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Global Wind Patterns Cornell Notes (Notebook p. 29)

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1 Global Wind Patterns Cornell Notes (Notebook p. 29)

2 Unequal Heating of Earth
Solar radiation provides energy to warm Earth. Solar radiation is constant and uniform, but warming does not occur evenly.

3 Why? 1. Earth’s Tilt

4 Because of the tilt, certain parts of the earth get stronger and hotter rays from the sun than other parts do.


6 Why? 2. The Angle of Sunlight
The Earth is a sphere and therefore the sun’s light strikes the surface at different angles.

7 Why? 3. Albedo (reflecting) the sun’s rays

8 Why is the Earth heated unevenly??
The sun’s rays strike at different angles. The amount of surface area that the sun’s rays cover is different. Some areas reflect more solar energy than others.

9 Let’s compare the Temperatures at the extremes on Earth
Where are the highest and the lowest temperatures? Answer: the equator and the poles

10 Temperature-Density Relationship
As temperature increases, density decreases. **That’s why warm air rises. T , D T , D

11 Convection Currents

12 Draw convection current over land and water
Draw convection current over land and water. **Label: rising, sinking, high pressure low pressure, wind. Air Rising Air Sinking Wind High Pressure Low Pressure

13 Wind (el viento) wind!!! Air that is in motion relative to the surface
The horizontal movement of air Uneven heating of Earth’s surface by the sun causes differences in air pressure which causes wind. wind!!!

14 Global Wind Patterns

15 Global Winds

16 Global Winds The Coriolis Effect:
Air movement on a small scale forms local winds, but if we look at the movement of air all over the Earth, we begin to see patterns. The Coriolis Effect: is a curve in the direction of the wind caused by the Earth’s rotation.

17 The Coriolis Effect (el efecto Coriolis)
The deflection of wind caused by Earth’s rotation.


19 The way the earth’s rotation makes winds curve is the Coriolis effect
Global winds curve right into the Northern Hemisphere Global winds curve left into the Southern hemisphere

20 1. Trade Winds Winds that blow from the east towards the equator
They got their name because these winds helps ships bring good across the ocean for trading. 7

21 Intense solar heat at the equator causes the air to converge (come together) and to rise.

22 2. Westerlies Middle to higher latitudes
Start blowing from the west towards the poles 10

23 3. Polar Easterlies Descending cold air creates a high pressure area
The winds here blow from the poles starting at the east 11

24 Winds are described by their direction they come from

25 3. Doldrums Region near the equator where there is NO WIND
Very low pressure 3. Doldrums 8

26 4. Horse Latitudes Very little winds High Pressure area 30 º latitude

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