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Grammar Keys Grammar Review Elementary-Intermediate level.

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1 Grammar Keys Grammar Review Elementary-Intermediate level

2 Tenses: Simple Progressive Perfect Perfect Progressive

3 Times Present Past Future

4 TO BE _ present Simple A: He is a lawyer N: He isnt a lawyer Q: Is he a lawyer? Yes, he is No, he isnt is WH: Since when is he a lawyer? A: He is a lawyer since 1995.

5 TO BE _ past Simple A: We were in Mexico. N: We werent in Mexico. Q: Were we in Mexico? Yes, we were No, we werent WH: When were you in Mexico? A: I was in Mexico last year.

6 Ejercicios

7 Others_ present Simple A: We need more water. N: We dont need more water. Q: Do we need more water? -Yes, we do -No, we dont WH: How often do you need some water? A: I frequently need some water.

8 Others_present_3rd Person A: She needs to study N: She doesn't need to study y/n: Does she need to study? -Yes, she does -No, she doesn't WH: How many times a day does she need to study? Ans: She needs to study three times a day

9 Memorizar para mañana Be presente Be – ser estar IAm – soy, estoy YouAre – eres, estás SheIs – es, está HeIs – es, está ItIs – es, está YouAre – eres, estás WeAre – somos, estamos TheyAre – son, están Be pasado IWas – era, estaba YouWere – eras, estabas SheWas – era, estaba HeWas – era, estaba ItWas – era, estaba YouWere – eran, estaban WeWere – eran, estaban TheyWere – eran, estaban

10 Memorizar para mañana Wh Questions What – Que Where – Donde Why – Porque Who (with)– Quien (con) When – Cuando What time – Que hora Whose – De quien Which – Cual What kind of – Que tipo de How Questions How – Como How much – Cuanto (no contable) How many – Cuantos (contable) How far – Que tan lejos How long – Que tanto tiempo How often – Que tan frecuente How many times – Cuantas veces

11 Ejercicios 1.Laptop computers enable (permiten) people to communicate. Technological advances revolutionize science. Researchers keep paper records of the data they collect. Electrical technicians work in the generation of electronic power. They work under the supervision of electronic engineers. 2.Scientists use the internet to research (investigar). They calculate the results for the experiment. They publish their findings (hallazgos) They help design new electrical equipment. They assemble (ensamblan) and test electronical parts. 3.Engineers test new products on computers. CAD software helps engineers design exact plans. Mechanical engineers use CAD (Computer-Aided Design). Electronic technicians have to read and understand blueprints (programas de prueba). They work with hand tools, such as wrenches (llaves de tuercas), screwdrivers (desatornillador) and cutters (cuchillas). 4.A computer directs the action of the machine. The machine creates the product. They use automation (the operation and control of machinery by electronic devices) Hazardous (peligrosos) materials technicians remove dangerous (peligrosos) materials. They respond to accidental release of hazardous materials.

12 5.CAE (Computer-Aided Engineering) uses computers to solve engineering problems. CAE integrates design and manufacturing processes. Procter & Gamble uses CAE. Some hazardous materials technicians specialize in radiation containment. Workers wear special protective suits, respirators, and goggles. 6.Some programs perform human tasks (AI). Artificial Intelligence programs dont reason. Neuromorphic engineering creates devices (dispositivos) that behave like neural systems. AI can perform some functions. Aerospace engineering is the use of science and technology to design flight vehicles. Workers in the aerospace industry study and devise theories related to travel in outer space. 7.Robotics is an application of artificial intelligence. Today, robots are more mobile. Robots have three components: brain (cerebro), actuators (impulsor) and sensors. Most aerospace engineers work in the aircraft industry. They also analyze and design systems and components for airplanes. Ejercicios


14 Progressive (BE + verb + ing) Progressive A: He is working as a lawyer. N: He isnt working as a lawyer. Q: Is he a lawyer? Yes, he is No, he isnt WH: What is he working on? A: He is working on a new project.

15 Ejercicios

16 Others_ past_regular Simple A: We needed more research. N: We didnt need more research. Q: Did we need more research? Yes, we did No, we didnt WH: Which project did we need more research on? A: We needed more research on the construction project.

17 Others_past_3rd Person A: She needed to study N: She didnt need to study y/n: Did she need to study? Yes, she did No, she didnt How many times a day did she need to study? She needed to study three times a day

18 Others_past_Irregulars Simple A: He had a good job. N: He didnt have a good job. Q: Did he have a good job? Yes, he did No, he didnt WH: Where did he have a good job? A: He had a good job in El Salvador.

19 Ejercicios

20 Past progressive (Was + verb + ing) Progressive A: The girls were living in Mexico. N: The girls werent living in Mexico. Q: Were the girls living in Mexico? Yes, they were No, they werent WH: How long were they in Mexico? A: They were in Mexico for two months.

21 Ejercicios

22 TO BE _ future Simple A: I will be busy all week. N: I wont be busy all week. Q: Will you be busy all week? Yes, I will No, I wont WH: What time will you be busy this week? A: I will be busy from 8 to 5pm.

23 Others _ future Simple A: I will watch the news. N: I wont watch the news. Q: Will you watch the news? Yes, I will No, I wont WH: How long will you watch the news? A: I will watch the news for two hours.

24 Progressive_ future (will+be+verb+ing) Progressive A: I will be painting the house tomorrow. N: I wont be painting the house tomorrow. Q: Will you be painting the house tomorrow? Yes, I will No, I wont WH: Who will you be painting the house with? A: I will be painting the house with my sister.

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