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Resource Bridge User Training Hospital Administrator users

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1 Resource Bridge User Training Hospital Administrator users
Part 1: Set Up Accessing Resource Bridge How to login How to reset your password Update your profile Set up your Widget Preferences Find your Facility & Staff How to see your agency summary & notifications Power Points can be located on the S:Drive by using this pathway: S:\PH\PHP\MHOAC\ImageTrend When adding new modules or editing information on the Power Point, make sure to update the slides available on the Coalition Web Page. Also update any facility that has incorporated these slides into their new hire training. Contact: Public Health Preparedness (707) Revised 01/31/2017

2 Accessing Resource Bridge
Open up a web browser from your desktop. In the address bar type and then hit [ENTER] Steps: 1. Open Web Browser 2. Type in above web address into the address bar 3. Hit [ENTER] on your key board

3 System Login Screen After hitting [Enter] you should be redirected to a page that looks like this. This is the ImageTrend Login Screen to access our Resource Bridge.

4 Save to Favorites You can add Resource Bridge to your favorites tab for future use You can save this web page to your favorites list by clicking on the star in the upper right corner of you screen. Click on the star and then “add to favorites” tab in the pop up window Steps: Click on star in upper right corner Click on “add to favorites” tab on pop up window Select “add” to save to favorites

5 New User Set Up The Health Department (either Coastal Valleys EMS Agency or Public Health Preparedness) will set up a user account for you. Usually this form is sent to you to assist in setting up your new account. Your Username will be your first name initial followed by your last name. Example: If your name is John Smith, your username will be jsmith. If there is already a jsmith in the system, a number will be added to your username. The password for new users is Welcome1. This password will only work for the first time you log in.

6 Resetting Your Password
Once you enter your username and password “Welcome1” you will be asked to provide a new password. Create a new password (something you will remember) and select the “change password” button. Steps: Enter New Password Verify New password Click on Change New Password

7 Returning to User Login
Enter your username and password; then hit submit. After hitting submit, you will be redirected to your Resource Bridge home screen. Steps: Enter Username and Password Click on submit Button

8 Forgot Password Steps: Click on “forgot your password?” Link
Enter your address in the pop-up window If you are a returning user but have forgotten your password, you can reset your password on the login screen. Click on the blue text “Forgot your password?” and you will see a pop up window. This window will prompt you to enter your address (enter the address you previously entered into ImageTrend Resource Bridge). You’ll receive an in a few seconds with a link to reset your password (check spam folder if you don’t receive in your inbox). Click on the link and follow the prompts to reset your password.

9 So far we have learned how to:
-Access Resource Bridge -How to Login -How to save to your Favorites -How to reset your password Are there any questions so far? Next we will explore your Resource Bridge page by viewing your home screen, updating your demographics, and reviewing other information about your facility.

10 Home Screen This is your Resource Bridge home screen. You can use the scroll bar at the bottom of the screen to scroll left and right if you need to in order to view your entire home screen.

11 Action Bar This is the action bar highlighted in RED.

12 Menu This is your Menu Bar

13 Returning to your home screen
As these tutorials progress we will visit the function of all action and menu bar items. For now, know that you can return to your Home Screen by selecting “Agency Summary” on the menu bar or the “My Agency” on the Action Bar. Feel free to explore these tabs as you begin to familiarize yourself to your Resource Bridge.

14 Updating your profile From your home screen look in the upper right hand corner. You should see your name. Click on your name only – make sure to avoid the “logout” link directly to the right. As an alternative, you can click on “Staff” in the left menu bar, then look for your name in the center window and click on your name. Either way, you’ll be taken to your demographics page.

15 Updating your Demographics
Steps: Confirm accurate information. Update information as needed. First confirm that all the information in your profile is correct. This is what we have on file for you. Having up to date and accurate contact information is essential for prompt communication. Please confirm that this information is correct. If there are changes that need to be made, please scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the “Edit Demographics.”

