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On behalf of the LHCb collaboration

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1 On behalf of the LHCb collaboration
Sergey Barsuk CERN and ITEP,Moscow Assisi, June 20–24, 2005 On behalf of the LHCb collaboration The LHCb experiment: Status and expected physics performance

2 Introduction LHCb is a dedicated experiment to study CP violation and other rare phenomena in B meson decays (and also c,τ,jets,…): Precision measurement of CKM parameters; Test of Standard Model predictions / search for new physics Expect ~1012 b-hadrons / year All b-species are produced: Bu (~40%), Bd (~40%), Bs (~10%), Bc (~0.1%), Λb (~10%), … , Excited states, … Bu, Bd are being explored in great detail (thanks to B-factories) => Improve statistics (other sources of systematics) Bs time resolved studies (not accessible at B-factories)

3 b-production at LHCb θb LHC Luminosity @ LHCb: 2-5 x 1032 cm-2s-1
σbbar = 500 μb σinelastic = 80 mb beam θb 1 LHCb year = 2 fb-1 = 1012 bb

4 Detector requirements
Example: Decay: Bs -> Ds K, Ds -> Φπ Flavour tag: B -> Dlν B Bs K π e ν D Ds PVx SVx Exclusive B-decay reconstruction => Kinematics measurement => Particle ID Flavour tagging => Particle ID Proper time (L~1cm) Fast Bs oscillations => Precise vertexing + Efficient trigger + Control of systematics

5 ->Talk by Matthew Needham
The LHCb detector: kinematic measurements Charged tracks γ, πo Vertex LOcator Trigger Tracker Inner/Outer Tracker Magnet Calorimeter ->Talk by Matthew Needham

6 Vacuum vessel arrived at NIKHEF in 04/2005
VErtex LOcator 21 stations in vacuum tank R/φ sensors ~180k R-O channels VELO Si sensor 1 m Sensors sensitive area 8mm from beam line (30 mm during injection) hybrid R-O chip PVx position resolution: x,y: ~ 8 μm z: ~ 44 μm IP precision: ~ 30 μm VELO in the TestBeam in 2006 -> study of pattern recognition, alignment, … Vacuum vessel arrived at NIKHEF in 04/2005

7 Installed and commissioned in 2004
Magnet ∫Bdl = 4 Tm Warm dipole magnet (Al), Fe yoke = 1600 t Daily reverse field to reduce systematics Installed and commissioned in 2004 Field mapping ongoing

8 Tracker T1-3 OT TT IT Sensors Kapton cable Trigger Tracker
Silicon Strip, 1.6 x 1.3 m2 => 144k channels Inner Tracker Silicon Strip, 1.2 x 0.6 m2 => 129k channels Outer Tracker Straw tubes, 5.6 x 4.6 m2 => 54k channels Sensor ladders 60% of chambers produced Electronics hybrid Efficiency ~94% (p>10 GeV/c) Ghost rate ~3% (pT>0.5 GeV/c) Momentum resolution ~0.4%

9 ->Talk by Tito Bellunato
The LHCb detector: particle ID π/K/p e, γ, πo μ RICH system Calorimeter μ -system ->Talk by Tito Bellunato

10 RICH system RICH1: Aerogel and C4F10 RICH2: CF4
mrad RICH1 mrad RICH1: Aerogel and C4F10 RICH2: CF4 π/K separation for true pions from B->ππ events <π/K separation> Photon detectors: Hybrid PhotoDiodes (HPD)

11 RICH system Contract for 500 HPDs signed
Delivery starting from 07/2005 Installation of RICH1 shielding in the LHCb detector Entrance/exit windows of RICH2

12 Calorimeter Scintillator Pad Detector / Preshower (SPD/PS)
Electromagnetic calorimeter (ECAL) Hadronic calorimeter (HCAL) projective geometry, variable granularity SPD/PS SPD/PS Sc-Pb-Sc 15mm-14mm-15mm 2 x 6k detector cells/R-O channels Deep groove design of cell 2.5 Xo depth Production ongoing HCAL ECAL SPD/PS modules with 144, 64 and 16 detector cells 100% outer type modules produced

