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Assignments Deadline Cannabis Final Draft Past due! Complete ASAP

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1 Assignments Deadline Cannabis Final Draft Past due! Complete ASAP
Endocrine Rounds Stress Log + Reflection p , questions 1-5 Red Gold (PBS) Worksheet Due end of class on Wednesday Blood Transfusion Poster

2 Blood The specialized fluid traveling through the cardiovascular system in arteries, veins, and capillaries Composed of formed elements and plasma

3 Formed Elements Erythrocytes (red blood cells) – transport respiratory gases in the blood Leukocytes (white blood cells) – defend the body against pathogens Platelets – help clot the blood and prevent blood loss from damaged vessels

4 Plasma Fluid portion of the blood containing proteins and dissolved solutes

5 Blood Functions Transportation – formed elements and dissolved ions move throughout body, “delivery system” Oxygen & carbon dioxide Nutrients from digestive system Hormones from glands Heat and waste products from cells How does medication work?

6 Blood Functions 2. Regulation
Body temperature – absorbs heat from cells (especially skeletal muscle), heat released at surface Body pH – absorbs acids and bases from cells Fluid balance – water is gained (digestive system) and lost (urine, skin)

7 Blood Functions 3. Protection – leukocytes and other proteins are part of the immune system that helps protect the body against harmful substances

8 Characteristics of Blood
Color – depends on whether it is oxygen-rich or oxygen-poor Oxygen-rich = bright red Oxygen-poor = dark red Why do our veins look blue?

9 Characteristics of Blood
2. Volume – average adult blood volume is 5 liters Males tend to have more blood (5-6 L) than females (4-5 L) because of larger size Appropriate blood volume is essential to maintaining blood pressure

10 Characteristics of Blood
3. Viscosity – blood is 4–5x thicker than water Depends on the amount of dissolved substances 4. Plasma concentration – affects diffusion/osmosis (dehydration)

11 Characteristics of Blood
5. Temperature – blood is about 1 degree Celsius higher than body temperature Blood warms the areas that it travels to 6. Blood pH – slightly basic (alkaline) with a pH between 7.35 and 7.45

12 Red Gold – The Epic Story of Blood
--- click on BLOOD JOURNEY

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