16 Profile Update Once you click on the “Edit Demographics” you will be able to edit your contact information. At minimum your profile needs first name, last name, and an address. When you are finished updating your profile. Select “Save and Continue” NOTE: If you enter a cell phone number, you must also enter the cell phone provider name.

17 Checking Permissions You will automatically move along to top tabs from the Demographics to the Permissions Tab. You will not want to change any of these settings for now. However, please confirm that your “Current Status” is active. If it is not active, we will need to change after this tutorial on an individual basis. To save changes, Please Select “Save”.

18 Saving your Demographics
Once you hit “Save” you will be redirected to a confirmation page that states “User Demographic Information has successfully been saved”. It may take a moment, so please only click save once. While it is thinking or reloading, you may see the save button have a moving pinwheel indicating that it is still saving.

19 Any Questions so far? We have just helped you log in, change your password, and update your profile (aka: demographics). Now let’s see how much you remember. From your demographics page, can you navigate back to your home screen?

20 Returning to Home Screen
If you need a little help, that’s okay. Click on the “My Agency” tab in the Action Bar area. This will bring you back to your home screen.

21 Set up your Widget Preferences
Now we’ll help you customize your home screen by setting up the “widgets” that you want to see displayed. Widgets are the boxes of information that show in the center of your home screen. Widgets can be changed by clicking on the blue highlighted “Widget Preferences” button toward the top right corner of the home screen. You may have to use the bottom scroll bar to scroll to the right if it is not completely visible. You may have to use the bottom scroll bar to scroll to the right side of the screen if it is not completely visible.

22 Set up your Widget Preferences
Here you can make changes to your home screen by adding or deleting “widgets” When you click on “Widget Preferences” a dropdown menu will appear with your widget options. Simply check the boxes for the widgets you would like to have on your home screen. Be sure to click on the “Alerts” and “Alerts in the past 24 hours” widgets. This is how you will know if a poll or alert has been sent to you. Additionally, you should select the Bed Surge, document hub favorites, MCI Capacity, Current Status, and current bed availability widgets for your home screen. To exit from the widget options, click again on “Widget Preferences”.

23 Back to Home Screen Now please return to your home screen. You should see all your new widgets in view. You can move them around as you see best by clicking and holding down on the Top Blue Bar of each widget and moving it to a new section on your screen. **Document Hub is where you will be able to quickly access the SitRep and Resource Request quick sheets. In the future we will be uploading other important coalition plans such as the rainbow guide, Surge Plan, and MCI Plan.

24 Hospital Hub Access to PCRS from ambulance traffic. Hospital Hub
When an ambulance transports a patient to your facility, you will be able to access the patient care report generated by the ambulance provider. These PCRs can be access by using the top action bar and selecting “hospital hub”. This will bring you to a new screen where you will be able to view all of the PCRs for patients arriving via ambulance.

25 Hospital Hub To View or Print PCR
Once redirected to the new page you will see a list of all the PCRs for patients received by your facility by ambulance. This screen shot was slightly altered to remove PHI but as you can see along the top you have several columns that identify the report and each row is a different PCR. To view the PCR you simply select the appropriate row – it will become highlighted and select print on the top task bar. It will pull up a viewable form that can also be printed. This will soon be changed to a view &/or print button to avoid confusion.

26 Hospital hub When you click on print a viewable form of the PCR will be pulled up for view. Again this screen shot is only a partial view to hide PHI. To Print, select the print icon at the top right hand corner of your screen. You can also find the print icon by running your pointer over the top middle portion of the page. A menu bar will appear allowing you to select the print icon.

27 To save remember to select submit.
Hospital Hub Click on settings to change how PCRs are organized on your viewing screen. To save remember to select submit. The viewing screen can be customized how the patient reports are organized by clicking on the settings tab. Simply move the items you would like to see in the columns and the viewing screen will change to you preferences. Remember to select Submit in order to save your changes.

