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CON 280: Source Selection and the Administration of Service Contracts

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1 CON 280: Source Selection and the Administration of Service Contracts
Source Selection Plan Briefing to Source Selection Authority Group Worksheets – Day 6 Group #: ______ v2.0

2 Template Overview / Notes
These group worksheets are intended for use to prepare the briefing to the Source Selection Authority as part of the CON 280 Source Selection Planning Exercise Student groups should focus their exercise time in addressing the key topic areas covered in these worksheets for the briefing to the SSA Student groups should refer to Parts 1 and 2 of the Source Selection Planning exercise as well as incorporate class discussion as appropriate Groups may modify the template formats as needed to effectively convey their developed source selection strategy to the SSA (role-played by the Facilitator) v2.0

3 Evaluation Approach [Describe and justify your recommended evaluation method (e.g., Lowest Price Technically Acceptable (LPTA) or Tradeoff)] [Are you holding discussions? Why or why not?]

4 Schedule of Events [Schedule of events in the SSP are in chronological order. Provide the dates for each milestone (Month, Year).] Milestone Date

5 Evaluation Process [Describe your proposed evaluation process, including procedures and techniques to be used in evaluating contractor proposals.] [State how all non-cost/price factors combined are weighed against cost/price.] [Provide your rationale.]

6 Evaluation Factors & Sub-factors
[Identify your recommended evaluation factors, subfactors, and their relative order of importance.] [Provide your rationale.]

7 Evaluation Ratings [Provide the ratings to be used in the evaluation.]
[Provide your rationale.] v2.0

8 Instructions to Offerors
[List some of the critical instructions to offerors to include and provide your rationale.] [Include any formatting requirements, material organization, submitting questions regarding the RFP or procurement, delivery of proposal, notices, conditions, or other instructions.]

9 Evaluation Method and Criteria
[From your response on evaluation factors and subfactors, identify key areas to include.] [e.g.: This will be a best value source selection in accordance with FAR 15.3, The Government will strive for maximum objectivity, etc.]

10 Summary [Provide your group’s high-level recommendations/ synopsis.]

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