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Published byMae Sparks Modified over 6 years ago
Write your number on the post-it and post it to the board?
Warm-Up 8-15 Based on your responses to the survey, what do you think characterizes a conservative and/or liberal? Write your number on the post-it and post it to the board? On the board, ask students to provide answers. Write them on the board. Liberals (Democrats): Gov’t regulation of business; Pro-Environnment; Restriction on gun ownership, Conservatives (Republicans): Pro Business; Little regulation of business. Little resitrction on guns, Increase defense spending, Limited Government, Ant-Immigration
The Government should do what the majority of people want? MAJORITY RULES! (Majoritarianism) The government should make healthcare FREE, which means everyone must pay higher taxes. (Majoritarianism) The United States is a better off country when it run by elites (educated, wealthy, privileged minority) than ordinary people? (elitism) We should compromise on decision. (pluralism) I can tell what kind of person you are just by looking at your gender, race and where you come from? (bias/ideology) CONTEMPORARY ECONOMICS 9/11/2018 4 Corners Activity LESSON 2.1
Should a business, based on religious beliefs, be able to deny service to a customer? Should the government increase environmental regulations to prevent global warming? Do you support increased gun control? Do you support the legalization of Marijuana? Should the government decrease military spending? American needs to give up privacy and freedom in order to feel safe? Corporations make too much money these days. Racial discrimination is the main reason why minorities can’t get ahead these days. CONTEMPORARY ECONOMICS 9/11/2018 4 Corners Activity LESSON 2.1
Should the government decrease military spending? Should illegal immigrants be given access to government-subsidized healthcare? Government regulation is necessary to protect the environment and public interest Most people who want to get ahead can make it if they’re willing to work hard. Just because you work hard and are determined it is not a guarantee for success. Relying too much on military force creates more enemies than friends. Poor people today have it easy because they can get government benefits without doing anything in return. Corporations make too much these days. CONTEMPORARY ECONOMICS 9/11/2018 4 Corners Activity LESSON 2.1
Poor people today have it easy because they can get government benefits without doing anything in return. Immigration threatens/strengthens America Government is always wasteful Success in life is determined by forces outside of your control. OR Everyone has its their own power in their own hands. American needs to give up privacy and freedom in order to feel safe? CONTEMPORARY ECONOMICS 9/11/2018 4 Corners Activity LESSON 2.1
Political Ideologies Conservatism Liberalism Modern conservatism
Conservative values Liberalism Modern liberalism Liberal values Ideology- A comprehensive set of beliefs about the nature of people and about the role of an institution or government. Conservatism- A set of beliefs that includes a limited role for the national government in helping individuals, support for traditional ideals and life choices, and a cautious response to change. Conservative Movement- An American movement in the 1950s that provided a comprehensive ideological framework for conservative politics. Liberalism- A set of beliefs that includes the advocacy of positive government action to improve the welfare of individuals, support for civil rights, and tolerance for political and social change.
Political Ideologies The Traditional Political Spectrum
Socialism Libertarianism Problems with the Traditional Political Spectrum Liberalism = big government? Socialism- A political ideology based on strong support for economic and social equality. Socialists traditionally envisioned a society in which major businesses were taken over by the government or by employee cooperatives. Libertarianism- A political ideology based on skepticism or opposition toward most government activities.
Political Ideologies A Four-Cornered Ideological Grid
Economic liberals, cultural conservatives Libertarians Liberal versus progressive One Nation, Divided Political polarization Progressive- A popular alternative to the term liberal.
Figure 1-1 In this grid, the colored squares represent four different political ideologies. The vertical choices range from cultural order to cultural liberty. The horizontal choices range from economic equality to economic liberty. Why in your opinion, have conservatives been so successful in making liberal an unpopular label?
The Changing Face of America
The End of the Population Explosion Total fertility rate Ethnic Change in America African Americans The Rise of the Latinos The Demographic Impact Total Fertility Rate- A statistic that measures the average number of children that women in a given group are expected to have over the course of a lifetime. Hispanic- A term used by the federal government to describe someone who can claim a heritage from a Spanish-speaking country. Latino- An alternate word for Hispanic, now more widely used. The feminine is Latina.
The African American Population in the United States
Figure 1-2 What effect might the share of African Americans in a state’s population have on its politics?
The Latino Population in the United States
Figure 1-3 Non-Hispanic whites are expected to be a minority in Texas years before they become a minority in the nation as a whole. What might be the consequences of such a development?