28 Resource Bridge Training New User Training
Part II: Set up & Alerts Review Part I Set Up Alert Preferences What does an Alert look like Responding to Alerts How to add staff Contact: Public Health Preparedness (707) Last Revised 1/10/2017

29 About Alerts You can Receive Alerts in four different ways:
Cell Phone Text Message Message Home Screen/Pop-up Message Pager We suggest that at minimum 1-2 Administrators have alerts sent to their cell phones so they can be notified of an event 24/7 and respond appropriately. Image Trend alerts are used to communicate with all of our HCFs about current and impacting events. Ideally every facility will have a dedicated computer with Image Trend constantly running. However, we know that every facility may not have this capability. For this reason, we suggest that each facility has at least 1-2 administrators with 24/7 communication capabilities via cell phone alerts. This will allow us to reach at least one representative of each facility who can relay the information to the actual facility should the representative be out of office. Hospitals should have at least one user logged in at all times to monitor the system for alerts and to update their bed numbers. This typically is done in the ED, but can be done in any department that is staff 24/7. These users should always have their alert settings to audible (we will discuss later) as to make sure that if they are away from their desk, they will be able to hear the alert. To avoid ImageTrend Alerts becoming cumbersome or interruptive the Alert System will not be used for regular and every day communication. Rather it will only be used for Actual Alerts and scheduled drills during normal business hours.

30 Setting up Alert Preferences
During the Part I training, we set up your user account. We will be continuing this set up by adding your Alert Preferences. Starting from your home screen, in the upper Right hand corner you should see your name. Click on your name to be directed to your user account settings. Steps: Start from homescreen Access your account settings by clicking on your name in upper right hand corner Wait to be redirected to a new screen

31 Alert Preferences Steps:
Once at your user account information page, to change your alert preferences, click on the tab “Options/Notifications” Steps: 1. Click on options/notifications tab towards the middle/top of your page.

32 Alert Preferences You will again be redirected to your Options/Notifications set up screen. To edit your preferences, select the edit options button. Steps: 1. Click the Edit Options button to edit your preferences.

33 Alert Preferences Steps: Change the “Play Audible Alerts” to yes.
Change to “yes” The only item that needs to be changed in this field is the “play audible alerts” option. You want to make sure you change this setting to “yes”. Select “Save and Continue” to move forward. Steps: Change the “Play Audible Alerts” to yes. Save your changes by selecting “save and Continue” when complete.

34 Selecting which alerts to receive
Cell Phone This section is where you can select which alerts you want to receive and by which method. You can select as many of the notifications as you want, but the system will only send you alerts specific to your facility. At minimum we want you to select the following alerts. For Hospitals: EMS System Advisory, Hospital Alert, Scheduled HAvBed Count Advisory, MCI/Disaster Notification (Region Wide), MCI Notification – Sonoma County, Hospital Bed Capacity Alert, Situation Report (SitRep) Requested, System Alert, Winter Season Impact Poll. After selecting your alerts, Click on “Save” and return to your home screen. You should now be ready to receive and respond to alerts. Steps: Select the Alerts pertaining to your type of facility Save when Complete Return to your homescreen

35 Any Questions? **If only training facility users, you can skip the Bed count slides and continue with the alert dashboard.

36 Setting up bed counts Steps:
Now we are going to set up your bed counts. From your home screen you will need to select “Agency Set Up”. This should be done by the Healthcare Administrator Only. Steps: From your home screen, select Agency Set-up Wait to be redirected to another page.

37 Setting up facility bed counts
You will be redirected to a page that looks similar to this except you will have many more options at the top of you screen. On the Overview tab, make sure your facility has been selected as “active”. If not, you can change it now and select “save”. Steps: Make sure you have “yes” selected on the active line If you make changes, make sure to select “save”.

