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Final Animal Farm Lit. Circle

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1 Final Animal Farm Lit. Circle
Please retrieve piggy packet. No stamps today….because I’ll collect the whole thing in a bit! Final Animal Farm Lit. Circle

2 What to do: Choose a group leader.
Leader will lead the discussion by asking each person their answer, and then they will share their own answer. You will have a few minutes to discuss each question; when the time is up, we’ll share as a whole class following each question.

3 Question #2 from your piggy packet:
What advantage can Napoleon gain by educating the piglets himself? Why do you think he discourages them from playing with the other animals?

4 #3 from piggy packet “All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others.” Is this true? Is it fair that those who are smarter have more influence in decision making?

5 #5 from piggy packet: Share your pictures of Napoleon violating at least three of the original commandments; vote on the best within your group to share under the doc camera.

6 #7 from piggy packet: Animal Farm is an allegory. An allegory is a story in which people, things and happenings have symbolic meaning. Think of several things in the novel that represent something other than what they are. Explain.

7 #8 from piggy packet: Read the last sentence of Animal Farm. Read it again. And again. Based on this final sentence, what theme do you think the author is trying to send about the novel as a whole or about human nature? Make your claim and defend it!

8 #9 from piggy packet: Animal Farm contains many extremely effective scenes. Some are humorous or witty; others are bitterly ironic or pessimistic. Which scene did you find the most memorable and effective? Why?

9 #10 Why do you think Orwell uses animals to tell his political story? In what ways is this effective or does the story benefit from his choice?

10 defection of the intellectuals time of experimentation reign of terror
Finally: Stages of Revolution Discuss as a group and compare your answers: preliminary unrest  defection of the intellectuals time of experimentation reign of terror new system

11 Let’s say goodbye to the piggies and turn in our books and packets!!

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