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Canadian Bioinformatics Workshops

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1 Canadian Bioinformatics Workshops

2 Module #: Title of Module

3 Module 8 – Variants to Networks Part 2 – From Genes to Pathways
Jüri Reimand Bioinformatics for Cancer Genomics May 30- June 3, 2016 Informatics and Biocomputing Ontario Institute for Cancer Research

4 Learning Objectives of Module
What identifiers can be used for genes? What gene annotations are available for genes? What is a gene-set enrichment test and how does it work? Why do I need multiple test correction for gene-set enrichment and how does it work? How to visualize gene-set enrichment results using Enrichment Map General principles of network visualization in Cytoscape

5 Introduction

6 Interpreting Gene Lists
My cool new screen worked and produced 1000 hits! …Now what? Genome-Scale Analysis (Omics) Genomics, Proteomics Tell me what’s interesting about these genes Are they enriched in known pathways, complexes, functions Analysis tools Ranking or clustering Eureka! New heart disease gene! Prior knowledge about cellular processes

7 Pathway and network analysis
Save time compared to traditional approach my favorite gene What are the advantages of pathway and network analysis? The bioinformatic approach of interpreting a gene list saves a lot of time compared to the traditional approach that consists in reading about each gene in the list. In addition, the traditional approach is often ending by focusing only on our few favorite genes, thus the bioinformatics approach represents a less bias way to interpret the results.

8 Activity Profiles / Somatic Mutations Activity Maps
Prior Knowledge about genes GENE SETS NETWORKS PATHWAYS Spindle Ca++ Channels Gene.A Gene.B Gene.C Gene.G Gene.H Gene.I Apoptosis MAPK Gene.D Gene.E Gene.F Gene.L Gene.M Gene.N Scoring models Search algorithms Informatics Activity Maps GENE SETS NETWORKS PATHWAYS Spindle Ca++ Channels Gene.A Gene.B Gene.C Gene.G Gene.H Gene.I Apoptosis MAPK Gene.D Gene.E Gene.F Gene.L Gene.M Gene.N

9 Gene Identification

10 Gene Identification Getting gene IDs right is important
Identify the right entity Stable and traceable Issues to keep in mind: What is the output of the experiment? Are the annotations used to analyze the experimental data in a compatible ID system? Is the statistical test appropriate? (most used tests assume a random uniform distribution over genes)

11 ID Challenges Avoid errors: map IDs correctly
Beware of 1-to-many mappings Gene name ambiguity – not a good ID e.g. FLJ92943, LFS1, TRP53, p53 Better to use the standard gene symbol: TP53 Excel error-introduction OCT4 is changed to October-4 (paste as text) Problems reaching 100% coverage E.g. due to version issues Use multiple sources to increase coverage Zeeberg BR et al. Mistaken identifiers: gene name errors can be introduced inadvertently when using Excel in bioinformatics BMC Bioinformatics Jun 23;5:80

12 ID Mapping Services g:Convert Ensembl Biomart
Input gene/protein/transcript IDs (mixed) Type of output ID g:Convert Ensembl Biomart

13 Gene Annotations and Gene-sets

14 From Cell Biology to Gene-sets
Where can I get these gene-sets? How were the gene-sets compiled? How are they structured? Nuclear Pore Ribosome Gene.AAA Gene.ABA Gene.ABC Gene.RP1 Gene.RP2 Gene.RP3 Gene.RP4 Cell Cycle P53 signaling Gene.CC1 Gene.CC2 Gene.CC3 Gene.CC4 Gene.CC5 Gene.CC1 Gene.CK1 Gene.PPP

15 Pathways and other gene function attributes
Available in databases Pathways Gene Ontology biological process, pathway databases e.g. Reactome Other annotations Gene Ontology molecular function, cell location Chromosome position Disease association DNA properties TF binding sites, gene structure (intron/exon), SNPs Transcript properties Splicing, 3’ UTR, microRNA binding sites Protein properties Domains, secondary and tertiary structure, PTM sites Interactions with other genes