The Changing Face of America
Are We Better Off? Employment More women, but employment levels down Social indicators
Projected Changes in U.S. Ethnic Distribution
Figure 1-4 What political changes could result when non-Hispanic whites are no longer a majority of the U.S. population? Data for 2010 are from the 2010 census. Data for 2020 through 2050 are Census Bureau projections. Hispanics (Latinos) may be of any race. The chart categories White, Black, Asian, and Other are limited to non-Hispanics. Other consists of the following non-Hispanic groups: American Indian, Native Alaskan, Native Hawaiian, Other Pacific Islander, and Two or more races. Sources: U.S. Bureau of the Census and author’s calculations.
Employment Rate for Prime-Age Americans, 1990-2013
Figure 1-5 Shaded areas indicate U.S. recessions. Source: Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED); Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. What might people do when they have been unemployed for a long time?
CONTEMPORARY ECONOMICS Chapter One: The Democratic Republic
9/11/2018 Democracies derive their power from the people. You exercise your power as a people by voting and other ways. If you choose not to participate, you are must accept what others decide for them – good or bad. What is the state of America today? Are we one America or two? Are you confident that your life will be better than that of your parents and grandparents? Can the problems we face as a nation today be addressed by the political systems? Is the American republic up to today’s challenges? Chapter One: The Democratic Republic LESSON 2.1
Government is Everywhere!!
CONTEMPORARY ECONOMICS 9/11/2018 Government is Everywhere!! Government is everywhere, and it is there from the day you are born to the day you die. LESSON 2.1
What is Government and Politics?
CONTEMPORARY ECONOMICS What is Government and Politics? 9/11/2018 Government – Institution within society that resolves conflicts and allocates benefits. Government provides public goods and services that citizens need. Order, Peace, Security Liberty – Ensure people are free (e.g. Bill of Rights, Freedom of Speech) Authority – Ability to enforce decisions Legitimacy – Popular Acceptance of Government Politics – The process in “who gets what, when and how”. It is the struggle over power in government. Politics- The process of resolving conflicts and deciding “who gets what, when, and how.” More specifically, politics is the struggle over power or influence within organizations or informal groups that can grant benefits or privileges. Institution- An ongoing organization that performs certain functions for society. Government- The preeminent institution within society in which decisions are made that resolve conflicts and allocate benefits and privileges. It is unique because it has the ultimate authority for making these decisions. LESSON 2.1
2. Why is Government Necessary?
John Locke and Thomas Hobbes - Government is formed on the consent of the people. Social Contract - People give up a portion of their liberty and rights to gain protection from the gov’t. If gov’t becomes too powerful, then the people can overthrow the gov’t.
3. What are the different forms of government?
Totalitarian OR Authoritarian – Power is controlled by a single person or small group. Aristocracy – “Rule by best” Oligarchy – “Rule by the few” Anarchy – No government at all – Without government Democracy – “Rule by the People”
4. What is the difference between Direct vs. Representative Democracy
CONTEMPORARY ECONOMICS 4. What is the difference between Direct vs. Representative Democracy 9/11/2018 Direct - Rule by the people. Each citizen votes directly on key issues. Initiative or Referendum – Process in which people may vote directly on proposed laws. Recall – Allows people to remove an official from state office. Direct Democracy- A system of government in which political decisions are made by the people directly, rather than by their elected representatives; probably attained most easily in small political communities. Legislature- A governmental body primarily responsible for the making of laws. Initiative- A procedure by which voters can propose a law or a constitutional amendment. Referendum- An electoral device whereby legislative or constitutional measures are referred by the legislature to the voters for approval or disapproval. Recall- A procedure allowing the people to vote to dismiss an elected official from state office before his or her term has expired. LESSON 2.1
5. Why do we have Representative Democracy?
Representative Democracy = authority is given to representative to make decisions for the people. Framers did not trust the people. Fear of mob rule. OR chaos. Tyranny by the majority. Elite Rule & uninformed public What happens if the majority of people were obnoxious or unruly or abused their powers?!
