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System Overview – Software

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Presentation on theme: "System Overview – Software"— Presentation transcript:

1 System Overview – Software
Mike Lindahl MTS Confidential

2 MTS Acumen Overview MTS Acumen System Test Accessories Controller
System Accessories MTS Acumen System Load Frame PC / Software Service MTS Confidential

3 Agenda Supported software MTS TestSuite™ Software MTS Echo™ Software
PC / Software Agenda Supported software MTS TestSuite™ Software Platform overview Enhancements for MTS Acumen systems New features / capabilities Included standard templates MTS Echo™ Software Major differentiator for MTS Acumen systems vs. competition Q&A MTS Confidential

4 Software Design Principles
PC / Software Software Design Principles Clean Easy Accurate Efficient We wanted the software to reflect the best aspects of the Acumen design and product, so we applied the same principles to our software. Again, these principles are: Clean, Accurate, Easy and Efficient Our competition has set a high bar in terms of usability for software on Electrodynamic systems. Furthermore, as we discussed earlier, we chose to rethink a number of aspects of our systems during the Acumen development. We applied this theme to software and have made some major usability enhancements to make TestSuite a powerful solution for our customers’ testing needs We needed the software to be Clean and Easy so that new and existing users can approach it and use it effectively We needed to retain and augment the software’s powerful capabilities so that our advanced user base can achieve their goals We wanted to emphasize the Acumen design through clean user interfaces that are approachable and efficient MTS Confidential

5 Supported Software MTS Series 793.00 MTS TestSuite Multipurpose (MP)
PC / Software Supported Software MTS Series Control software enables highly accurate operation Required to operate the frame Station Manager is present but pushed to the background MTS TestSuite Multipurpose (MP) Primary user interface for MTS Acumen systems Incorporates system setup and test definition / operation All common user operations are available directly in TestSuite MTS Echo Remote monitoring enables more efficient lab operations Pre-installed in the factory MTS Confidential

6 MTS TestSuite Software Overview
PC / Software MTS TestSuite Software Overview Suite of modular software applications Multipurpose Fatigue Modules Fracture Modules Multipurpose Elite/Express Elite/Express TW MTS Acumen MP for . . . . . . Define Test Analyze Report Manage MTS TestSuite Platform (Rel. 1.0) I want to step back and talk for a minute about where we are on our TestSuite journey As you are all aware, we launched the initial version of TestSuite in 2008 and have continued to have major new functionality each year TestSuite is intended to be a platform that enables us to meet broad customer and application needs through a consolidated user interface and with functionality that can be broadly leveraged In 2012 we are making some major usability enhancements for the Acumen systems that will be leveraged more broadly throughout the platform in the future. We’re very excited about some of the new capabilities that we will highlight for Acumen, but we have a strong base that of tests, analysis tools and others that we will be able to leverage on the Acumen systems. MTS TestSuite Foundation Hardware Interface (793 SW) Existing 793 RT will remain Controller Hardware (any compatible hardware) Controller Options (793.xx options supported) MTS Confidential

7 MTS TestSuite Terminology
PC / Software MTS TestSuite Terminology “Suite” Applications (TW, MP, FRA, FAA) Reporter Add-In (Microsoft terminology for added functionality within Excel) Options (793 controller specific) MTS TestSuite MP Optimized for maximum flexibility to meet the most demanding dynamic test needs MP Family MPE, MPX, FRA, FAA Modules (contain test template, analysis template, report template) MTS TestSuite TW Designed for operator efficiency and test throughput optimized for monotonic testing Elite vs. Express MP Elite and TW Elite include both test creation and execution MP Express and TW Express enable only test execution First some terminology…. Highlight: TestSuite incorporates system setup, test definition, reporting and analysis capabilities MP is optimized for maximum flexibility – high end users, customized tests, etc. TW is designed for efficiency in high-throughput test environments Primarily used for monotonic testing Elite gives full capabilities – Express only enables text execution MTS Confidential

8 MTS TestSuite MP Family
PC / Software MTS TestSuite MP Family MP: applications for dynamic testing, analysis and reporting, modules for Tension, Fatigue and Fracture 793 Options Time History Output Time History Input Compensators Control Modes - Cascade Applications Test Design / Execution Modules Test and Report Templates, Analysis Definitions Excel Add-In Excel ( ) Create and edit report templates Create additional reports during or after test Reporter MP Elite for test design and execution Fatigue Modules Fracture Modules Tensile Module Fatigue & Fracture Specific Applications MP Express for test execution only Custom Modules Fatigue Analyzer Fracture Analyzer Needed only for in-depth analysis of Fatigue data Needed to get reports for Fracture module tests MTS Confidential 8

