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Concept of Writing a Case Report

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1 Concept of Writing a Case Report
Dr. Renuka P. ChanRe Diagnostic laboratory

2 Case Report A clinical case report is the first line of evidence in medical field Description of a single case with unique features A means to communicate the information about a rare or unreported condition, a diagnostic method, a complication, or treatment outcome Used to identify emerging pathology One of the first steps in writing

3 Hierarchy of evidence Randomised controlled trials,
Controlled trials without randomisation, Other prospective experimental trials, Observational studies, Case-control studies, Case series, Case reports; with expert opinion and consensus

4 Famous Case Reports William MacIntyre and Henry Bence-Jones  found that Mr McBean’s urine was “abound in animal matter” a protein called Bence-Jones protein in Multiple Myeloma Sigmund Freud recorded case history of OCD (rat man), dissociative disorder (Anna O), phobias (Little Hans) and post-traumatic disorder (wolf man). Paul Pierre Broca - Broca’s area, the speech production centre in the brain

5 Identify a potential case report
Common manifestation of an unusual disorder Uncommon manifestation of an usual disorder A new disorder/treatment Identify by trying to find the unexplained findings

6 Type of case reports Diagnosis-related Management-related
a. Unusual or new disease. b. Unusual presentation of known disease. c. New methods of diagnosis. d. Unusual or new aetiology. e. Unexpected association between diseases or symptoms. Management-related a. New or improved treatment type. b. New or rare side effects or complication of treatment

7 Structure of a case report
Title Abstract (journal dependent) Introduction (journal dependent) Case report Discussion Acknowledgements (optional) References Illustrations (optional)

8 Authors First author: does most work, listed first
2nd, 3rd, etc authors: listed in order of contribution Senior author: listed last “Corresponding” author – Usually first or senior author Only authors who have done a significant contribution should be included International Committee of Medical Journal Editors guidelines – 3 criteria

9 Introduction/ background
Introduces the patient case to the reader. Concise, Salient. State the subject & background information for clarity. Why this case is unique: Previously unreported? A new pattern? Previously unsuspected relationship? Unusual diagnosis, prognosis, therapy, harm? Justify the merit of the case report . Describe the strategy, extent & dates of the database searched for literature review and provide search terms.

10 Case Presentation Describe the case in narrative form & chronological order typically comprising clinical history, physical examination findings, investigative results, differential diagnosis, working diagnosis, management, follow-up and final diagnosis Provide patient demographics (age, sex, height, weight, race, occupation). Avoid patient identifiers (date of birth, initials). Describe the patient’s complaint, present illness, social, family history & medical history

11 Literature Review Can appear after the Case Presentation or usually be included in Discussion section More specific discussion of the disease entity, therapy, etc. Focus on the source of surprise or confusion in the case Not the entire body of work on topic. Remember space limitations!

12 Discussion Most difficult section, should be brief and to-the-point
Explain, clarify and interpret key findings, Explain the objective of case report Present the relevant kit literature Compare and contrast the nuances of the case report with the literature review. List the limitations of the case report and describe their relevance. Summarize the salient features of the case report. Draw recommendations and conclusions.

13 Conclusion Brief and not exceeding one paragraph.
A justified conclusion & evidence-based recommendations only. Describe how the information learned applies to one’s own practice. Focus on the main learning points Take-home message should be emphasized

14 Acknowledgement Optional
Help received from colleagues who do not justify authorship Sources of funding Consent from the patient, Anonymously acknowledging the patient Patient privacy

15 References Only use references used to support the case study
Just adequate in number Primarily from peer reviewed journal articles References should be formatted appropriately, as described in the journal’s instructions for authors or in the Uniform Requirements (Vancouver style, etc) as

16 Abstract Most important part
Concise and condensed version of the case report  with word limit “Short and sweet” Structured with no abbreviations Background : Introduction and Rarity. Case presentation. Conclusion – Learning points and impact of report. Important as indexed by most electronic databases

17 Title Accurately and succinctly describe the case
Sufficiently informative to interest the reader Effective Facilitate retrieval with electronic searching

18 Journal Find 3-4 suitable journals Audience Field Impact factor
Likelihood for publication Review sample of published case reports Review Instructions for Authors for particular journals Space limitations are paramount in minds of editors!

19 Review Revisions: of content, of order, of grammar, for consistency, to follow journal requirements Use plain simple english Take support of senior colleague Get feedback from co-authors

20 Enhance chance of acceptance
Follow the journal’s instructions for authors when preparing a manuscript – Available on journal website Usually must confirm to: “Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals”: When formatting a paper, ensure to satisfy both sets of instructions before submitting a paper.

21 To recapitulate Identify case report Literature search
Uniqueness & learning point of case. Authors Appropriate journal – Get instructions Further literature search Compile case info and source articles Assign a reference number to each reference source and form a list Write up the case and discussion in the required format using reference numbers

22 Case Report Case report should be honest & factual
The case reported should be unique, rare or unusual. The manuscript should be short and succinct. The case should add value to diagnosis or management. There should be a clear learning point

23 Submission Review the order, attach the relevant documents such as the covering letter, list of authors, labelled photographs, legends, copyright, etc as required Margins, spacing, figure numbering, and style of references(Vancouver, Harvard, and so on), all are important aspects Mail your manuscript with cover letter Acknowledgements

24 Osler once said “Always note and record the unusual…Publish it.  Place it on permanent record as a short, concise note. Such communications are always of value.”

25 Wish you the Best for Medical Writing Thank You

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