16 Pathways and other gene function attributes
Available in databases Pathways Gene Ontology biological process, pathway databases e.g. Reactome Other annotations Gene Ontology molecular function, cell location Chromosome position Disease association DNA properties TF binding sites, gene structure (intron/exon), SNPs Transcript properties Splicing, 3’ UTR, microRNA binding sites Protein properties Domains, secondary and tertiary structure, PTM sites Interactions with other genes

17 What is the Gene Ontology (GO)?
Set of biological phrases (terms) applied to genes: protein kinase apoptosis membrane Dictionary: term definitions Ontology: A formal system for describing knowledge

18 GO Structure Terms are related within a hierarchy
is-a part-of Describes multiple levels of detail of gene function Terms can have more than one parent or child

19 What does GO cover? GO terms divided into three aspects:
cellular component molecular function biological process glucose-6-phosphate isomerase activity Cell division

20 Part 1/2: Terms Where do GO terms come from?
GO terms are added by editors at EBI and gene annotation database groups Terms added by request Experts help with major development Jun 2012 Apr 2015 increase Biological process 23,074 28,158 22% Molecular function 9,392 10,835 15% Cellular component 2,994 3,903 30% total 37,104 42,896 16%

21 Part 2/2: Annotations Genes are linked, or associated, with GO terms by trained curators at genome databases Known as ‘gene associations’ or GO annotations Multiple annotations per gene Some GO annotations created automatically (without human review)

22 Hierarchical annotation
Genes annotated to specific term in GO automatically added to all parents of that term AURKB

23 Annotation Sources Manual annotation Electronic annotation
Curated by scientists High quality Small number (time-consuming to create) Reviewed computational analysis Electronic annotation Annotation derived without human validation Computational predictions (accuracy varies) Lower ‘quality’ than manual codes Key point: be aware of annotation origin

24 Evidence Types
Experimental Evidence Codes EXP: Inferred from Experiment IDA: Inferred from Direct Assay IPI: Inferred from Physical Interaction IMP: Inferred from Mutant Phenotype IGI: Inferred from Genetic Interaction IEP: Inferred from Expression Pattern Author Statement Evidence Codes TAS: Traceable Author Statement NAS: Non-traceable Author Statement Curator Statement Evidence Codes IC: Inferred by Curator ND: No biological Data available Computational Analysis Evidence Codes ISS: Inferred from Sequence or Structural Similarity ISO: Inferred from Sequence Orthology ISA: Inferred from Sequence Alignment ISM: Inferred from Sequence Model IGC: Inferred from Genomic Context RCA: inferred from Reviewed Computational Analysis IEA: Inferred from electronic annotation

25 Evidence codes in g:Profiler
> Input gene list > Enriched pathways Colored evidence codes of gene annotations

26 GO and gene annotations are evolving rapidly
Wadi et al. in review; bioRxiv

27 Many GO tools are out of date
Wadi et al. in review; bioRxiv

28 Out-of-date tools (2010) miss up to 80% of enriched gene sets
Wadi et al. in review; bioRxiv

29 Pathways

30 What are Pathways? Depict mechanistic details of metabolic, signaling and other biological processes Advantages: Curated, accurate Cause and effect captured. Human-interpretable visualizations Disadvantages: More sparse coverage of genome than functional sets More complex models are required to score pathways Static model of dynamic systems

31 Signaling


33 Gene-set Enrichment Tests

34 Activity Profiles / Somatic Mutations Activity Maps
Prior Knowledge about genes GENE SETS NETWORKS PATHWAYS Spindle Ca++ Channels Gene.A Gene.B Gene.C Gene.G Gene.H Gene.I Apoptosis MAPK Gene.D Gene.E Gene.F Gene.L Gene.M Gene.N Scoring models Search algorithms Informatics Activity Maps GENE SETS NETWORKS PATHWAYS Spindle Ca++ Channels Gene.A Gene.B Gene.C Gene.G Gene.H Gene.I Apoptosis MAPK Gene.D Gene.E Gene.F Gene.L Gene.M Gene.N

35 Typical Enrichment Test
Experiment Experimentally “positive” genes (e.g UP-regulated) Enrichment Table Set p-value Spindle Apoptosis ENRICHMENT TEST Experimentally “detectable” genes (aka background set) Gene-set Databases