38 Facility Bed Count Steps: Click on the Beds tab
Next You will need to look at the top menu bar and select the “beds” tab. Here you will fill in your facilities bed information. Steps: Click on the Beds tab Wait to be redirected to a new screen

39 Facility bed count CLINICS: You will want to provide the total amount of Clinic Exam rooms at your facility, and place that value in the appropriate box. Also check the Active box. Highlighted Red. SNFs: You will provide the total amount of Medical and Surgical (Med-Surge) beds at your facility. You can specify by gender, but you will need to also fill out the Med-Surge Unspecified to equal the total number of both male and female specific beds. If you leave it at 0 you will not be able to respond to your Bed Polls properly. Also check the Active box. Highlighted in Green. DIALYSIS: You will provide the total number of dialysis stations you have at your facility. Also check the Active box. Highlighted in Blue. HOSPITALS: Fill in each type of bed you have at your hospital with the correct value. For any type of bed your facility does not have, please select 0. Every facility will need to indicate the number of ventilators at your facility. Also check the Active box. Highlighted in Purple. This is a new requirement to request this information. If your facility does not have any ventilators, you will indicate 0. Make sure you indicate the total number of beds/exam rooms your facility has. When you respond to a bed poll alert/request, you will indicate how many you have available out of the total number you indicate here. If you do not have a particular bed such as NICU, the value should be 0. Nothing can be left blank. +++different term for HAvBED Poll for SNFs and Clinics+++ (Hospital availability beds for emergencies and disaster. If you do not have a particular bed, the value should be zero. ***(If asked about HAvBED) There is a different term for HAvBED Poll for SNFs and Clinics. (HAvBED stands for: Hospital availability beds for emergencies and disaster) After specifying your bed numbers and checking the Active box, please click “save” at the bottom middle of the screen.

40 Any Questions? Next we will look at how you will be notified of any alert, and how you will respond to an alert.

41 Alert Dashboard When you receive an Alert, you will be notified on your screen in two ways. A notification bar at the top of your screen and an Alert dash board that will pop up in the middle of your screen.

42 Receiving Alerts Additionally, if you have your Alerts Widget on your Home Screen, you will also see a new alert notification.

43 E-Mail & Text Message Alerts
When receiving Alerts through your or text message, the sender will be: When receiving an Alert via Text message, in order to respond to the alert you will need to access the alert through or by logging into ImageTrend Resource Bridge.

44 Responding to an E-mail Alert
To respond to the alert, follow the link at the bottom of the . Insert username and password. Once complete, you must hit “acknowledge”. Through your , you can read the full description of the alert. By clicking on this link, you will be redirected to a new page where you will need to put in your username and password. Once complete, you must hit “acknowledge”.

45 Acknowledging and submitting alerts
Password Once you have updated your bed availability, you will enter your password. And click on “Acknowledge and Submit”. You must hit the Acknowledge and Submit button to send the updated information. If you click on Acknowledge only, you will not be sending accurate information. Hitting either “Acknowledge and Submit” or “Acknowledge Only” will stop the audible alert. Now we will send you a Practice Alert and have you respond to this alert as you would in a normal drill or actual event. Please also check your other devices to confirm that you have received the alert via text message or that you previously set up. If you have responded to the alert, you should see a green box under your Alerts widget on your Home page saying “Thank you for acknowledging this alert.” If you don’t see this, click F5 to refresh your screen. Acknowledge & Submit

46 Updating available beds
You will update your bed availability using the Pop-Up Alert Dash Board. Here you will indicate how many beds you currently have available. Your Facilities current bed availability cannot exceed your total bed numbers that you set up previously.

47 After Acknowledging an alert
After acknowledging or responding to an alert, you will see a green bar above the alert that confirms you have acknowledged the alert. This green bar will show up on your home screen under the “Alerts” Widget. Or if you respond through your , the green bar will appear on the alert screen where you acknowledge the alert. Look for the green bar for confirmation.

48 Routine bed availability updates
One of your widgets should be your Current Bed Availability. If you do not see this on your Home Screen, please let me know now, and we will add it to your screen before we move forward. (follow widget instructions from part I). To Update your current bed counts, click on “update all”. The widget will slightly change to look like the picture on the right, this will allow you to change your current bed counts. You should update this every 12 hour operational period. If there are no changes, all you will need to do is select save all.

