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Year 9 Subject Selection Information Evening

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1 Year 9 Subject Selection Information Evening

2 Welcome Mr Nigel Hughes

3 Year 9 to 10 Transition Mr Damien Burke

4 Our pathway credo Develop and implement pathway education programs for the entire school community that ensures valid and viable pathways selection leading to post-secondary success for all students. (School Strategic Plan )

5 Year 10 – The traditional model
Senior Secondary Year 12 Year 11 Junior Secondary Year 10 Year 9 the gap Year 8 Year 7

6 Year 10 – Our model Senior Secondary Year 12 Year 11 Junior Secondary
no gap Year 8 Year 7

7 Subject Selection Philosophy
Year 7 & 8 Elective trials Year 9 Elective trials + Specialisation Year 10 Specialisation Career Pathway Selection Year 11 Career Pathway Consolidation

8 Subject Selection – Year 10
Students to be mindful of: Career pathway progression Subjects in Year 11 Am I picking the right thing? Year 10 Specialisation Career Pathway Selection

9 Year 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 Four Core – 12 months Electives – 12 months
Semester 1 English Maths History Science Elective 1 Elective 2 Semester 2 (Elective) Four Core – 12 months Electives – 12 months History Electives (History, Geography, Psychology) Electives (2 for 12 months each): Art, Business, Dance, Drama, Health, HPE, Hospitality, Graphics, ICT, IDT, Legal Studies, Prep Maths C (Physics & Maths C), Media, Music, Technology Studies or Tourism Excellence Programs (12 months): Sports Excellence: Elite Development Program, Basketball, Netball or Touch Creative Arts Excellence: Art, Dance, Drama, Music, Media or Triple Threat

10 Head of Junior Secondary
Mrs Cath Downing

11 Am I picking the right subjects? Questions to consider
Is this an area that I have an interest in? Have I been successful in this subject before? Is this something that I could see myself doing as a career in the future? Am I only picking this subject because my friend did? Have I done this subject before but would really like to pick another I haven’t attempted yet?

12 Am I picking the right subjects? Questions to consider
I don’t enjoy this subject but it is something I need for my career, do I have to pick it? Please at any time do not hesitate to contact Miss Rachel Cutajar, Mr Damien Burke or myself if we can be of any assistance throughout this process.

13 Study Habits Research tells us that students who exhibit effect learning behaviours will have an improved chance of success. Effective study habits and study skills help to set the path for successful learning behaviours to ensure successful outcomes during the schooling years and beyond.

14 Study Tips What to study? – study time may include assessment work, set homework or a review of the subjects from that day. Plan when to study – successful students schedule time throughout the week when they are going to study. Creating a weekly routine will help develop habits that will enable success. Set a specific goal – be specific - what is it you wish to accomplish from each session. Make the goal visible.

15 Study Tips Limit distraction – to ensure success find a place where you won’t be distracted or disturbed. Create an environment conducive to learning. Review notes, schoolwork over the weekend – plan to come to school at the beginning of each week prepared and ready to attack your week with success. Ask for help – wise people seek help. Ask your teachers when unsure. Utilise our homework centre to seek extra assistance and support

16 Junior Education Transition Plan Day Friday 9th September, 2016
Mr Damien Burke

17 Purpose To give students an opportunity to investigate:
Career opportunities Set goals for 2017 Listen to industry representatives Make informed subject selections

18 Outline of the day Session 1:
Motivational Speaker focussing on goals and growth mindsets Session 2: Subject selection & goal setting interviews with Year 9 PBL teachers Session 3: Career trade displays & HOT seat speeches from professionals Session 4: Subject selection finalisation

19 Important Dates Subject Selections for Year open – Wednesday 31st August Junior Education Transition Planning Day – Friday 9th September Subject Selections forms due – Friday 9th September (during PBL Lesson)

20 For more information Any questions or further information, Faculty HODs or: Damien Burke – Deputy Principal – Junior Secondary Kate Shepherd – Deputy Principal – Senior Secondary Lukas Avgerinos – Guidance Officer – Junior Secondary

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