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ASAM NUKLEAT Oleh : DR. Ir. Joni Kusnadi, MSi..

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Presentation on theme: "ASAM NUKLEAT Oleh : DR. Ir. Joni Kusnadi, MSi.."— Presentation transcript:

1 ASAM NUKLEAT Oleh : DR. Ir. Joni Kusnadi, MSi.

2 DNA structure. History: 1868 Miescher – discovered nuclein
1944 Avery – experimental evidence that DNA is constituent of genes. 1953 Watson&Crick – double helical nature of DNA. 1980 X-ray structure of more than a full turn of B-DNA.


4 Adapted from the Merck Manuals On-line Medical Library: http://www
Adapted from Molecular Expression ( Animal cells develop to specific cell types in different organs (differentiations). Specific cell types are for specific biological functions (e.g. production and secretion of specific hormones or enzymes).


6 Nucleus






12 Five types of bases.

13 Nucleotides and phosphodiester bond.

14 Complementarity of nucleosides – bases for double stranded helical structure

15 DNA base: thymine (pyrimidine) monophosphate sugar: 2’-deoxyribose
sugar: 2’-deoxyribose 5’ 4’ 1’ (5’ to 3’) 3’ 2’ 3’ linkage base:adenine (purine) 5’ linkage no 2’-hydroxyl

16 DNA: terminology nucleoside base phosphate(s) sugar
nucleotides (nucleoside mono-, di-, and triphosphates)

17 DNA: structure DNA is double stranded DNA strands are antiparallel
G-C pairs have 3 hydrogen bonds A-T pairs have 2 hydrogen bonds One strand is the complement of the other Major and minor grooves present different surfaces 7. Cellular DNA is almost exclusively B-DNA 8. B-DNA has ~10.5 bp/turn of the helix


19 RNA: terminology base sugar nucleoside
Base Nucleoside (RNA) Deoxynucleoside (DNA) Adenine Adenosine Deoxyadenosine Guanine Guanosine Deoxyguanosine Cytosine Cytidine Deoxycytidine Uracil Uridine (not usually found) Thymine (not usually found) (Deoxy)thymidine base sugar nucleoside

20 RNA: Structure RNA can be single or double stranded
G-C pairs have 3 hydrogen bonds A-U pairs have 2 hydrogen bonds Single-stranded, double-stranded, and loop RNA present different surfaces

21 Double helical structure of DNA.
A- and B-DNA – right-handed helix, Z-DNA – left-handed helix B-DNA – fully hydrated DNA in vivo, 10 base pairs per turn of helix

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