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ANAB AQMS Accreditation Activity

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1 ANAB AQMS Accreditation Activity
Lori Scheid-Gillespie Manager, ANAB Accreditation

2 AQMS Overview Accredited Certification Bodies (CBs) 35 AS9100 7 AS9110
Applicant CBs 0 AS9100 9 AS9110 0 AS9120 Increased Surveillance Frequency (2009) 3 CB’s (twice per year for office assessments and AS9100 witnessed audits) Suspensions 3 suspensions (current) Withdrawals One in January 2009 (DVC-USA, voluntarily)

3 Aerospace Complaints against ANAB accredited CBs

4 2008 Aerospace Complaints Detail
278 (19 Dec 2008) – CB completed a Stage 1 audit to AS9100C, organization is complaining because it is not a valid Stage 1. Closed, with action Worked out the issue with the complainant CB put corrective action in place to avoid this in the future. Complaints in italics were provided previously and has no changes. Complaints in bold are new or were updated since the last meeting.

5 ANAB Aerospace Appeals
A43 – Received February WITHDRAWN CB appealed an NCR issued during a AS9100 witnessed audit in regards to documented justification for audit time. CB addressed the NCR and withdrew the appeal Appeals in italics were provided previously. Appeals in bold are new.

6 ANAB Office Assessments & Witnessed Audits
39 required 35 Annual 4 completed (1 did not include AQMS) ~ 21 confirmed ~ 10 scheduling 5 in October 1 in November (working on moving) 4 Follow-up completed Witnessed Audits 6 completed ~ 11 confirmed ~ 18 unscheduled 2 in October 4 Follow-up 2 completed ~ 2 unscheduled

7 ANAB Aerospace NCR’s issued during Office Assessments lessons learned from 2005 – certificates, corrective actions lessons learned from 2006 – audit reports, corrective actions, internal audit not including AS, scoring

8 NCR’s issued during AQMS Maintenance Witnessed Audits lessons learned from 2005 – certificates, corrective actions, in depth lessons learned from 2006 – audit time, OASIS, auditing in depth lessons learned from 2007 – depth of auditing, reports, planning, NCR generating/closure

9 ANAB 2009 NCR’s Totals 4 NCR’s (to aerospace requirements) during 3 office assessments 1 major & 3 minor 4 minor NCR’s during 6 AQMS witnessed audits

10 Proposed Revision to Resolution 45
Current resolution: 9104 clarification to provide Harmonized Requirements for… Surveillance at least one annual office and one annual witness assessment, but include each accredited standard at least once in the accreditation cycle during the annual activities. PROBLEM – There is no value in witnessing AS9120 audits. ANAB is very leery of witnessing an AS9120 audit and nothing else for aerospace in a given year. Proposed Revision For surveillance, at least one annual office assessment and one annual witness assessment shall be conducted. During the accreditation cycle, the witness assessment program must include AS9100 and AS9110 when the CB is accredited for both. Note: Annual AS9120 witness assessments are not required. If due to specific AS9120 issues the AB is requiring an AS9120 witness assessment then it shall be in addition to the annual AQMS witness assessment.

11 Questions / Comments

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