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Unit 3 Test Review.

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1 Unit 3 Test Review

2 Answer: -47feet per minute
A scuba diver dove 282 feet over 6 minutes. What was the average change in diver’s position in feet per minute? Answer: -47feet per minute

3 Determine if each fraction is a terminating decimal or a repeating decimal.
A. -⅞ B. ⅚  A. Terminating Decimal B. Repeating Decimal .

4 Answer: 8 feet per second
Mr. Brochstein ran a 386-feet race at an average speed of X feet per second. He completed the race in seconds. What was Mr. Brochstein average running speed, in feet per second?  Answer: 8 feet per second

5 Answer: ¼ miles Miss Brisebois hikes ⅙ miles in ⅔ an hour.
At this rate, If she hikes for an hour, how far will she have gone? Answer: ¼ miles

6 Answer: 4.5 plants per square foot
A scientist planted seeds in 5 sections of soil for an experiment.  Not all of the seeds grew into plants.  After 2 weeks, the scientist counted the number of plants in each of the 5 sections.  The results are shown in the table:  Use the data from the table to determine approximately how many plants grew per square foot for the total experiment.  Show or explain how you determined your answer. Sections Size of Sections (square feet) Number of Plants 1 35 9 2 50 11 3 75 17 4 90 20 5 110 23 Answer: 4.5 plants per square foot

7 Mrs. Player graded 48 tests in the last 2 days.  
Miss Marflak graded 69 tests in 3 days.  Mrs. Christ graded 110 test in the past 5 days. What is each teacher average grading rate. Who is the fastest grader. Answer: Mrs. Player grades 24 tests per days.   Miss Marflak grades 23 tests per day.  Mrs. Christ grades 22 tests per day.

8 Answer: Jamie gets pay $5 an hour. Melisa gets pay $5.5 an hour.
Jamie babysits for 5 ½ hours and is paid $27.5. Melisa babysits for 6 and gets pay $33. How much does each girl makes per hour? Answer: Jamie gets pay $5 an hour. Melisa gets pay $5.5 an hour.

9 Answer: 79.5 shirts per hour
A T-shirt launcher can launch 318 shirts in 4 hours. What is the rate in shirts per hour? Answer: 79.5 shirts per hour

10 Mrs. Christ drives 145 kilometers in an hour
Mrs. Christ drives 145 kilometers in an hour. At the same rate, how far she will be able to travel in 7 hours. Writhe the equation and solve. Answer: 1015 kilometers in 7 hours

11 Find the value of the power: 5-4
Answer: 1 625

12 Estimate: √19 Answer: 4.36

13 Answer: 7 > 6 √64 - 1 _____ 3√64 + 2
Complete the following inequality and explain your work using mathematical reasoning. Use <, >, or =.     √   _____   3√64 + 2 Answer: 7 > 6

14   Solve: (7 - 4) x (3 + 4)16 Answer: 2428

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