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“Education is a Progressive discovery of our own ignorance.”

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1 “Education is a Progressive discovery of our own ignorance.”
-Will Durant

2 CASE #3

3 Tick life cycle

4 Tick life cycle Female lays 1,000 to 10,000 eggs before dying

Irritation of the bite wound Vector for diseases Monocytic and Granulocytic Ehrlichiosis Lyme Disease Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever Tick Paralysis Many others… Clinical signs vary with disease Dx: finding tick on physical exam, history of exposure to wooded and grassy areas

6 Ticks Treatment Remove ticks: Grasp head parts close to skin with hemostats (NOT HANDS) and pull; no gasoline, cigarettes, etc. Topical treatments (sprays, shampoos, powder, dips) Topical systemic products Advantix Bravecto Nexgard… Client Info Routinely check pets for ticks, esp. after walks in parks, etc. blood may be infectious Ticks will feed on humans

7 CASE #4

8 Burrowing Mites Family Sarcoptidae Sarcoptes, Notoedres, Knemidocoptes
Small, round, live in skin tunnels. Short legs close to body. Sarcoptes, Notoedres, Knemidocoptes Trixacarus Family Demodicidae Live in hair follicles. Adults cigar shaped. Demodex canis Demodex cati Demodex gatoi

9 Burrowing Mites Diagnosis Deep Skin scraping for Demodex
Superficial skin scraping may be sufficient for sarcoptes

10 Demodectic mange

11 Demodex *** Demodex canis
Inhabits hair follicles, sebaceous glands or apocrine sweat glands Normal inhabitant in small numbers Immune system controls infestation Transmission: genetic predisposition to overgrowth

12 Demodex in cats *** D. cati D. gatoi -
Similar to D. canis – lives in hair follicles D. gatoi - Fat (broad, blunted abdomen) Lives more superficial in stratum corneum More pruritic

13 Demodex Demodex cati (right) Demodex gatoi Demodex canis (left)


15 Demodex *** Clinical Signs Localized Young dog (3m-1 y);
Alopecia esp. on face Not pruritic unless secondary infections are present Generalized Often febrile Entire body surface involved Secondary bacterial infection - pustules

16 Demodex Treatment for localized demodex
Goodwinol (Rotenone) topical daily Bactoderm (mupirocin)

17 Demodex Treatment for generalized demodex
Mitaban (amitraz) – topical dip FDA approved treatment Side Effects – sedation for hrs (up to 72 hrs) Ivermectin: SQ or PO extralabel use CAUTION in herding breeds Side Effects: ataxia, respiratory arrest, stupor and tremors Treatment recommended for 3 months

18 Demodex Treatment for generalized demodex
Bravecto (fluralaner) - off label 12 week oral tablet given once Oral antibiotics given for secondary infection

19 Demodex Treatment Approved topical dip Off labe use - SQ or PO

20 DEMODEX *** Client Info Many animals outgrow demodex as they age
Not contagious to humans Tx does not completely remove mites Strongly recommend OHE with treatment or relapse may occur with heat cycles Generalized form can be fatal.

21 CASE #5

22 Sarcoptic mange- Scabies

23 Sarcoptic Mange *** Species specific
Burrows under skin – stratum corneum Hypersensitivity reaction causes extreme pruritis

24 SARCOPTES Clincal Signs Red crusty lesions on ears, elbows and trunk
Intensely pruritic Progressively more severe

25 Sarcoptic mange Treatment: relatively easily killed
Mitaban (Amitraz): extralabel use for sarcoptes Ivermectin injections: extralabel use Revolution (selamectin) – approved Lime Sulfur Dips Client Info – highly contagious to other dogs and humans

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