9 Software Design Principles
PC / Software Software Design Principles MTS TestSuite enhancements highlight MTS Acumen design principles Key Design Implications Single integrated operator environment First time we’ve had a single user interface with MTS TestSuite MTS TestSuite incorporates all common user tasks, including system setup, etc. Intelligent tuning Numerous ease of use improvements Clean Accurate Efficient Easy Highlight TestSuite as primary user interface feature Major improvement over split interface where we used Station Manager for system setup tasks and TestSuite to define/run tests Integrated experience will help our users be more productive MTS Confidential

10 Major Software Enhancements
PC / Software Major Software Enhancements MTS TestSuite control panel updated for Electrodynamic systems Optimized for MTS Acumen to enable easy machine interaction Guided test setup Maximizes usability by offering a logical order to key setup tasks Tie between physical machine and software Increases confidence in the system and reduces the risk of errors User-selectable tuning Broad range of tuning options meet all users at their level of expertise Easy inertial compensation Enables users to easily mount load cell on moving actuator and get good results The key idea is that our software enhancements make MTS Acumen "Easy enough for the casual user, powerful enough for the expert user.“ I’m going to tell you about 5 major software enhancements that were created for MTS Acumen. The TestSuite control panel has been updated to reflect the MTS Acumen system and make it easy to interact with this machine. We have added several capabilities to enable guided test setup so that key setup steps are not missed and all of the controls needed to complete a setup operation can be found in the same place Furthermore, we have increased the tie between the physical world and the software. This enables intuitive system operation and reduces confusion and the risk of errors. The last 2 features highlight the Acumen design principles of Easy and Powerful. Both of these features combine advanced technical capabilities with automatic software assistance so that customers can use them effectively. We have a full range of tuning capabilities integrated directly into TestSuite. The easiest approach is a fully automated tuning algorithm that measures the characteristics of the specimen and automatically sets up optimal tuning parameters. On the other hand, our advanced customers who demand full control over the system still have the option of full manual tuning. The final feature I’d like to highlight is one that enables you to attach the load cell to the moving actuator rod and still get good results. MTS TestSuite includes a fully automated routine that measures the system characteristics and can cancel out over 90% of the measurement error related to a moving load cell. MTS Confidential

11 TestSuite MP Optimized for MTS Acumen
PC / Software TestSuite MP Optimized for MTS Acumen Now let me show you what the new interface looks like. The new control panel layout highlights key MTS Acumen capabilities and ties directly to the machine The System tasks enable you to setup and optimize your system for your test needs The strong tie between the physical machine and the software, an example of which is highlighted here. This makes operation intuitive for new users while retaining the power required for experts MTS Confidential

12 MTS Acumen Software MTS TestSuite control panel updated for electrodynamic systems Optimized for MTS Acumen to enable easy machine interaction Guided test setup Tie between physical machine and software User-selectable tuning Easy inertial compensation Clean Easy Accurate Efficient MTS Confidential

13 Control Panel Directly reflects frame state on the PC
PC / Software Control Panel Directly reflects frame state on the PC Crosshead lock status (locked / unlocked) Enclosure door open warning Motor warm and over-temp warning Frame state LED MTS Confidential

14 Control Panel: Actuator Power
PC / Software Control Panel: Actuator Power Reflects current power state Enables user to turn power on and off Icons directly reflect on-frame controls MTS Confidential

15 Control Panel: System State
PC / Software Control Panel: System State Directly reflects state of on-frame status light Colors are aligned to ensure consistent understanding of software and physical machine MTS Confidential

16 Control Panel: System Status Indicators
PC / Software Control Panel: System Status Indicators Consistent, easy to identify system status indicators Enclosure Open MTS Confidential

17 Control Panel: Crosshead Lock State
PC / Software Control Panel: Crosshead Lock State Consistent icons between the machine and software Enables easy identification of crosshead lock state Frame-mounted Controls Load Frame MTS TestSuite control panel MTS Confidential

18 Control Panel: System Status Indicators
PC / Software Control Panel: System Status Indicators Consistent, easy to identify system status indicators Automatically cools motor as necessary Motor warm and over-temperature warnings may occur in unusual circumstances The Acumen is designed to automatically adjust it's cooling system fan speed to assure the system stays within it's operating zone. However, Acumen may find itself in hot laboratories, or it's air intakes may somehow get blocked. In those cases, Acumen has two states of back-up. First, the amber indicator lights on the screen and on the status light, allowing the user to take action to reduce the temp. Second, the system would trip it's temp limits and interlock. MTS Confidential