6. Who Really Rules America?
Democratic Theory Advantages Disadvantages Majoritarianism Democracy for everyone. Majority rules Minority groups do not have power. Elite Theory Democracy by the few. Controlled by Elites Ordinary citizens are excluded Pluralist Theory Democracy for groups each competing and compromising Might have to compromise on issues you don’t want. In the US we have too few parties, which allows you to go to either one side or the other. Having too many parties is also not good because it give voice and too much power to extremists groups in society. Majoritarianism-A political theory holding that, in a democracy, the government ought to do what the majority of the people want. Elite theory- A perspective holding that society is ruled by a small number of people who hold the ultimate power to further their self-interests. Pluralism- A theory that views politics as a conflict among interest groups. Political decision making is characterized by compromise and accommodation.
What is the Government supposed to do? Why do we need it?
Warm-Up 8-15 What is the Government supposed to do? Why do we need it? Why should you care about Politics, Government and Power? Arab Spring Video Limiting Government Power Authority and Legitimacy Order-A state of peace and security. Maintaining order by protecting members of society from violence and criminal activity is one of the oldest purposes of government. Liberty- The greatest freedom of the individual that is consistent with the freedom of other individuals in the society Authority-The right and power of a government or other entity to enforce its decisions. Legitimacy- Popular acceptance of the right and power of a government or other entity to exercise authority.
Demo-cracy Skits Each group is going to be given a type of government and democratic theory. For each government complete the 3 questions below. Define the government and theory. One positive and negative aspect of the government and one positive and negative aspect of the theory. Explain why? Create and Perform Skit Each skit should have a beginning, middle and end, that shows the positive and negative aspect of the government. Everyone must participate AND HIDDEN ROLES Hidden Roles Justin Bieber Concert Kanye West Show Taylor Swift Concert Spongebob Square Pants Drake Concert A hardcore EDM DJ A Minoin A Ballerina Lebron James Clash of Titans Rap Battle
Democracy and Other Forms of Government
TYPES OF GOVERNMENT Totalitarian Oligarchy Authoritarian Anarchy Aristocracy Democracy Theocracy Totalitarian Regime-A form of government that controls all aspects of the political, social, and economic life of a nation. Authoritarian- A type of regime in which only the government itself is fully controlled by the ruler. Social and economic institutions exist that are not under the government’s control. Aristocracy-“Rule by the best”; in reality, rule by members of the upper class. Theocracy- “Rule by God,” or the gods; in practice, rule by religious leaders, typically self-appointed. Oligarchy-“Rule by a few.” Anarchy-The condition of no government. Democracy- A system of government in which political authority is vested in the people. The term is derived from the Greek words demos (“the people”) and kratos (“authority”). Direct Democracy- A system of government in which political decisions are made by the people directly, rather than by their elected representatives; probably attained most easily in small political communities. Legislature- A governmental body primarily responsible for the making of laws. Initiative- A procedure by which voters can propose a law or a constitutional amendment. Referendum- An electoral device whereby legislative or constitutional measures are referred by the legislature to the voters for approval or disapproval. Recall- A procedure allowing the people to vote to dismiss an elected official from state office before his or her term has expired.
6. Who Really Rules America?
Democratic Theory Advantages Disadvantages Majoritarianism Democracy for everyone. Majority rules Minority groups do not have power. Elite Theory Democracy by the few. Controlled by Elites Ordinary citizens are excluded Pluralist Theory Democracy for groups each competing and compromising Might have to compromise on issues you don’t want. In the US we have too few parties, which allows you to go to either one side or the other. Having too many parties is also not good because it give voice and too much power to extremists groups in society. Majoritarianism-A political theory holding that, in a democracy, the government ought to do what the majority of the people want. Elite theory- A perspective holding that society is ruled by a small number of people who hold the ultimate power to further their self-interests. Pluralism- A theory that views politics as a conflict among interest groups. Political decision making is characterized by compromise and accommodation.
How would we describe what is happening in Syria?
Fighting in Syria has destroyed entire residential districts. Here, Syrians search for survivors amidst the rubble following an airstrike in Aleppo in Two children were among at least 13 people killed. How would we describe what is happening in Syria? AFP/Getty Images AFP/Getty Images
Demonstrators march through downtown Boston
Demonstrators march through downtown Boston. The marchers were opposed to the nation’s growing student debt burden. Which groups might support the demands of these students? AP Images/Steven Senne
Political Fight Over Federal Minimum Wage
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Video Discussion Questions
Should government have the authority to establish a minimum wage? Why or why not? Have demographic trends driven the minimum wage debate? Do the wealthy look after the interests of lower income groups? Should they?
Agree or Disagree/Depends on the Situation
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