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Safety Issues (TF, June 15, 2005)

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1 Safety Issues (TF, June 15, 2005)
INB requests : Radioactive sources : INB requests a list of sources to be used in ALICE Do you have more info concerning your sub-detector ? “Etude Dechets” INB requests that we do an assessment of the waste to be produced by exploitation/maintenance + dismantling Traceability INB requests that we trace the movement of our pieces of detector and equipment + “zonage” Note: The Technical Coordinator holds the overall responsibility for project management, except safety ! The GLIMOS holds responsibility for safety of the experiment by delegation from EP Div.leader. he reports to the DL, he acts on safety issues via the Tech.Coord., He is assisted by Safety Coordinators. Marc Tavlet - GLIMOS

2 Safety Issues (TF, June 15, 2005)
Rack Protection against Fire (latest review requests) : Proper electrical protection (against shorts & over-consumption) of each PCB – who has that ? of each crate – who has that ? of each rack – The limit to 32A is not enough ! Temperature sensor efficient to detect loss of cooling (water) +/- efficient to detect electrical over-consumption not efficient to detect a smoldering fire Smoke detector The only sensor to detect a starting fire Note: The Technical Coordinator holds the overall responsibility for project management, except safety ! The GLIMOS holds responsibility for safety of the experiment by delegation from EP Div.leader. he reports to the DL, he acts on safety issues via the Tech.Coord., He is assisted by Safety Coordinators. Marc Tavlet - GLIMOS

3 Safety Issues (TF, June 15, 2005)
Rack Protection against Fire (ctd) : Collective protection of the room by smoke detectors Fof the racks containing rack-mounted PCs Automatic fire extinguishing system Strongly recommended in racks with low accessibility (zone D) Fire-protection of cable trays ; Do we respect the requirements of IS-48 ? Wall plugging, fire resistance, Not overloaded, accessibility, routing, segregation, Earthing, proper tightening of cables, Protection (mechan. & electr.) of water cooled cables Note: The Technical Coordinator holds the overall responsibility for project management, except safety ! The GLIMOS holds responsibility for safety of the experiment by delegation from EP Div.leader. he reports to the DL, he acts on safety issues via the Tech.Coord., He is assisted by Safety Coordinators. Marc Tavlet - GLIMOS

4 Safety Issues (TF, June 15, 2005)
Visiting Point Many activities these times; Try to arrange visits after 6pm. Private visits discouraged so far. Only VIPs can use PM-25 Dedicated course for Alice guides under preparation; Only accredited guides will be allowed to take visitors at Point-2. Safety courses (induction, for (underground) access to be given by the GLIMOS this late afternoon Note: The Technical Coordinator holds the overall responsibility for project management, except safety ! The GLIMOS holds responsibility for safety of the experiment by delegation from EP Div.leader. he reports to the DL, he acts on safety issues via the Tech.Coord., He is assisted by Safety Coordinators. Marc Tavlet - GLIMOS

5 Safety Issues (TF, June 15, 2005)
Access & Safety Procedure document Document updated, in the course of approval Access & Work Procedures at Point see Sebastien’s part… !! 1 first-aid / team of 10 !! plan your training needs, asap !! Code A2: Reporting of Accident & “Near Miss” We are asked by SC to promote the use of it. New ALICE Safety web pages Note: The Technical Coordinator holds the overall responsibility for project management, except safety ! The GLIMOS holds responsibility for safety of the experiment by delegation from EP Div.leader. he reports to the DL, he acts on safety issues via the Tech.Coord., He is assisted by Safety Coordinators. Marc Tavlet - GLIMOS

6 Safety Issues (TF, June 15, 2005)
Publicity It is good to publish articles to show the progress of ALICE. It is NOT good to publish pictures where we show that safety rules are not respected ! SF6 According to estimates, Alice (mainly RPCs) will represent ~50% of emission of CERN (~1% of French industry) “The DSOC members felt that ALICE should be encouraged to think about how to recover and/or recuperate the SF6 gas.” Note: The Technical Coordinator holds the overall responsibility for project management, except safety ! The GLIMOS holds responsibility for safety of the experiment by delegation from EP Div.leader. he reports to the DL, he acts on safety issues via the Tech.Coord., He is assisted by Safety Coordinators. Marc Tavlet - GLIMOS

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