19 PC / Software MTS Acumen Software MTS TestSuite control panel updated for electrodynamic systems Guided test setup Maximizes usability by offering a logical order to key setup tasks Tie between physical machine and software User-selectable tuning Easy inertial compensation The key idea is that our software enhancements make MTS Acumen "Easy enough for the casual user, powerful enough for the expert user.“ I’m going to tell you about 5 major software enhancements that were created for MTS Acumen. The TestSuite control panel has been updated to reflect the MTS Acumen system and make it easy to interact with this machine. We have added several capabilities to enable guided test setup so that key setup steps are not missed and all of the controls needed to complete a setup operation can be found in the same place Furthermore, we have increased the tie between the physical world and the software. This enables intuitive system operation and reduces confusion and the risk of errors. The last 2 features highlight the Acumen design principles of Easy and Powerful. Both of these features combine advanced technical capabilities with automatic software assistance so that customers can use them effectively. We have a full range of tuning capabilities integrated directly into TestSuite. The easiest approach is a fully automated tuning algorithm that measures the characteristics of the specimen and automatically sets up optimal tuning parameters. On the other hand, our advanced customers who demand full control over the system still have the option of full manual tuning. The final feature I’d like to highlight is one that enables you to attach the load cell to the moving actuator rod and still get good results. MTS TestSuite includes a fully automated routine that measures the system characteristics and can cancel out over 90% of the measurement error related to a moving load cell. Clean Easy Accurate Efficient MTS Confidential

20 Guided Test Setup PC / Software
Guided test setup enables users to intuitively work through the necessary tasks prior to running a test In the past, all of these tasks were in Station Manager and TestSuite only handled the actual test run This approach drastically simplifies training and recall. Casual users are much more able to return to the system after periods of non-use and be productive and safe quickly. A huge positive. Let’s talk through each of these tasks in order MTS Confidential

21 System: Set Up PC / Software
System setup mode enables you to set up basic machine configurations: Identify location of load cell for automatic channel polarity setting Set up basic limits, etc. MTS Confidential

22 MTS Acumen Control Channels
PC / Software MTS Acumen Control Channels Two basic control channels Stable displacement is the default on system power-up and is used for less performance but to ensure stability Performance mode on all channels enables performance at the expense of some stability Controller automatically detects instability Automatically switches back to stable displacement in unsafe situations Automatically limits command when in low power mode Stable displacement is necessary for safe set-up of new specimens, etc. MTS Confidential

23 System: Set Up Initial system set up Specify location of load cell
PC / Software System: Set Up Initial system set up Specify location of load cell Define limit values Define set limit actions Graphical representation Drag and drop to modify limit values Enable / disable and set actions At a glance view of limit state Easily understand relationship between limit types Pre-Offset (Fixture) limits Post-Offset (Specimen) limits Limits on left: Pre-Offset / Fixture limits Limits on Right: Post-Offset / Specimen limits Talk about advantages of these limits, benefits of specific limit types, etc. Need to really highlight the ease of use benefit of this new feature. Demonstrating on the machine is best. Historically, users had to keep the relation of limits, zeros, and offsets in their we've made it easy. MTS Confidential

24 System: Inertial Compensation Setup
PC / Software System: Inertial Compensation Setup MTS Confidential

25 System: Insert Specimen
PC / Software System: Insert Specimen Talk about benefits of automatically leveraging CLC rather than having to manually set up the channel, switch to it, etc. MTS Confidential

26 System: Generate Command
PC / Software System: Generate Command This capability was previously in Station Manager only. Enables manual command generation Useful for troubleshooting, running very simple tests, etc. MTS Confidential

