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Presentation on theme: "ANATOMY/PHYSIOLOGY INTRODUCTION. A. Basic concepts. 1"— Presentation transcript:

ANATOMY/PHYSIOLOGY INTRODUCTION   A. Basic concepts   1. biological sciences a. anatomy b. physiology

2 2. requirements for life (environment around organism)
a. water b. food c. oxygen d. temperature e. atmospheric pressure f. protection from radiation

3 3. characteristics of life (of the organism)
a. movement b. metabolism c. homeostasis d. responsiveness e. growth and development f. adaptation g. reproduction

4 4. organization of life a. chemical/molecular level b. cellular level c. tissue level d. organ level e. organ system level f. organism


6 5. body systems a. integumentary b. skeletal c. muscular d. nervous e. endocrine f. cardiovascular/circulatory g. lymphatic h. digestive i. respiratory j. urinary k. reproductive

7 The Integumentary System
Forms external body covering Protects deeper tissues from injury Synthesizes vitamin D Site of cutaneous receptors (pain, pressure, etc.) and sweat and oil glands

8 The Skeletal System Protects and supports body organs
Provides a framework for muscles Blood cells formed within bones Stores minerals

9 The Muscular System Allows manipulation of environment Locomotion
Facial expression Maintains posture Produces heat

10 The Nervous System Fast-acting control system
Responds to internal and external changes

11 The Endocrine System Glands secrete hormones that regulate Growth
Reproduction Nutrient use

12 The Cardiovascular System
Blood vessels transport blood Carries oxygen and carbon dioxide Also carries nutrients and wastes Heart pumps blood through blood vessels

13 The Lymphatic System Picks up fluid leaked from blood vessels
Disposes of debris in the lymphatic system Houses white blood cells (lymphocytes) Mounts attack against foreign substances in the body

14 The Respiratory System
Keeps blood supplied with oxygen Removes carbon dioxide Gas exchange occurs through walls of air sacs in the lungs

15 The Digestive System Breaks down food into absorbable units
Indigestible foodstuffs eliminated as feces

16 The Urinary System Eliminates nitrogenous wastes
Regulates water, electrolyte, and acid-base balance

17 6. body plan a. anatomical directions 1. superior 2. inferior 3. anterior 4. posterior 5. medial 6. intermediate 7. lateral 8. proximal 9. distal 10. superficial 11. deep 12. parietal 13. visceral 14. ipsilateral 15. contralateral 16. caudal 17. cranial

18 Orientation and Directional Terms

19 Orientation and Directional Terms
digestive digestive

20 Orientation and Directional Terms


22 b. body planes 1. sagittal 2. transverse 3. frontal

23 c. body regions 1. axial 2. appendicular

24 d. body cavities 1. dorsal a. cranial b. vertebral/spinal


26 2. ventral a. thoracic b. abdominopelvic 3. oral/ buccal 4. nasal 5. orbital


28 Abdominal Quadrants Abdominal quadrants divide the abdomen into four quadrants Right upper and left upper quadrants Right lower and left lower quadrants

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