13 Lateral scan of ECAL module with 50 GeV e-beam
Calorimeter: ECAL Shashlyk technology 6k detector cells/R-O channels Volume ratio Pb:Sc = 2:4 (mm) 25 Xo , 1.1 λ depth Production completed Light yield: ~3000 ph.e./GeV Cell-to-cell spread: r.m.s.<7% Energy resolution: σ(E)/E = 10%/VE + 1% Lateral scan of ECAL module with 50 GeV e-beam ADC channels Spread across the module: for beam parallel to module axis: < ±1.3% for beam at 200 mrad: < ±0.6% mm X

14 Calorimeter: ECAL Wall size is within measurement error to design value x,y-positions of module are known to ±0.5 mm z-position: all modules within ±2 mm

15 Calorimeter: HCAL Fe-Scintillator tile calorimeter
1.5k detector cells/R-O channels 5.6 λ depth Production completed Cell-to-cell spread: r.m.s. < 5% Assembly of HCAL module 1/2 HCAL is installed in the detector

16 Muon detector 5 stations with projective pad R-O Production at 6 sites
In total: 1368 MWPCs Produced and tested: 450 MWPCs (~30%) PNPI2 Poliuretanic foam Cathode PCB Cathode pads 20 ns Efficiency ~95% π-misID rate <1% 2mm pitch wire R-O

17 A very busy time in the LHCb cavern

18 Trigger -> talk by Frederic Teubert Level 0 (40 MHz -> 1 MHz)
-> hardware high-pT e, γ, πo, μ, h => CALO, MUON pile-up veto => VELO Level 1 (1 MHz -> 40 kHz) -> software large IP and pT tracks => VELO, TT High Level Trigger complete event info => ALL ~offline selection -> 2 kHz on tape -> systematics and data mining Large pT b-physics topology Mb ~ 5 GeV/c2 βγcτ ~ 1 cm Large IP L0 L1 L0xL1

19 Baseline measurements
Bs oscillations frequency, phase and ΔΓs Bs -> Ds π Bs -> J/Ψ Φ, J/Ψ η, Φ ηc Measurement of γ=-Arg Vub Bs -> Ds K only tree diagrams -> no NP Bd -> ππ, Bs -> KK U-spin symmetry, NP in gluonic penguins Bd -> Do K*, Do K*, DCP K* Dunietz-Gronau-Wyler method, NP in DD-mixing Rare decays, search for NP Bd -> K*γ, ωγ, Bs -> Φ γ Bs -> ΦΦ, Bd -> ΦKs Bd -> K* μμ Bs -> μμ

20 Event generator: Pythia+QQ
Full detailed Geant simulation of detector pile-up and spill-over included Realistic digitization and reconstruction with full pattern recognition Realistic L0, L1 trigger simulation Assumption: Major background: bb-inclusive events large pT, IP, secondary vertices, multiplicity Toy MC used for sensitivity studies acceptance and resolutions parameterized from full MC Reconstruction/analysis software environment -> talk by Patrick Koppenburg

21 Δms measurement: Bs -> Dsπ
Ds -> KKπ Proper time resolution ~40 fs LHCb 1 year Δms = 25 ps-1 82k events/year B/S = 0.32 ± 0.10 5σ measurement in 1 year of running for Δms up to 68 ps-1 (far beyond Standard Model expectation Δms < 26 ps-1) Once oscillations are established, determine Δms with σ(Δms) ~ 0.01stat ps-1

22 γ measurement: Bs -> DsK
Ds -> KKπ K/π !!! 5.4k events/year B/S < 1 Bs -> Dsπ Bs -> DsK Measures γ-2χ 5 LHCb years Bs -> DsK 1 LHCb year Bs -> Dsπ Δms, (ps-1 ) 20 25 30 σ(γ), (o) 14.2 16.2 18.3

