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17th International Conference on E-health Networking, Applications & Services Healthcom 2015 Boston, USA On Resilience of Wireless Mesh Routing Protocol.

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Presentation on theme: "17th International Conference on E-health Networking, Applications & Services Healthcom 2015 Boston, USA On Resilience of Wireless Mesh Routing Protocol."— Presentation transcript:

1 17th International Conference on E-health Networking, Applications & Services
Healthcom 2015 Boston, USA On Resilience of Wireless Mesh Routing Protocol against DoS Attacks in IoT-based Ambient Assisted Living Applications Shaker Alanazi Jalal Al-Muhtadi Abdelouahid Derhab Kashif Saleem Center of Excellence in Information Assurance (CoEIA) King Saud University (KSU) Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Joel J.P.C Rodrigues Instituto de Telecomunicações, University of Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal King Saud University, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Afnan N. AlRomi Hanan S. Alholaibah National Center for Cyber Security Technology, King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST), Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

2 Outline Introduction Related Work & Comparative Studies
Implementation and Simulation Results Conclusion dfgdsrgradsfgasdfasdfa

3 Introduction IoT-based AAL Application
internet of things IoT consists of all kinds of smart objects such as: sensors, actuators, RFID, smartphones, and home appliances combination of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) and wireless mesh network (WMN) mesh clients or mesh router. AAL refers to intelligent systems of assistance for a better, healthier and safer life in the individual’s preferred living environment. Figure depicts an architecture of IoT-based AAL application Explain server side jobs and sensors side and hand held devices and how they connect

4 An Adversary Spoofing a Routing Update
Introduction Network Layer Attacks A Malicious Node with Multiple Identities Arise Sybil Attack Selective Forwarding Attack by a) Single Malicious Node, b) Two Malicious Nodes Express bit about network layer attacks Hello Flood Attack An Adversary Spoofing a Routing Update

5 Introduction This Research Paper
A Comparative Studies most suitable secure mesh routing protocol. The resilience of PASER against DoS attacks is studied with more focus on the hello flooding attacks. PARSER is simulated and evaluated in terms of packet delivery ratio, delay and throughput. Moreover the study consider the mobility factor and its impact on the security by simulating scenarios with mobile nodes.

6 Related Work & Comparative Studies
14. R. Matam and S. Tripathy, "Provably Secure Routing Protocol for Wireless Mesh Networks.," International Journal of Network Security, vol. 16.3, pp , 2014 15. H. Lin, J. Hu, J. Ma, L. Xu and A. Nagar, "A role based privacy-aware secure routing protocol for wireless mesh networks.," Wireless Personal Communications, vol. 75.3, pp , 2014. 17. J. Ben‐Othman and Y. I. S. Benitez, "IBC‐HWMP: a novel secure identity‐based cryptography‐based scheme for Hybrid Wireless Mesh Protocol for IEEE s.," Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, vol. 25.5, pp , 2013 18. H. Wen and G. Luo., "Wormhole Attacks Detection and Prevention Based on 2-Hop Neighbor in Wireless Mesh Networks⋆," Information & Computational Science, vol. 1014, pp , 2013 19. M. Sbeiti, A. Wolff and C. Wietfeld, "PASER: Position Aware Secure and Efficient Route Discovery for Wireless Mesh Networks," in nternational Conference on Emerging Security Information, Systems and Technologies - SECURWARE, Nice/Saint Laurent du Var, France, 2011.

7 Related Work & Comparative Studies
Comparison Demonstrates Previously, have difficulty to avail the simulation based WMN implementation with network layer attacks. In addition, the mobility factor has also not been considered while proposing the secure routing protocols for WMN. Lacks in comprehensive analysis for the most important attacks in WMN that can cause DoS problem. PASER support real-time communication And is designed to support rescue and emergency operations. 14. R. Matam and S. Tripathy, "Provably Secure Routing Protocol for Wireless Mesh Networks.," International Journal of Network Security, vol. 16.3, pp , 2014 15. H. Lin, J. Hu, J. Ma, L. Xu and A. Nagar, "A role based privacy-aware secure routing protocol for wireless mesh networks.," Wireless Personal Communications, vol. 75.3, pp , 2014. 17. J. Ben‐Othman and Y. I. S. Benitez, "IBC‐HWMP: a novel secure identity‐based cryptography‐based scheme for Hybrid Wireless Mesh Protocol for IEEE s.," Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, vol. 25.5, pp , 2013 18. H. Wen and G. Luo., "Wormhole Attacks Detection and Prevention Based on 2-Hop Neighbor in Wireless Mesh Networks⋆," Information & Computational Science, vol. 1014, pp , 2013 19. M. Sbeiti, A. Wolff and C. Wietfeld, "PASER: Position Aware Secure and Efficient Route Discovery for Wireless Mesh Networks," in nternational Conference on Emerging Security Information, Systems and Technologies - SECURWARE, Nice/Saint Laurent du Var, France, 2011.

8 Implementation

9 Implementation

10 Simulation Results PASER Performance under the following five scenarios: Network without any mobile node Network with one mobile node Network with two mobile nodes Network with three mobile nodes Network with four mobile nodes

11 Simulation Results Hello flooding attacks on stationary and mobile network is measured. • S1: Network without any malicious node. • S2: Network with two malicious nodes, one of them is mobile. • S3: Network with three malicious nodes, two of them are mobile. • S4: Network with four malicious nodes, three of them are mobile.

12 Conclusion We have selected PASER as the the most suitable secure mesh routing protocol for IoT-based AAL applications. We have studied the resilience of PASER against DoS attacks by focusing on the hello flood attack. Simulation results have shown that PARSER is totally resilient against the hello flood attack, and can be one of the best candidates to secure the data routing in IoT-based AAL applications.

13 Acknowledgement This Project is fully supported by
The National plan of Science, Technology and Innovation (MAARIFAH), King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Award Number (12-INF ) and Partially by The Instituto de Telecomunicações, Next Generation Networks and Applications Group (NetGNA), Portugal, by the Visiting Professor Program at King Saud University, and by National Funding from the FCT -Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia through the UID/EEA/500008/2013 Project. dfgdsrgradsfgasdfasdfa

14 -: Thank you :- Any Questions ?

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