27 System: Manage Limits PC / Software 2 views: Traditional table summary
System view MTS Confidential

28 PC / Software MTS Acumen Software MTS TestSuite control panel updated for electrodynamic systems Guided test setup Tie between physical machine and software Increases confidence in the system and reduces the risk of errors User-selectable tuning Easy inertial compensation The key idea is that our software enhancements make MTS Acumen "Easy enough for the casual user, powerful enough for the expert user.“ I’m going to tell you about 5 major software enhancements that were created for MTS Acumen. The TestSuite control panel has been updated to reflect the MTS Acumen system and make it easy to interact with this machine. We have added several capabilities to enable guided test setup so that key setup steps are not missed and all of the controls needed to complete a setup operation can be found in the same place Furthermore, we have increased the tie between the physical world and the software. This enables intuitive system operation and reduces confusion and the risk of errors. The last 2 features highlight the Acumen design principles of Easy and Powerful. Both of these features combine advanced technical capabilities with automatic software assistance so that customers can use them effectively. We have a full range of tuning capabilities integrated directly into TestSuite. The easiest approach is a fully automated tuning algorithm that measures the characteristics of the specimen and automatically sets up optimal tuning parameters. On the other hand, our advanced customers who demand full control over the system still have the option of full manual tuning. The final feature I’d like to highlight is one that enables you to attach the load cell to the moving actuator rod and still get good results. MTS TestSuite includes a fully automated routine that measures the system characteristics and can cancel out over 90% of the measurement error related to a moving load cell. Clean Easy Accurate Efficient MTS Confidential

29 Physical Machine / Software Tie
PC / Software Physical Machine / Software Tie Major theme to pull the physical world into the software Integrated into Control panel Guided setup Tuning Other basic system operation Easy Efficient We’ve already seen a lot of the tie between the physical system and the software, but we wanted to ensure that we called it out as its own item. This is pervasive in our design to enable easy system operation. Here are just a few examples highlighted again. MTS Confidential

30 PC / Software Frame Identify Useful in a multi-station/multi-frame environment to ensure that you are controlling the correct frame Select ‘Identify Frame’ and the frame status light will blink There’s one more aspect of tying the physical world and the software together: a concept we call ‘Frame Identify’ This is very useful in a multi-frame environment and enables you to ensure that you are working the correct frame By simply selecting a menu item, you can cause the status light on the selected frame to blink Enables you to verify that you are connected to the frame you intend Demonstrate on frame (?) MTS Confidential

31 PC / Software MTS Acumen Software MTS TestSuite control panel updated for electrodynamic systems Guided test setup Tie between physical machine and software User-selectable tuning Broad range of tuning options meet all users at their level of expertise Easy inertial compensation The key idea is that our software enhancements make MTS Acumen "Easy enough for the casual user, powerful enough for the expert user.“ I’m going to tell you about 5 major software enhancements that were created for MTS Acumen. The TestSuite control panel has been updated to reflect the MTS Acumen system and make it easy to interact with this machine. We have added several capabilities to enable guided test setup so that key setup steps are not missed and all of the controls needed to complete a setup operation can be found in the same place Furthermore, we have increased the tie between the physical world and the software. This enables intuitive system operation and reduces confusion and the risk of errors. The last 2 features highlight the Acumen design principles of Easy and Powerful. Both of these features combine advanced technical capabilities with automatic software assistance so that customers can use them effectively. We have a full range of tuning capabilities integrated directly into TestSuite. The easiest approach is a fully automated tuning algorithm that measures the characteristics of the specimen and automatically sets up optimal tuning parameters. On the other hand, our advanced customers who demand full control over the system still have the option of full manual tuning. The final feature I’d like to highlight is one that enables you to attach the load cell to the moving actuator rod and still get good results. MTS TestSuite includes a fully automated routine that measures the system characteristics and can cancel out over 90% of the measurement error related to a moving load cell. Clean Easy Accurate Efficient MTS Confidential

32 PC / Software Tuning: History Historically tuning has required controls expertise for our users Many of our customers are experts, so this works well People who are newer to testing sometimes struggle with tuning systems optimally Tuning for materials systems has not changed much in the past years Competition has easier to use automated tuning systems in place Users have higher ease-of-use expectations of software MTS Confidential

33 PC / Software Tuning: Approach Unify all common tuning activities into MTS TestSuite application The system needs to be tuned depending on the specimen type to ensure optimal operation Auto-tuning Manually Optimized Auto-Tuning Manual Tuning Electrodynamic systems require more advanced controls and tuning than SH systems. Therefore it is important that we make it easier for our users. MTS Confidential

34 Auto-tuning: How it works
PC / Software Auto-tuning: How it works Machine automatically measures specimen physical properties Stiffness, mass, damping Calculate control loop parameters Verify that the auto-tuning meets test and user needs Automated verification algorithm Auto-tuning This is NOT our existing auto-tuner. This is something new. More sophisticated than other auto-tuners Instron also has a built-in autotuner. They measure stiffness and assume the values of others. This will work as long as assumptions are correct. Ours will handle these cases correctly. MTS Confidential

