it increase by almost 8%; MAJOR surge 57% increase in assistance for those with disabilities; aging in place and connection to community is critical

4 Ferndale + Affordable Housing =
Great Match! Close to shopping, transportation, library, churches, parks, city buildings, post office, all the things that make someone feel part of a COMMUNITY.

5 Visionary Leadership On October 8, 2016 the FHC Board met to talk about who we are, what we believe, where we’ve been, & where we are headed

6 Mission: What do we do, for whom, & why?
Vision: What should FHC look like in 5 years? Values: What are the core values that guide our pursuit of success? Goals: What are the specific things we'd like to achieve? Plans: How & when will we do it? Budgets: What will it cost? Measures: How will we know we've succeeded? How can we achieve superior performance, that will have a distinctive impact on this community? How can we build an enduring legacy?

7 Our Values & Strengths

8 Our Mission Thanks for the picture, Councilman Martin! “The Ferndale Housing Commission assures high quality, affordable housing and access to social and community services, where those we serve feel secure and welcome within a diverse and inclusive community that is caring, participatory, and values each person.”

9 Tie to Mission Goal/Action Outcomes/Success Evidence/Measure Timeframe/Budget Access to social & community services Secure an on-site social worker and/or community health worker to connect residents to health, social, economic and other resources Residents have greater access to employment opportunities & quality of life improvements Number of residents who participate in social/educational/enrichment/health activities Number of resident who access other resources facilitated/promoted by FHC 2017 Some grant-funded programs may exist, or utilize existing staff budget to reallocate for contractual support Diverse & inclusive community Build strong relationships with community groups and a strong external “brand” Community if aware of, proud of, and supportive of FHC Residents feel connected to the broader Ferndale community FHC has collaborative partnerships with other groups Community participation in FHC open house and/or other event(s) Residents engage in community groups/activities (library, city council, boards/commissions, etc.) Joint programs between FHC & other groups FHC is able to leverage external resources Budget allocated for website improvements, resident activities Secure & welcome Develop clear expectations and pursue strict enforcement Create a communication strategy Residents trust FHC and are proud to be a part of FHC Fewer complaints Fewer violations/evictions High performing resident committees with specific plans/goals Residents participate in FHC (attend meetings, give input, respond to surveys) Resident surveys 2017: Strict enforcement Budget allocated for legal support to review updated handbook; assist with more aggressive enforcement Budget allocated for resident activities 1-3 years communication strategy High quality & affordable housing Complete a comprehensive physical needs assessment (PNA) Develop corresponding long-term capital plan Properties are in routine maintenance mode; deferred maintenance has been remedied, major projects are completed or planned Marked improvement at the unit level Work order volume and completion rate (24 hours for emergency, 48 hours for urgent, fewer than 5 days for routine) 2017 PNA Budget allocated for PNA, significant capital improvements 1-3 years capital plan 1-3 years major property improvements

10 Tie to Mission Goal Outcomes/Success Evidence/Measure Timeframe/Budget We serve Revamp foundational policy manuals (ACOP, Adm. Manual, Personnel Policy, Resident Handbook, Lease, Maintenance Plan, EEO Policy) Revisit ALL policies of FHC Complete forensic audit Business operations are modern, efficient & effective Processes automated, extensive reporting functionality Business and personnel policies are up-to-date Website overhaul planned Clear and complete understanding of all financials and accounts Increased use of online forms and systems Improved business analytics (i.e. inventory systems, performance reports) Capacity to use infographics, other reporting to demonstrate strong performance Number of hits on website 2017: Foundational policies Budget allocated for consulting support to update ACOP, Adm. Manual Budget allocated for legal support in reviewing Personnel Manual, lease, resident handbook  1-3 Years: ALL Policies Caring, participatory, values each person Create a customer-focused, service oriented culture Staff is inspired by our mission and passionate about doing great work for FHC and its residents Positive “secret shopper” experiences Empowered staff who initiates solutions, drives change Staff engagement with residents Performance evaluations & metrics Customer feedback cards Resident surveys Training in mental health first aid training, customer service, etc. Customer-focused website Streamlined and customer-focused procedures, processes 2017 Budget allocated for staff training, website improvements Social & community services Explore and secure grants and alternative funding for expanded programs, services, improvements Research and information is assembled, development underway  TBD 1-3 years High quality affordable housing Expand affordable housing in the community, explore feasibility of RAD or other models 3-5 years expansion 1-3 years RAD feasibility Become a national model TBD  3-5 years

11 And now…we WORK!


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