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Jeopardy Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeopardy Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200
Political Parties Types of States and Governments British Influences Early America The Constitution Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

2 $100 Question from Types of States and Governments
Which are there more of in the world developed or underdeveloped countries?

3 $100 Answer from Types of States and Governments
Underdeveloped (7) (Underdeveloped means you have low Technology, few natural resources, and political problems)

4 $200 Question from Types of States and Governments
How many people rule in an autocracy (whose examples include constitutional monarchies, totalitarian dictatorships, and an absolute monarchy)?

5 $200 Answer from Types of States and Governments
One person (11)

6 $300 Question from Types of States and Governments
The 4 things that make up a state are: population, territory, government, and sovereignty – What is sovereignty?

7 $300 Answer from Types of States and Governments
The ability of an area to be independent And not have to answer to anyone else (1 and 2)

8 $400 Question from Types of States and Governments
Part of the theory of capitalism is to have control over what 4 factors of production?

9 $400 Answer from Types of States and Governments
Land Labor Capital Management (18)

10 $500 Question from Types of States and Governments
What funds government programs in a socialist economy?

11 $500 Answer from Types of States and Governments
High taxes and the profits from government owned businesses (24)

12 $100 Question from British Influences
What are the 2 houses which make up the British Parliament?

13 $100 Answer from British Influences
The House of Lords (the upper house) and the House of Commons (the lower house) (34)

14 $200 Question from British Influences
Great Britain is known as a constitutional monarchy but is also a type of democracy – What type is it?

15 $200 Answer from British Influences
Representative Democracy (17)

16 $300 Question from British Influences
How do Locke and Hobbes’ theories about government differ in regards to the agreement made between the people and the government?

17 $300 Answer from British Influences
Hobbes thinks the people should give all their power to the ruler while Locke says that the people should hold onto some of their power (6)

18 $400 Question from British Influences
What was created to solve the problem of the Magna Carta applying only to the nobility/ the rich?

19 $400 Answer from British Influences
The English Bill of Rights (which spoke of such rights as the ability to protest against the government, have a trial with a jury, And no cruel and unusual punishments) (33)

20 $500 Question from British Influences
What are the 2 major political parties in Great Britain today?

21 $500 Answer from British Influences
The Labour Party (which is currently the majority party) and the Conservative Party (35)

22 $100 Question from Early America
Who wrote the Declaration of Independence which contained portions having to do with basic human rights, complaints against King George, and the idea that such harsh treatment would never happen again in the colonies?

23 $100 Answer from Early America
Thomas Jefferson (Thomas Paine influenced it) (45)

24 $200 Question from Early America
King George III rose taxes in the colonies due to which war?

25 $200 Answer from Early America
French and Indian War (42)

26 $300 Question from Early America
The modern-day positions of Secretary of the Defense, Treasury, and State were all created due to which document?

27 $300 Answer from Early America
The Articles of Confederation (47)

28 $400 Question from Early America
Who chose the governor, legislature, and courts for the charter colonies?

29 $400 Answer from Early America
The People (40)

30 $500 Question from Early America
The colonies were angry at the British for raising their taxes because it was in violation of the no “taxation without representation” portion of what document?

31 $500 Answer from Early America
The English Bill of Rights (43)

32 $100 Question from the Constitution
Who did the Constitutional Convention say should elect the president ?

33 $100 Answer from the Constitution
The Electoral College (58)

34 $200 Question from the Constitution
What type of states did the Virginia Plan by Edmund Randolph and James Madison favor ?

35 $200 Answer from the Constitution
Largely populated states (because it wanted representation in the legislature to be based solely on population) (54)

36 $300 Question from the Constitution
What is popular sovereignty?

37 $300 Answer from the Constitution
The idea that the people have the power to choose who rules and can remove whoever they are unhappy with (65)

38 $400 Question from the Constitution
Which amendment gave women the right to vote ? (Hint: It was passed in 1920)

39 $400 Answer from the Constitution
The 19th Amendment (75)

40 $500 Question from the Constitution
Under which article and section is the “elastic clause” found ?

41 $500 Answer from the Constitution
Article I, Section 8 (68)

42 $100 Question from Political Parties and Voting
What party has dominated the Congress the most since after the Civil War?

43 $100 Answer from Political Parties and Voting
Democrats (89)

44 $200 Question from Political Parties and Voting
What is the most common political party system in the world today?

45 $200 Answer from Political Parties and Voting
Multi-Party System (83)

46 $300 Question from Political Parties and Voting
What’s a collection of political parties who rule together because they don’t have the votes on their own called?

47 $300 Answer from Political Parties and Voting
A coalition! (86)

48 $400 Question from Political Parties and Voting
What are the 3 types of 3rd parties?

49 $400 Answer from Political Parties and Voting
Ideological (parties which promote a certain way of life or philosophy – like the Libertarian Party) Single Issue (a party which concentrates on one issue only – like the Prohibition Party ) Splinter (a party which breaks off from another - Like the Bull Moose and maybe the Tea Party) (92)

50 $500 Question from Political Parties and Voting
Name an issue that caused the Democrats/Republicans to split?

51 $500 Answer from Political Parties and Voting
Slavery, Banking, Tariffs (91)

52 Final Jeopardy Question
What was the first state to ratify the Constitution?

53 (making it one of the nine necessary to ratify the Constitution)
Final Jeopardy Answer Delaware (making it one of the nine necessary to ratify the Constitution) (60, 62)

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