49 If you have only one type of change to make, you can edit the specific bed individually by clicking on the Edit box in the left hand upper corner of each bed type. The widget will change slightly, allowing you to update just one specific type of bed. Make sure to save your changes. No we will send you an Alert, please attempt to respond, if you have any questions, please ask and we will walk through them **SEND A DEMO ALERT**

50 Hospital Bypass Types of Bypass: Trauma Bypass STEMI Bypass
Stroke Bypass Total Bypass: *Must be approved by EMS by contacting REDCOM to notify On Duty EMS Duty Officer All HCFs can go on hospital bypass by updating their “current status” widget found on your homescreen.

51 Updating “Current Status” Widget
To Update Status: “Current Status” Widget Select Update Choose Appropriate type of bypass/status You must put in username & password Update Status Find your current status widget on your home screen. To update you will select the “update status” button. A drop down menu will appear where is says “normal operations”. Select the drop down arrow to give you a list of bypass options. Drop down menu to expose bypass options

52 Bypass Once you have selected the appropriate bypass needed for you facility. You will select the save button to continue. When you select save, a pop up window will appear asking for your username and password. In order to save you status you must enter your credentials and select submit on the pop up window. We ask that you proved a brief explanation of why you are going on a specific bypass. Such as “CT Scanner down”. Save

53 Any Questions? Next we will learn how to add staff

54 How to add staff To add staff you will need to return to your home screen and click on the "staff" button that is in the left hand menu bar.

55 Adding new staff members
You will be redirected to your staff list. As you add additional staff members, they will be shown in this screen view. To add a new staff member click on the upper right hand corner button that reads "add staff".

56 Adding Staff In order for a new user to be added, there needs to be a minimum of first and last name, and address. You can fill in the other fields or leave them blank. If you add a phone number, you will need to input the Cell Phone Provider and select verify. This allows messages to be sent properly since each provider can be different. Once these fields have been enter, select "save and continue" in the lower left hand portion of your screen.

57 Giving permissions If the new member is a user, select healthcare user. If the member is allowed to have administration rights, you can select healthcare administrator. Please keep in mind that you will want to limit who receives administration rights.

58 Usernames should be entered as first initial followed by last name
Usernames should be entered as first initial followed by last name. If there are two users with the same first initial and last name, a number should be added at the end of the username. For example: if there are two Jsmith, the second Jsmith will be entered as JSmith1. The password should be set to Welcome1. The first time the user signs in, they will be prompted to reset their password. Next you will be directed to edit your notifications screen. There are only a few simple changes that need to be made on this scree and I will walk you through each one separately.

59 The next changes you will need to make is the permission groups for each staff member. This will be dependent on the level of access you will want to give to each of your staff members. Only a select few (one or two) that should be given administrator access. Regular staff should be placed as ________. All other fields you do not need to touch or make changes. Select Save and Continue to move onto Options/Notifications.

60 Under the Options/Notifications tab you will be brought to a page that looks like this. The only item that needs to be changed in this field at this time is the “Play Audible Alerts”. Please make sure “yes” is selected. Please select “Save and Continue” to move forward.

61 Emergency Contacts If you would like to add staff members as an emergency contact, but not as a facility user, you would add them in the same fashion, but would not edit the permissions tab. You would simply fill out the user information and select save.

62 Support Submitting a Support Ticket:
You can reach this link by visiting the Coastal Valleys EMS Agency website and selecting the tab “reporting & data” or Phone Call This concludes the Image Trend training. Thank you so much for participating and we look forward to working with you through this new communication system. If you have any questions or experience any roadblocks while using the system and you require assistance you can submit a support ticket by visiting the Coastal Valleys EMS Agency Website and select the “reporting and data” tab. You can also me directly at: (give your name, phone number, & ).

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