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Political parties Contributed by: K.Beulah P.Naziya D.Likitha

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Presentation on theme: "Political parties Contributed by: K.Beulah P.Naziya D.Likitha"— Presentation transcript:

1 Political parties Contributed by: K.Beulah P.Naziya D.Likitha
Class X ( DM. POL) Contributed by: K.Beulah P.Naziya D.Likitha

2 Political party A political party is a group
Of people who come together To contest elections and Hold power in the govt

3 Functions of political parties
To contest in elections Policies and programmes Making laws Form and run government

4 National parties

5 National party A party that secures atleast
6% of total votes in loksabha Elections or assembly Elections in 4 states and wins Atleast 4 seats in the lok sabha is recognised As a national party

6 State parties

7 State party A party that secures atleast 6% of the
Total votes in an election to the legislative Assembly of a state and wins atleast Two seats is recognised as a state party

8 Lack of internal democracy
Challenges to the Political parties: Lack of internal democracy Dynastic successions Money and muscle power Meaningful choice

9 Reforming political parties

10 Ways to reforming Political parties
People can put pressure on political Parties. This can be done through Petitions, publicity and agitations 2. Political parties can improve if those Who want this join political parties

11 Thank you 


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