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Diary of a Brontosaurus

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1 Diary of a Brontosaurus
By: Lisa Surkovich

2 Monday, July 16 Dear Diary, Today my friend Triceratops and I went for a long walk. We were really careful to stay away from that bully, T-Rex. I know I can’t run fast enough to keep out of his way.

3 Tuesday, July 17 Dear Diary,
We got weighed and measured in school today. I’m only 70 ft long, but the nurse said I’m probably still growing since most of my family is over 80 ft long. I think I may need to go on a diet though, 35 tons is a lot of weight!

4 Wednesday, July 18 Dear Diary,
Triceratops and I got in a big fight today. He said my brain is way too small for the size of my body and I said his head looked really stupid with those three horns growing out of it. I know I have a really small brain, but that doesn’t mean I’m a dummy!

5 Thursday, July 19 Dear Diary,
This diet is killing me! I normally spend most of my day eating leaves and other vegetation, but I’ve really been trying to cut back. I’m just so hungry! It takes a lot of food to fill up a 35 ton dinosaur. At least Triceratops and I are talking again.

6 Friday, July 20 Dear Diary, Mom and Dad said to forget the diet. Our type of dinosaur is supposed to be big. Mom said I should be proud to be one of the biggest living dinosaurs and at least I’m a vegetarian instead of a meat eater like the mean T-Rex’s. Dad says he’ll never understand how one dinosaur could eat another one!

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