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Anansi and the Elephant

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1 Anansi and the Elephant
By Grace Winder and Faye Scott

2 Page one One day Anansi was going to the water hole for a drink when he met his best friend Elephant. “Hello Elephant would you like to come round for tea?” asked Anansi. “Why yes Anansi” replied Elephant.

3 Page two Elephant stomped up to Anansi’s house and banged on the door. “Come in” said Anansi. Elephant opened the door and entered the room. Then Anansi spoke up “Elephant you've put on some weight. Well lets get stuck in.” Anansi and Elephant made there way to the table. When they sat down elephant said something about not eating. “Anansi I don't feel feel like eating because my bums stuck to the chair.”

4 Page three Anansi was a bit shocked at what Elephant just said but inside he was pleased. “Right then I will have to eat all the food because it will go cold.” “Okay Anansi” replied the unhappy Elephant. Elephant walked home with the tiny chair stuck to his big bottom. Stomp stomp Stomp stomp Stomp stomp. When he got home he sat in his large chair and thought out a plan.

5 Page four “Anansi is very good at thinking out plans so I will have to stay up all night if I want to make a plan to trick Anansi.” thought Elephant. In the end Elephant had written out a plan. This is what the plan looked like: I will get him to come round for tea and give him an extra small chair.

6 Page five Elephant and Anansi met at the water hole again.“Hi Anansi Would you like to come for tea?” “Yes please” replied Anansi. Anansi walked over to Elephants house at five thirty p.m. Anansi knocked on the door to Elephants house. “Come in” said Elephant. Anansi entered Elephant’s house.

7 Page six “Please come in Anansi,” said Elephant happily. Anansi and Elephant made their way over to the table. “I don’t feel like eating Elephant because my bum has got stuck to the chair” said Anansi. Anansi stomped home all angry. Stomp stomp Stomp stomp Stomp stomp.


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