35 PC / Software Auto-tuning MTS Confidential

36 Auto-tuning PC / Software
In the past, tuning was subjective and required experts. Now we are able to encode this expertise into the software using advanced algorithms. MTS Confidential

37 Manually Optimized Auto-Tuning
PC / Software Manually Optimized Auto-Tuning Manually optimize tuning Single master gain for each loop of each cascaded control mode Make control mode more responsive Make control mode more stable Used to optimize certain response characteristics Specific frequency, amplitude or other aspect of specimen May be especially useful if a specimen changes during a test Manually Optimized Auto-Tuning MTS Confidential

38 Manual Tuning Allows power-users full control over the machine
PC / Software Manual Tuning Allows power-users full control over the machine Included in MTS TestSuite Provides full access to key control parameters for the cascaded control loop Allows optimization of certain response characteristics over what is available through Optimized Auto-Tuning Specific frequency, amplitude or other aspect of specimen May be especially useful if a specimen changes during a test Manual Tuning There are almost 20 control parameters that affect the control loop tuning. We’ve exposed the things that matter in TestSuite. MTS Confidential

39 Manual Tuning MTS Confidential

40 PC / Software MTS Acumen Software MTS TestSuite control panel updated for electrodynamic systems Guided test setup Tie between physical machine and software User-selectable tuning Easy inertial compensation Enables users to easily mount load cell on moving actuator and get good results The key idea is that our software enhancements make MTS Acumen "Easy enough for the casual user, powerful enough for the expert user.“ I’m going to tell you about 5 major software enhancements that were created for MTS Acumen. The TestSuite control panel has been updated to reflect the MTS Acumen system and make it easy to interact with this machine. We have added several capabilities to enable guided test setup so that key setup steps are not missed and all of the controls needed to complete a setup operation can be found in the same place Furthermore, we have increased the tie between the physical world and the software. This enables intuitive system operation and reduces confusion and the risk of errors. The last 2 features highlight the Acumen design principles of Easy and Powerful. Both of these features combine advanced technical capabilities with automatic software assistance so that customers can use them effectively. We have a full range of tuning capabilities integrated directly into TestSuite. The easiest approach is a fully automated tuning algorithm that measures the characteristics of the specimen and automatically sets up optimal tuning parameters. On the other hand, our advanced customers who demand full control over the system still have the option of full manual tuning. The final feature I’d like to highlight is one that enables you to attach the load cell to the moving actuator rod and still get good results. MTS TestSuite includes a fully automated routine that measures the system characteristics and can cancel out over 90% of the measurement error related to a moving load cell. Clean Easy Accurate Efficient MTS Confidential

41 Inertial Compensation
PC / Software Inertial Compensation Load cell contains an integrated accelerometer Enables measurement of acceleration and inertial compensation Enables load cell to be mounted directly to the moving actuator Minimizes measurement error associated with moving load cell Allows full access to the T-Slot table for fixture and test setup MTS Confidential

42 Easy Inertial Compensation
PC / Software Easy Inertial Compensation Setup fully integrated into TestSuite Automated routines enable easy setup Manual tools allow fine tuning for maximum cancellation MTS Confidential

43 MTS TestSuite Multipurpose: Enhancement Summary
PC / Software MTS TestSuite Multipurpose: Enhancement Summary MTS TestSuite control panel updated for electrodynamic systems Guided test setup Tie between physical machine and software User-selectable tuning Easy inertial compensation Tie to: Guided test setup Offers logical order to setup tasks Maximizes usability without compromising system capabilities User-selectable tuning Full range of tuning ease from auto-tuning to full manual control Tie between physical machine and software Intuitive limit setting shows relationship of various limits Simplified actuator control eliminates confusion regarding up / down Parallel iconography between physical machine and software reduces the risk of errors TestSuite Control Panel updated for Electrodynamic systems Simple Powerful Easy to Use Clean MTS Confidential

44 PC / Software What’s Changed? 1 Differences between servohydraulic and electrodynamic interfaces Control panel – will always differ – automatically detects system type Guided Test Setup – will be incorporated into the servohydraulic interface in future Tie between physical machine and software – will be incorporated broadly in future Everything else remains the same 3 2 As we have discussed in detail, there are 3 key areas where we have enhanced the MTS TestSuite software as part of the Acumen program. I want to talk for a few minutes about how these enhancements fit into the long-term plans for TestSuite. The control panel is obviously specific to Acumen. However, we have a long-term intent to integrate the System tab and the tie between the physical and software world into more of TestSuite in the future. I have a few slides to show how this may play out over the next few years, although there is no specific timeline in place at this time. MTS Confidential