36 Typical Enrichment Test
Random samples of array genes Typical Enrichment Test The output of an enrichment test is a P-value The P-value assesses the probability that, by random sampling the “detectable” genes, the overlap is at least as large as observed. Fisher’s Exact Test does not require to actually perform the random sampling, it is based on a theoretical null-hypothesis distribution (Hypergeometric Distribution) Most used statistical model: Fisher’s Exact Test

37 Fisher’s Exact Test b a d c 2 x 2 Contingency Table
Exp_positive=yes Exp_positive=no Gene-Set=yes a b Gene-Set=no c d b a d c Probability of one table to occur by random sampling: Hypergeometric distribution formula: Test p-value: sum of random sampling probabilities for tables as extreme or more extreme than the real table

38 Importance of the Background
Inappropriate modeling of the background will lead to incorrectly biased results E.g.: kinase phosphorylation assay: only kinases can be detected Depending on the experiment, the background may be easy or difficult to define b a d c

39 Multiple test corrections

40 How to win the P-value lottery, part 1
Random draws Expect a random draw with observed enrichment once every 1 / P-value draws … 7,834 draws later … Background population: 500 black genes, 4500 red genes Whenever you do multiple tests, need to correct the p-values Remind audience of p-value definition Motivating example: Do 20 tests at a p-value of 0.05, expect one false positive

41 How to win the P-value lottery, part 2 Keep the gene list the same, evaluate different annotations
Observed draw Different annotation RRP6 MRD1 RRP7 RRP43 RRP42 RRP6 MRD1 RRP7 RRP43 RRP42 Use different annotations. “evaluate different annotations” Black vs red nodes Square vs round nodes

42 Simple P-value correction: Bonferroni
If M = number of annotations tested: Corrected P-value = M x original P-value Corrected P-value is greater than or equal to the probability that at least one (or more) of the observed enrichments is due to random draws. The jargon for this correction is “controlling for the Family-Wise Error Rate (FWER)”

43 Bonferroni correction caveats
Bonferroni correction is very stringent and can “wash away” real enrichments leading to false negatives, Often one is willing to accept a less stringent condition, the “false discovery rate” (FDR), which leads to a gentler correction when there are real enrichments.

44 False discovery rate (FDR)
FDR is the expected proportion of the observed enrichments due to random chance (e.g. 5%). Compare to Bonferroni correction which is a bound on the probability that any one of the observed enrichments could be due to random chance. Typically FDR corrections are calculated using the Benjamini-Hochberg procedure. FDR threshold is often called the “q-value”

45 Benjamini-Hochberg example I
(Nominal) P-value Rank Category 1 2 3 4 5 52 53 Transcriptional regulation Transcription factor Initiation of transcription Nuclear localization Chromatin modification Cytoplasmic localization Translation 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.0031 0.005 0.97 0.99 Sort P-values of all tests in decreasing order

46 Benjamini-Hochberg example II
(Nominal) P-value Rank Category Adjusted P-value 1 2 3 4 5 52 53 Transcriptional regulation Transcription factor Initiation of transcription Nuclear localization Chromatin modification Cytoplasmic localization Translation 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.0031 0.005 0.97 0.99 x 53/1 = 0.053 x 53/2 = 0.053 x 53/3 = 0.053 x 53/4 = 0.040 x 53/5 = 0.053 x 53/52 = 1.004 x 53/53 = 0.99 Adjusted P-value is “nominal” P-value times number of tests divided by the rank of the P-value in sorted list Adjusted P-value = P-value X [# of tests] / Rank

47 Benjamini-Hochberg example III
FDR / Q-value (Nominal) P-value Rank Category Adjusted P-value 1 2 3 4 5 52 53 Transcriptional regulation Transcription factor Initiation of transcription Nuclear localization Chromatin modification Cytoplasmic localization Translation 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.0031 0.005 0.97 0.99 x 53/1 = 0.053 x 53/2 = 0.053 x 53/3 = 0.053 x 53/4 = 0.040 x 53/5 = 0.053 x 53/52 = 1.004 x 53/53 = 0.99 0.040 0.053 0.99 Q-value (or FDR) corresponding to a nominal P-value is the smallest adjusted P-value assigned to P-values with the same or higher ranks.

