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Alcohol Chapter 21.

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1 Alcohol Chapter 21

2 Vocabulary 1) Depressant – drug that slows down the central nervous system. 2) Ethanol – type of alcohol in alcoholic drinks. 3) Fermentation – chemical action of yeast on sugar. (Process by which drinking alcohol is made) 4) Intoxication – state in which the body is poisoned by alcohol or another substance, and the person’s physical and mental control is significantly reduced.

3 Factors Body Size Gender Food Rate of Intake Amount Medicine

4 Amount of Alcohol All of the following contain the same amount of alcohol 12 oz. beer 5 oz. wine 1 oz. “spirits” Different liquid amounts, but same volume of alcohol. All take the same amount of time to go through your system

5 MATH How much weight would a person gain by drinking the following:
3 (12oz) drinks = 120 cal each every day for 1 month. (Remember, it takes 3500 calories to gain/lose 1 lb How much would they gain in one year?

6 Answer 3 lbs in one month 36 lbs in one year
120 x 3 = 360 x 7 = 2520 calories a week 2520 x 4 = /3500 = 2.88 2.88 rounded up = 3 lbs/month 36 lbs in one year 3 x 12 = 36 lbs/year

7 Effects Short-Term Long-Term See Figure 21.2 on pg. 568


9 Binge Drinking – drinking five or more alcoholic drinks in one sitting.
Alcohol Poisoning – severe and potentially fatal physical reaction to an alcohol overdose.

10 Risk of Alcohol Use Factors of Influence
Psychological Dependence – person believes a drug is needed in order to feel good or function normally. Physiological Dependence – user has a chemical need for a drug. Factors of Influence Peer Pressure Family Media Messages

11 Alcohol and the Family Alcohol Abuse – excess use of alcohol
Alcoholism – disease in which a person has a physical or psychological dependence on drinks that contain alcohol.

12 Benefits of Living Alcohol-Free
Healthy Body Healthy Relationships Making Healthy Decisions Avoid Risky Behavior Avoid Illegal Activities Achieve Goals

13 Alcohol and Driving Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) – amount of alcohol in a person’s blood expressed as a percentage. See Figure 21.9 on pg. 579 12oz. of beer = 5oz. Of wine = 1.25oz. of distilled

14 Alcohol and Driving DUI/DWI – driving under the influence or driving while intoxicated Legal limit in IL = lower than .08 for people 21yrs (+) Death/injury Arrest/jail time Limitations/confiscati on of license Higher/canceled insurance

15 Alcohol and Pregnancy Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) – group of alcohol-related birth defects that include physical and mental problems. wBEzE One of the leading causes of preventable mental retardation.

16 Alcoholism Stage 1 (Abuse) – dependency develops, memory loss and blackouts, justification of drinking. Stage 2 (Dependence) – cannot stop drinking, hides problem, performance suffers. Stage 3 (Addiction) – person is addicted, liver damage, if drinking stops person may suffer withdrawal

17 Alcoholics Alcoholic – an addict who is dependent on alcohol
Recovery – the process of learning to live an alcohol- free life Sobriety – living without alcohol

18 Treatment 4 steps Al-Anon Alcoholics Anonymous
Admission Detoxification Counseling Recovery Al-Anon Alcoholics Anonymous Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) See pg. 583

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