23 Bd -> ππ, Bs -> KK Bd -> ππ Bs -> KK K/π !!!

24 γ measurement: Bd -> ππ, Bs -> KK
Measures γ Time-dependent asymmetries for Bd->ππ and Bs->KK: ACP(t) = Adir cos(Δm t) + Amix sin(Δm t) Parameters: γ, φd(φs), P/T = d e iθ Take φd(φs) from other measurements U-spin symmetry [Fleischer]: dππ = dKK and θππ = θKK => 4 measurements, 3 unknown => Solve for γ σ(γ) ~ 5o in 1 LHCb year Uncertainty from U-spin assumption Sensitive to new physics in penguins Bd -> ππ 25k events/year Bs -> KK 37k events/year LHCb 1 year Contours 68% CL 95% CL

25 Bs -> J/Ψ Φ J/Ψ -> ll Φ -> KK
Non-CP state => partial waves Measures φs = -2 χ; χ~0.02 is small Simultaneous measurement of ΔΓs; in SM ΔΓs/Γs~0.1 Annual yield B/S 100k < 0.3 7k < 5.1 3.2k < 1.4 => 5 years sensitivity σ(φs)~0.02

26 Test of SM/QCD; search for NP
Rare decays Test of SM/QCD; search for NP Bs -> Φγ Bs -> ΦΦ Gluonic penguin E/W penguin 9.3k events/year B/S < 2.4 1.2k events/year B/S < 0.2 Bs -> μμ Bd -> K*μμ E/W penguin LHCb 5 years 4.4k events/year AFB ~17 events/year

27 Bc -> J/Ψ π LHCb ~1.5 month CDF 2005 Yield: 14k events/year
B/S < 0.8

28 Flavour Tagging SVx PVx
Determine the flavour of the signal B-meson at production Quality of the flavour tagging tagging efficiency εtag = (R+W) / (R+W+U) wrong tag fraction ω = W / (R+W) effective tagging efficiency εeff = εtag (1-2ω)2 (after passing trigger and offline cuts) Bs Bo D l- K- K+ Qvx PVx SVx Algorithms “Opposite side” leptons from semileptonic decays K± from b->c->s chain inclusive vertex charge “Same side” K± from fragmentation accompanying Bs meson In the LHCb, measure ω using control channels with similar topology

29 Summary of principal physics channels
Nominal year = 1012 bb pairs produced (107 s at L=2x1032 cm-2s-1 with σbb=500μb) Yields include factor 2 from CP-conjugated decays Branching ratios from PDG or SM predictions

30 Performance after 1 LHCb year (2 fb-1)
channel yield precision γ Bs -> Ds K Bd -> ππ, Bs -> KK Bd -> Do K* Bd -> DCP K* 5.4k 26k, 37k 0.5k 3.4k 0.6k σ(γ) ≈ 14o σ(γ) ≈ 6o σ(γ) ≈ 8o χ Bs -> J/Ψ Φ 120k σ(χ) ≈ 2o |Vtd/Vts| Bs -> Ds π 80k Δms up to 68 ps-1 rare decays Bd -> K* γ 35k σ(ACPdir) ≈ 0.01 + systematics ! -> talk by Guy Wilkinson

31 Summary LHCb detector is optimized for precise measurement of CP violation and search for new phenomena Exploit ~1012 b-hadrons / year with all b-species -> B(s,c)-factory Complementary/competitive to (Super)-B(d,u)-factories and Tevatron Detector construction is advancing well To be ready for the first LHC collisions in 2007 Physics potential can be fully exploited with the initial LHC luminosity More on LHCb in Wednesday/Thursday talks: -> M.Needham “Status of the LHCb tracking system” -> T.Bellunato “Status of LHCb RICH and HPD” -> F.Teubert “LHCb trigger development” -> G.Wilkinson “LHCb strategy to understand systematics” -> P.Koppenburg “Reconstruction and analysis software environment of LHCb”

32 To conclude … Historically, competitions on Beauty involve the famous apple … … the Apple of Discord

33 … and in a few years … NP

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