48 Benjamini-Hochberg example III
P-value threshold for FDR < 0.05 FDR / Q-value (Nominal) P-value Rank Category Adjusted P-value 1 2 3 4 5 52 53 Transcriptional regulation Transcription factor Initiation of transcription Nuclear localization Chromatin modification Cytoplasmic localization Translation 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.0031 0.005 0.97 0.99 x 53/1 = 0.053 x 53/2 = 0.053 x 53/3 = 0.053 x 53/4 = 0.040 x 53/5 = 0.053 x 53/52 = 1.004 x 53/53 = 0.99 0.040 0.053 0.99 Red: non-significant Green: significant at FDR < 0.05 Q-value (or FDR) corresponding to a nominal P-value is the smallest adjusted P-value assigned to P-values with the same or higher ranks.

49 Reducing multiple test correction stringency
The correction to the P-value threshold α depends on the # of tests that you do, so, no matter what, the more tests you do, the more sensitive the test needs to be Can control the stringency by reducing the number of tests: e.g. restrict testing to the appropriate GO annotations; or filter gene sets by size.

50 Enrichment Results Visualization: Enrichment Map

51 Gene-set Enrichment Redundancy Problem
Many redundant gene-sets Gene Ontology has a very large number of gene-sets, often with slight differences Different pathway databases have different yet overlapping definitions of pathways Globally, it is useful to grasp the overlap relations between enriched gene-sets --> we need a visualization framework going beyond the enrichment table

52 p.value covercover.rat Deg.mdn Deg.iqr
GO: taxis E GO: chemotaxis E GO: adaptive immune response based on somatic recombination E GO: adaptive immune response E GO: leukocyte mediated immunity GO: B cell mediated immunity GO: myeloid cell differentiation GO: immune effector process GO: regulation of phagocytosis GO: positive regulation of phagocytosis GO: lymphocyte mediated immunity GO: growth factor binding GO: protein polymerization GO: endoplasmic reticulum membrane GO: immunoglobulin mediated immune response GO: heart development GO: response to bacterium GO: regulation of endocytosis GO: acute inflammatory response GO: positive regulation of endocytosis GO: myeloid leukocyte activation GO: amino acid biosynthetic process GO: regulation of inflammatory response GO: activation of immune response GO: positive regulation of immune system process GO: positive regulation of immune response GO: antigen processing and presentation GO: regulation of immune system process GO: regulation of immune response GO: negative regulation of enzyme activity GO: phagocytosis GO: myeloid leukocyte differentiation GO: humoral immune response GO: lymphocyte activation GO: leukocyte chemotaxis GO: negative regulation of protein kinase activity GO: negative regulation of transferase activity GO: transforming growth factor beta receptor signaling pathw GO: insulin-like growth factor binding GO: T cell activation GO: humoral immune response mediated by circulating immunogl GO: cytosolic ribosome (sensu Eukaryota)

53 Summarising pathway analysis with Enrichment Map
Nodes – gene sets reflecting pathways, processes Edges – sets share many common genes Network clustering groups processes/pathways as themes

54 Ependymoma subtyping A form of pediatric and adult cancer in brain and CNS Pathology is primary means of classification and grading, limited clinical utility New methylation biomarkers developed for classification Reveals 9 subtypes of ependymoma Characterised by distinct molecular alterations, gene expression, clinical properties What are common and subtype-specific pathways? Molecular classification of ependymal tumors across all CNS compartments, histopathological grades, and age groups - KW Pajtler et al Cancer Cell 2015

55 Pathways activated in EPN subtypes
Pajtler, et al. Cancer Cell 2015

56 Cytoscape Network Visualization

57 Network Representations
How to visually interpret biological data using networks Merico D, Gfeller D, Bader GD Nature Biotechnology 2009 Oct 27

58 Cytoscape Cytoscape is a freely available, open-source, Java-based application Very popular in the community, provides key functionalities, extended by plugins (now called “apps” to be cool)

59 Key Ideas in Network Visualization
Layout Automatic layout algorithms are necessary to arrange a network in a way that suggests the existence of patterns to the human eye Node and Edge visual attributes Can be used to map a number of information items relating to gene / proteins and their interactions / similarity

60 Layout: Before and After

61 Visual Attributes

62 We are on a Coffee Break & Networking Session

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