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Cyril Legrand – October 22-25, 2017 IRSC 2017 – Hong Kong

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Presentation on theme: "Cyril Legrand – October 22-25, 2017 IRSC 2017 – Hong Kong"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cyril Legrand – October 22-25, 2017 IRSC 2017 – Hong Kong
Performance Evaluation Model of Railway Operators Safety Management Systems Cyril Legrand – October 22-25, 2017 IRSC 2017 – Hong Kong

2 Introduction All operators must submit their SMS to NSA
Support Operation Leadership Continual improvement Plan Check Do Act Org. Safety Management System (SMS) Main themes topics: Leadership Support Continual improvement Operation Aim: to guarantee a coverage of all risk inherent to operator activities and to improve continuously the safety management Cyril Legrand – October 22-27, 2017 IRSC 2017 – Hong Kong

3 SMS performances evaluation
Outlines Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 SMS performances evaluation Conclusions and prospects Context Tool proposed Cyril Legrand – October 22-27, 2017 IRSC 2017 – Hong Kong

4 Context SMS Authorisation Fact: SMS must be checked and controlled during authorisation validity (5 years max.) Question: How to evaluate the performances of railways operator SMS from all along its life? A conformed SMS is it robust? How to prove it? On the basis of which criteria? Is pure conformity sufficient ? How to assess safety culture through a set of procedures ? Human factors? How to consider it in evaluation phase? Investigation of evaluation means (RESYGESS) Cyril Legrand – October 22-27, 2017 IRSC 2017 – Hong Kong

5 Context SMS can be seen as: Point of view Tool/method Methodology SMS
Petri networks UML « Stress-tests » Evaluation 1) Complex system (Systemics) Modelisation 2) Management system (ISO standards) SMS Evaluation Deming wheel SMS submitted Risk Treatments « 5 why ? » method Controls Safety-related events Maturity models Cyril Legrand – October 22-27, 2017 IRSC 2017 – Hong Kong

6 Focus on 2nd point of view
Issues Issues about 1st point of view (SMS modelling) Important number (several thousands for a national IM) of procedures within SMS Interfaces and dependences between procedures Different SMS structure for each operator Human factors complex to modelise Inexistence of direct modelling tool for SMS Long-term research topic Focus on 2nd point of view Cyril Legrand – October 22-27, 2017 IRSC 2017 – Hong Kong

7 Questioning about SMS evaluation
Suitability Efficiency Maturity Maturity Conformity Conformity Effectiveness Effectiveness SMS SMS SMS Robustness Cyril Legrand – October 22-27, 2017 IRSC 2017 – Hong Kong

8 Cyril Legrand – October 22-27, 2017 IRSC 2017 – Hong Kong
Conformity Evaluation based on lists of criteria (EU regulations 1158/2010 et 1169/2010) IM A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W RU A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S 93 criteria 80 criteria Example of criteria: “S. PROVISIONS FOR RECURRENT INTERNAL AUDITING OF THE SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM S.1 There is an internal auditing system which is independent and impartial and which acts in a transparent way” Remaining question: The conformity with these requirements does not prove that the process set up is effective, or how it is effective? Cyril Legrand – October 22-27, 2017 IRSC 2017 – Hong Kong

9 Effectiveness Noticed deviations Supervision activities
Authorisation granted Conformed SMS Existing tool in EPSF « Performance matrix » (presented in IRSC 2015) Effectiveness evaluation Cyril Legrand – October 22-27, 2017 IRSC 2017 – Hong Kong

10 Maturity Maturity model coming from EUAR
Make easier information exchange between each NSAs and NSA / EUAR Based on PDCA model and EUAR SMS Wheel Provide NSA with a simple model which allow them to make an opinion Model for RU/IM self-assessment 5 levels (from « Basic » to « Excellence ») Example: internal audits Radar Plot Audits planned, coordinated, prioritised considering previous audits and compared with best practices No evidence of audits being carried out Maturity scale Cyril Legrand – October 22-27, 2017 IRSC 2017 – Hong Kong

11 Overview of SMS evaluation
SMS performance evaluation Safety-related events evaluation SMS performance attributes Conformity Effectiveness Maturity Indicator(s) Number of criteria to satisfy (requirements) Non conformities detected during supervision activities - Deviations from submitted SMS - Properties coming from EUAR maturity model Occurrence Gravity Tendency on 5 years Possible adjustments: - Revision of conformity, effectiveness and maturity (on a part or on entire SMS) - A warning point placed on concerned part of SMS Tendency on 5 years Model Real life Cyril Legrand – October 22-27, 2017 IRSC 2017 – Hong Kong

12 Evaluation tool proposed
Safety railway authorisation not granted At the SMS submission No Safety railway certificate (RU) or authorisation (IM) granted with restrictions 100 % ? 90 % ? Yes Application Conformity evaluation No Maturity evaluation2 Yes Safety railway certificate (RU) or authorisation (IM) granted without restrictions Impossible in new authorisation case (no preliminary data available) Maturity evaluation1 1based on previous authorisation and supervision activities performed during the validity of previous authorisation 2based on restrictions After issuing authorisation Supervision activities results Effectiveness evaluation Conformity evaluation Maturity evaluation Immediate data flux Data flux for next renewal demands Cyril Legrand – October 22-27, 2017 IRSC 2017 – Hong Kong

13 Tool presentation (1/2) Part 1: « Identity card » of operator
Operator information Supervision information Safety-related events information Cyril Legrand – October 22-27, 2017 IRSC 2017 – Hong Kong

14 Tool presentation (2/2) Part 2: Conformity / Effectiveness / Maturity
The second part is the most important. It shows the notation of conformity, maturity and effectiveness for each SMS process and for each year in the validity period of authorisation. Some macros were developed for level determination of each attributes (check-lists of criteria for conformity, questionnaires for maturity and the synthesis of noticed deviations for effectiveness). The third part is an illustrative one with a radar plot of results for each year and each process. Theory Real life Development of actions: Conformity, maturity and effectiveness results about a RU (freight and dangerous goods transport) Possible notation adjustments (no safety related events => revise upwards CEM notations?) Consideration of safety-related events (gravity 3 to 6) Future audits on concerned part of SMS (leadership) Assessors Cyril Legrand – October 22-27, 2017 IRSC 2017 – Hong Kong

15 Another point of view of SMS performance evaluation
EUAR guideline Maturity Effectiveness criteria Operator criteria (specified in its SMS) SMS Performance Effectiveness Effectiveness deviation noticed in supervision activities Non-conformity criteria Deviation with CSM Conformity Non-conformity deviation noticed in supervision activities Cyril Legrand – October 22-27, 2017 IRSC 2017 – Hong Kong

16 Conclusions and prospects
SMS = the safety core of an organisation Procedures within SMS are the common assessment basis between operator and NSA SMS → complex to apprehend, model and assess because of its « organisational » nature SMS → Human factors are omnipresent PURE CONFORMITY IS NOT ENOUGH: NEED TO GO DEEPER Model based on the combination of effectiveness and maturity in addition to conformity A model remains… a model, so safety events must be considered in mirror The tool helps the assessors by rationalizing data but can’t replace assessor’s brain BUT… Future state: Current state: tool is in validation phase (real examples) Shared tool with other NSAs and EUAR Self-assessment tool for RU/IM ? Development of a formal tool

17 Thank you for your attention
Cyril Legrand – October 22-27, 2017 IRSC 2017 – Hong Kong

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