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Widen the Walls? Growth Project

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Presentation on theme: "Widen the Walls? Growth Project"— Presentation transcript:

1 Widen the Walls? Growth Project
The Episcopal Church of Saint Peter by-the-Lake Growth Project Discernment Committee

2 Please Be Interactive - Ask Lots of Questions
Agenda Topic Duration Get Started & Introductions 10 min Growth Project Phases 5 min Why Now? 15 min Review Preliminary Ideas 20 min Are We Ready? 5 min What Else? 5 min Please Be Interactive - Ask Lots of Questions Our goal is to spend an hour (maybe less) reviewing preliminary ideas to Widen the Walls at Saint Peter by-the-Lake. Your feedback and ideas are critical in helping create the foundational plan that will support our church in our Ministries and Mission: “Be Disciples, Engage The World”.

3 Get Started & Introductions
I Corinthians 3: 9-11 For we are God’s servants, working together; you are God’s field, God’s building. According to the grace of God given to me, like a skilled master builder I laid a foundation, and someone else is building on it. Each builder must choose with care how to build on it. For no one can lay any foundation other than the one that has been laid; that foundation is Jesus Christ. Meet the Discernment Team Meet Each Other Jim Heil Karen Horne Dave Pittinaro Jim Hallman Dave Flannery Diane Davis

4 Building / Construction
Growth Project Phases Engaging the congregation in the discernment process and capturing their voice. Inform the congregation of the reasons growth is being explored. Provide supporting visual materials of how expansion might look. Discernment We Are Here! Phase 1 Does the parish understand the need for a capital campaign and do they agree with it? Will the parish work to support a capital campaign? Assess ability to support a capital campaign, and if so, how much? Feasibility Phase 2 Develop and execute a capital campaign drive base on feasibility. Determine the amount of parish financial support required in order to move forward. Oversee pledge collection, acknowledgement and progress. Capital Campaign Phase 3 Identify and retain the services of architecture and construction firms. Liaise with the firms for building expansion exploration activities. Identify and procure furnishings for the expansion. Building / Construction Phase 4

5 Let’s Start With the “Why”…
Are we growing with Denver? Have you felt crowded at church? Can your family find seats at Christmas & Easter services? Is there enough space to teach ourselves and our children?

6 Let’s Start With the “Why”…
Growth planning has been a prayerful part of the Vestry's consideration for more than 10 years Observing community and parish growth: Average Sunday attendance for both services from 2010 to 2015 has remained the same at around 184/185 Average Sunday attendance at the 10:30am service has remained at 135/136 In 2010 the population of Denver was 18,287; it grew 13.9%, to 20,837 in 2015 5,000 approved lots in Lincoln County yielding an estimated 7,000 new residents Just under 1% (.92%) of Denver’s population identify themselves as Episcopalian Our building can feel crowded at times: In 1996, average Sunday attendance was 85 people which grew to 184 in 2015 There are many Sundays of the year when seating at 10:30am is pushed to the limits of current capacity. Our 2015 Easter and Christmas services each had 240. Many other services also push our capacity (e.g. Lessons & Carrols, Baptisms, Funerals)

7 Let’s Start With the “Why”…
>100% Capacity >70% Capacity Studies from the Alban Institute and many other Church study organizations note that when a worship space is 70 to 80% full, visitors will see it as completely full, and will seek other places to worship.

8 Let’s Start With the “Why”…
The Vestry has commissioned a Growth Project team to start the initial exploration of expanding the Nave This is the initial phase called “Discernment” and our goal is to engage the ENTIRE congregation in conversation about addressing our needs All are invited and all opinions are important Nothing is decided or set in stone at this time Feedback will be captured to help refine the initial plans What this is not... This is not about feasibility or asking for financial support. That will come after Discernment and once we have a plan that balances the overall needs of our Church Family.

9 Let’s Review Preliminary Ideas…
Expansion is more economical than new building and optimizes our resources Minimize structural change to existing building footprint Keep same look and feel to worship area (knotty pine) Adjust expansion roofline to control costs Increase seating capacity: Initial plan provides an additional 100 seats or ~55% growth (180 to 280) Create more space around altar and altar rail Provide special needs members with better worship experience and building access Create more space between front row and altar rail Better space for choir and musical instruments Initial plan provides an additional 10 seats or ~70% growth (14 to 24) Additional Christian Formation space to support our various programs and ministries Initial plan provides an additional 2 rooms or ~50% growth (4 to 6) Modify external building materials to be more animal and weather tolerant Update Narthex to create a larger area (Parlor) that better uses the space

10 Let’s Review Preliminary Ideas…
2 New Seating (19 In This Area) 7 1 5 New Parlor Elevator Existing Seating (14 In This Area) 3 New Altar Area 4 6 New Sacristy 1 Existing Seating (95 In This Area) 2 New Seating (57 In This Area) Updated Narthex 1 Existing Seating (24 In This Area) New New Choir Area (24 In This Area) Existing 2

11 Let’s Review Preliminary Ideas…
8 New Entry/Exit 3 1 New Classroom #5 Nursery New Nursery Existing Classroom #1 9 6 2 Elevator & Hallway 5 4 New Bathroom Existing Classroom #4 New Choir Rehearsal Area 1 New Classroom #4 Choir & Acolyte Storage 7 7 Existing Classroom #2 Existing Classroom #3 New Office New Office 1 1 8 2 6 New Classroom #6 New Entry/ Exit New 6 Existing

12 Let’s Review Preliminary Ideas…
Relocate rose window New external siding material Additional Nave window New lower entry/exit Stained glass windows will be incorporated into new front view

13 Are We Ready? There are many things to consider as we determine if we are ready as a Church Family to Widen The Walls. Here are a few items that might help with your own assessment. Preliminary costs of < $1 million: Furr Hall debt is ~$113K (as of April 2016) with expected payoff by mid 2019 Church is financially stable and the timing is right to explore growth $887,000 Building, Architect Fees, Elevator $94,978 Contents (Pews, Carpet, Lights, etc.) $981,978 Total Estimate

14 What Else? What else is on your mind? Questions?

15 Widen the Walls? Appendix

16 Growth Project Team Project Leader: Sherree Brady Phase 1 Discernment
Captain: Jim Heil Phase 4 Building / Construction Captain: Tom Grace Phase 3 Capital Campaign Leo Soorus Phase 2 Feasibility Captain: Patrick Duggan Communications Team Captains: Dave Smith, Carole Rowell

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