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Conservation and Sustainable Development

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Presentation on theme: "Conservation and Sustainable Development"— Presentation transcript:

1 Conservation and Sustainable Development
Looking after our Natural Resources

2 Resources exploited by humans on a daily basis
Natural Resources Resources exploited by humans on a daily basis

3 Conservation and Sustainable Development
Human survival is dependant on the use of natural resources Physical resources – water, minerals, air Biological resources – plants, animals

4 Environmental Conservation
To protect natural environment from destructive impact of humans HOW?

5 Initially through laws and restrictions

6 Now by Environmental Management

7 Environmental Management
Allows interaction between people and the natural environment BUT with the least possible damage Must know about ecology of the area To determine impact of interaction Environmental Impact Assessment Assesses the degree of development possible without harming the ecology of an area


9 Approaches to doing this?
Tradeable permits Polluting businesses buy permits to allow them to pollute up to a certain level If production increases and pollution exceeds the amount on the permit, fines are paid or new permits are purchased Businesses which do not pollute can purchase permits and sell them at a profit So an incentive exists to be efficient (zero pollutant)

TAXES: Eg: businesses who dispose of a lot of waste must pay a tax for every ton of rubbish put in a landfill REGULATIONS: Certain activities may be banned outright eg making it illegal to dispose of waste in a landfill (therefore find other method of disposal)

11 Sustainable Development
Encourages economic growth and development but resources are conserved Allows improvement of human lifestyles without damaging the Earths’ main resources Restricts use of resources to within the “natural carrying capacity of the region”

12 Why Sustainable Development?
World Population is increasing

13 3.5 billion people are now living in urban areas

14 Why Sustainable Development?
Natural Resources are being exploited

15 Why Sustainable Development?
Destruction of Ecological Processes

16 Why Sustainable Development?
Unspoilt environments can be used as recreation areas

17 Why Sustainable Development?
Many species are threatened with extinction

18 Conservation Measures
Holistic approach Not just “Save the Whale” Rather “Save the Ecosystems” International goal to set aside 10% of land area to parks and nature reserves RSA 5.1% of land area already

19 Other Conservation Measures
                                                                                                   Other Conservation Measures Catch and relocate game to where they originally roamed

20 Other Conservation Measures
                                                                                                   Other Conservation Measures Protect species through quota system and seasons E.g crayfish

21 Other Conservation Measures
                                                                                                   Other Conservation Measures Promote game farming

22 Other Conservation Measures
Education At schools At tertiary institutions Through media

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