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2003 Hotqua - Activities. Hotqua Aktivitäten 2003 2 Quality Representative Workshop: Quality Representative ISO 9001:200, Hotel & Tourism.

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Presentation on theme: "2003 Hotqua - Activities. Hotqua Aktivitäten 2003 2 Quality Representative Workshop: Quality Representative ISO 9001:200, Hotel & Tourism."— Presentation transcript:

1 2003 Hotqua - Activities

2 Hotqua Aktivitäten 2003 2 Quality Representative Workshop: Quality Representative ISO 9001:200, Hotel & Tourism Management : 80% Contentment degree of the participant : 80% Hotel & Restaurant Am Alten Rhin Alt Ruppin, 08.01.03 Photo: GM Bert Krsynowski

3 Hotqua Aktivitäten 2003 3 Workshops Front Office Sales % Contentment degree of participants: 87 % Tryp Hotel Potsdam Michendorf, 22.02.03 / Hotel & Tourism DIN-EN-ISO 9001:2000 Quality representative / Hotel & Tourism DIN-EN-ISO 9001:2000 s: 85% Contentment degree of the participants: 85% Romantik Hotel Kloster Zinna 18.03.03

4 Hotqua Aktivitäten 2003 4 Online further education Hotel & Tourism Management Contentment degree of the participant: 100 % Oliver Bench, Hotel Cottage Photo: AHK Montevideo, Uruguay 29.10.02 - 27.03.03

5 Hotqua Aktivitäten 2003 5 Inhouse Workshops for the Tryp Hotel Potsdam Restaurant Sales (29.03.03) – –Contentment degree 100%, Housekeeping (24.04.03) – –Contentment degree : 97,5% Service quality Contentment degree : 90% Photo: Tryp Hotel Students, 17.04.03

6 Hotqua Aktivitäten 2003 6 Inhouse Workshops Reception, Housekeeping, Service and Kitchen Contentment degree of the workshop participants: from 85% to 95% Romantik Hotel Alte Försterei, Kloster Zinna, from March to May 2003 Photo: employees of the Romantik Hotel

7 Hotqua Aktivitäten 2003 7 Service- Quality- Barometer Hotel & Restaurant Am Alten Rhin, Alt Ruppin Implementation from July to August 2003

8 Hotqua Aktivitäten 2003 8 ISO 9001 Implementation DIN-EN-ISO 9001 Implementation workshop ISO 9001 Contentment degree of the workshop participants: 90% Hotel Horizont, Neubrandenburg, from February to August 2003

9 Hotqua Aktivitäten 2003 9 Online courses in spanish language Service Quality Hotel & Restaurant (Servicio de calidad hotel / restaurante) Contentment degree : 100 % Ana Maria Siems Forte + Osvaldo Giolito, IDEIAS, Copacabana/Rio de Janeiro, May- August 2003 Quality Representative ISO 9001 Contentment degree of the workshop participant Contentment degree of the workshop participant: 100% Ricardo Kaufmann, Montevideo, im August 2003

10 Hotqua Aktivitäten 2003 10 Online courses in spanish language Costumer orientet activities (Atención al cliente) Contentment degree of the workshop participant: 100% Rosa Melina Armijo, AHK-Honduras, September 2003 (Venta profesional directa y telefónica) Professional sales & telemarketing (Venta profesional directa y telefónica) Contentment degree of the workshop participants: 87% and 100% Analía Dobarro, Mallorca & Marcelo Acosta, Mallorca, Spain

11 Hotqua Aktivitäten 2003 11 QMS Health Management High Quality Representative ISO 9001:2000 Contentment degree of the workshop participants: 85% Photo: Workshop participants in the Hotel Dietrich-Bonhoeffer- Haus/VCH Berlin, 29-31.08.03

12 Hotqua Aktivitäten 2003 12 Workshop SQG Service quality from the viewpoint of the hotel guests Contentment degree of the workshop participants : 83% Photo: Hotel DBH/VCH, Berlin, 27.09.03

13 Hotqua Aktivitäten 2003 13 Certification DIN-EN-ISO 9001 Congratulation for the certification DIN-EN-ISO 9001 Hotel Horizont, Neubrandenburg, 07.10.03

14 Hotqua Aktivitäten 2003 14 Sales - Workshops Workshop: Sales strategies : 83% Contentment degree of the workshop participants : 83% Haus der Begegnung VCH- Hotel, Berlin, 6.11.03 Design and sales of packages : 87% Contentment degree of the workshop participants : 87% Photo: kmgne in Dessau, 27.10.03

15 Hotqua Aktivitäten 2003 15 Workshop in Montevideo Customer oriented activities : 83% Contentment degree of the workshop participants : 83% Radisson Victoria Plaza Hotel Montevideo, 21.11.03

16 Hotqua Aktivitäten 2003 16 Workshop in Neubrandenburg EuRoB Partnerworkshop Quality Management Contentment degree of the workshop participants: 94% Photo: Konzertkirche EuRoB Exposition in Neubrandenburg, 02.12.03

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