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Nutrition for Kids: Ideas for Enjoying Healthy Food

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Presentation on theme: "Nutrition for Kids: Ideas for Enjoying Healthy Food"— Presentation transcript:

1 Nutrition for Kids: Ideas for Enjoying Healthy Food
By Amber Tovey

2 Options! Salad bar Yogurt bar Oatmeal bar Smoothie Menu (choose the fruit and yogurt that an adult will blend) Sandwich Menu Snack Bag: Have different cereals, dried fruits, and nuts for students to choose from.

3 Play! Sandwiches in fun shapes: use cookie cutters to create a sandwich they will be excited to eat Food Art: use different fruits and vegetables (such as sliced bananas and sliced cucumbers) to make a clever snack plate Fruit Waffle Cone: As a yummy dessert, kids can fill a waffle cone with fruit and top it with yogurt Sandwich Puzzles: Cut the sandwich in different shapes that make a puzzle for the child to put together.

4 Bring it home! Recipe Book: Give the children 3 prong folders that they can decorate to create their very own recipe book. Have a new recipe each week that kids can add to their recipe book. Make sure it includes pictures so the kids get excited with an enticing visual. The kids can bring it home to their parents to make a simple yet healthy meal. After School Snack: Peel a banana and dip it in yogurt. Roll in crushed cereal and freeze so they can have a nice after school snack to enjoy at home. First Organics: Give the children a few seeds of different vegetables and fruits to take home and plant or designate a vegetable and fruit garden at the school for the kids to cultivate their own yummy treats.

5 information Show what they are eating: Take the grams of sugar from a soft drink or juice shown on the label , multiply by the number of servings in the container Then use an 8-ounce glass and pour that many teaspoons of sugar Music: dance to learn!

6 Resources fc5e1c949d53.html &qscrl=1&nord=1&rlz=1T4ACGW_enUS380US381&biw=1366&bih=581&tbm=is ch&tbnid=J44hrS6sk8e6SM:&imgrefurl= fun-vegetables-plant-kids.html&docid=V- sp7sLTAjK_5M&imgurl= photo/getty/article/178/0/ _XS.jpg&w=400&h=267&ei=MNQRUK7cK MiKiAK_8oHIBw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=390&vpy=198&dur=475&hovh=183&h ovw=275&tx=155&ty=117&sig= &page=7&tbnh=11 4&tbnw=135&ndsp=28&ved=1t:429,r:23,s:166,i:348

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