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Baseball Overview Group Name: oneM2M TP30 Source: ATIS

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Presentation on theme: "Baseball Overview Group Name: oneM2M TP30 Source: ATIS"— Presentation transcript:

1 Baseball Overview Group Name: oneM2M TP30 Source: ATIS
Meeting Date: Agenda Item: Social Event

2 Batter’s box/Home plate
2nd Base Pitcher’s mound 1st Base 3rd Base Batter’s box/Home plate

3 Objective (Offense) The offense (team that is “at bat”) attempts to score runs by hitting a ball that is thrown by the pitcher with a bat swung by the batter, then running counter-clockwise around a series of four bases: first, second, third, and home plate. A run is scored when a player advances around the bases and returns to home plate. If the “hitter” hits the ball over the back wall, it is considered a “home run” and a run is scored. Stolen base – too difficult to explain – click here. Partially borrowed from Wikipedia.

4 Objective (Defense) The defense (team that is “in the field”) attempts to stop runs from being scored causing the offense to receive three (3) “outs” by: Catching a struck ball in the air; “Striking out” the batter by throwing a third “strike” in the strike zone; Tagging the batter after he hit the ball prior to the batter getting safely onto a base.

5 Overview Team on offense has one (1) batter plus any batter that made it to a base; team on defense has nine (9) players. Batter’s stats (“count”) are called “balls” or “strikes”. The game is comprised of nine (9) innings. Each team goes on offense (“at bat”) once each inning. After the team on offense receives three (3) “outs”, team changes from offense to defense. An “out” is awarded when the team on offense receives three (3) “strikes”, fails to make it to 1st base before being tagged by the defense, or the defense catches a struck ball before it hits the ground.

6 Overview Player at bat receives a strike when
He fully swings the bat and misses the ball; Pitcher throws ball in “strike zone” (square area between the width of plate and between hitter’s midpoint/knees) without being struck; or Prior to third strike, hits the ball out of bounds. Player receives “ball” when pitcher throws ball outside of “strike zone” and batter does not swing the bat. Four (4) “balls” allows batter to “walk” to 1st base, and next batter hits. Three (3) “strikes” = one (1) “out” Four (4) “balls” = one (1) “walk”

7 Memphis Redbirds Pix

8 Memphis Redbirds Pix

9 Memphis Redbirds Pix

10 Memphis Redbirds Pix

11 Memphis Redbirds Pix

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