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Schematic drawing showing sound signal transductions in the mammalian ear A: schematic diagram showing the basic anatomy of a mammalian ear. Schematic.

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Presentation on theme: "Schematic drawing showing sound signal transductions in the mammalian ear A: schematic diagram showing the basic anatomy of a mammalian ear. Schematic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Schematic drawing showing sound signal transductions in the mammalian ear A: schematic diagram showing the basic anatomy of a mammalian ear. Schematic drawing showing sound signal transductions in the mammalian ear A: schematic diagram showing the basic anatomy of a mammalian ear. Sound waves pass through the ear canal, vibrate the ear drum in the middle ear, and then transmit into the inner ear, where mechanical vibrations are converted into electrical nerve impulses by the snail-shaped organ called cochlea. Finally, the hearing signals are passed to brain via the auditory nerve system. B: a transverse section of the sensory part of cochlea, depicting the cellular structure of the sound-detecting organ. The cochlea has an assembly of intricately shaped supporting cells as well as inner and outer hair cells, which are supported by a flexible basilar membrane at one end and are connected with the tectorial membrane through their stereocilia at the other end. The sound vibrations cause displacement of the basilar membrane, which stimulates the hair cells by bending the stereocilia bundles against the tectorial membrane. C: schematic diagram showing a mature hair bundle of a mammalian hair cell. Stereocilia in a hair bundle are filled with polarized actin filaments with their plus ends pointing to the stereociliary tips and inserted into the apical surface of the hair cell to form the rootlets. Tip link is thought to gate the mechanoelectrical transduction channel and forms two unique anchor points along stereocilia: the upper tip-link density (UTLD) and the lower tip-link density (LTLD). D: sound-induced deflections of stereocilia induce tension on tip links, which somehow open the coupled mechanoelectrical transduction channel. Then ions, mostly K+ and Ca2+, influx through the opened mechanoelectrical transduction channels and depolarize the hair cell. Lifeng Pan, and Mingjie Zhang Physiology 2012;27:25-42 ©2012 by American Physiological Society

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