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Jessica Hoste Municipal Security.

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Presentation on theme: "Jessica Hoste Municipal Security."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jessica Hoste Municipal Security

2 New prevention and security functions in the public area
Community Wardens

3 Content of presentation
Evolution prevention and safety functions Belgium Workshop prevention and safety functions Europe

4 Evolution prevention and safety functions Belgium
Context development security and prevention functions in the public area Consequences developments Strategy: community wardens Structural framework Conclusion

5 Proliferation of new prevention and safety functions in the public area
’90: security central as a social theme: Emphasis on increasing the social cohesion and the security feeling Prevention as an instrument gains significance Responsibility tackling insecurity with the local administrations

6 Development local security policy
Each municipality/city: own phenomena – own priorities = own way to fill in definition security + method identification of 211 non-police public prevention and safety functions at the local level

7 Common characteristic
Core task: functional surveillance public domain  sensitizing visitors reduction feelings of insecurity

8 Filling-in functions - The local government determines all
Filling-in of the tasks of the function name function = tasks ≠ names ≠ tasks = names uniform employment conditions

9 Consequence Confusion

10 Consequence Lack of clarity
Lack of clarity filling-in of the tasks and framework public prevention and safety functions: Possible overlap tasks regulated functions, e.g. private security, police Precarious statute – bottom of the food chain

11 Strategy: streamline Community Wardens

12 Community Wardens Aim Law
Uniformity - coherence - clarity 1 name 1 uniform Definition range of duties - competences Explicit embedding local administration More visibility and clarity for population Clear distinction with tasks and competences police and private security Definition cooperation with police and private security

13 Community Wardens Aim Law
Professionalization Employment conditions Practice conditions Training

14 Embedding local administration
Recruitment by local administration  insertion organization chart municipality  city Local administration responsible for coordination and control missions Cooperation police: written agreement OPERATIONAL MANAGEMENT COMPETENCE LOCAL ADMINISTRATION

15 Community Wardens Conclusion
Evolution proliferation  streamlined entity with well-founded view: tasks competences = CRITERIA recruitment and framework DEPLOYMENT CW Local government still determines approach concerning security allows custom-made policy in compliance with criteria

16 Community Wardens Conclusion
 Recognition preventive surveillance functions at local level as full partner in local security policy

17 Workshop prevention and safety functions Europe
Different approaches on filling-in local prevention and safety functions in Europe: Emphasis functions: balancing between social prevention and repression Different tasks Different statues: professional - volunteer Uniform - no uniform

18 Panel of experts and their best practices
Republic of Lithuania: Police Supporters The Netherlands: Special Investigative Officers (BOA’s) Denmark: Night Owls Belgium: Community Wardens

19 Debate (or battle) experts
Prevention and safety workers: Is their impact on social cohesion real? Are they the helpers of police? Is their competition with the private security? Volunteer or professional?

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