45 MTS Software Landscape
PC / Software MTS Software Landscape MTS Landmark® (Current) MTS TestSuite™ MPE/MPX MPT Retire (2014) As you all know, today we have 2 disparate user applications for setting up and running tests: Station Manager and TestSuite This can cause confusion for our users We are looking to migrate Station Manager capabilities directly into TestSuite to simplify the user experience and provide a more modern software experience Important to note migration from Station Manager to MTS TestSuite System Controls We have taken a major step forward with the Acumen software development effort Station Manager Series 793 Real-Time (Inside 494 controller) Pre-2012 MTS Confidential

46 MTS Software Landscape: MTS Acumen
PC / Software MTS Software Landscape: MTS Acumen MTS Acumen (Current) MTS Landmark (Current) MTS TestSuite MPE/MPX MTS TestSuite System Controls MPT Retire (2014) For Acumen, we have integrated the primary user experience for the machine into TestSuite. Station manager still exists, however, it is being pushed into the background for all common user tasks. We’ll go into more detail shortly, but the intent is that TestSuite becomes the primary user experience with addition of Guided Setup and System Controls Station Manager Series 793 Real-Time (Inside 494 controller) Pre-2012 2012 MTS Confidential

47 MTS Software Landscape: Vision for the Future
PC / Software MTS Software Landscape: Vision for the Future MTS Acumen (Current) MTS Landmark (Current) MTS Landmark (Vision) MTS TestSuite MPE/MPX MTS TestSuite System Controls MPT Retire (2014) Our intent is to extend these capabilities and user experience to cover Landmark as we retire MPT to provide a more unified experience Station Manager Series 793 Real-Time (Inside 494 controller) Pre-2012 2012 Future MTS Confidential

48 MTS Software Landscape: Vision for the Future
PC / Software MTS Software Landscape: Vision for the Future MTS Acumen (Current) MTS Landmark® (Current) MTS Landmark (Vision) All Systems (Vision) MTS TestSuite MPE/MPX MTS TestSuite System Controls MPT Retire (2014) Longer term we are looking at retiring Station Manager so that the user experience is truly integrated in the TestSuite user experience. This is a multi-year vision for the future and there are no definitive plans in place at this time, although we are working to define this. Station Manager Retire (?) Series 793 Real-Time (Inside 494 controller) Pre-2012 2012 Future Future MTS Confidential

49 MTS TestSuite Offering for MTS Acumen Systems
PC / Software MTS TestSuite Offering for MTS Acumen Systems MTS TestSuite Part Number Multipurpose Elite Multipurpose Express Fatigue Analyzer Reporter Add-In High-Cycle Fatigue Module Fatigue Crack Growth: Crack Gage Module Fatigue Crack Growth: Clip Gage Module Base Templates Compression Included Tension Bend Fatigue MTS Confidential

50 Not Supported MTS TestSuite TW 793.10 Multipurpose Testware (MPT)
PC / Software Not Supported MTS TestSuite TW MTS Acumen is primarily a dynamic test machine MTS TestSuite MP is the test application best suited to MTS Acumen Multipurpose Testware (MPT) Legacy MPT software is slated to be retired (2014) Development is no longer being done on MPT MTS TestSuite provides advanced integration and features not available with MPT With all of the great features that we have integrated into TestSuite, we want to ensure that all of our users have the best experience possible. Toward this end, we are focusing our development and offering on TestSuite MP. MTS Confidential

51 Standard Computer Single PC configuration enables easy installation
PC / Software Standard Computer Single PC configuration enables easy installation Standard 27 inch monitor Enables on-site integration and software installation / configuration Saves 1 – 4 hours of labor per system Same PC for all Acumen configurations Including PC per station We have optimized the computer for Acumen. Pre-loaded, etc. Large Monitor to maximize the TestSuite experience. Customer PCs are a pain MTS Confidential

52 PC / Software MTS TestSuite Summary MTS TestSuite provides the primary user interface for MTS Acumen systems Incorporates system setup and test definition / operation All common user operations are available directly in MTS TestSuite Simple Powerful Easy to Use Clean MTS Confidential

53 PC / Software MTS Echo™ Software MTS Echo software enables remote monitoring and lab management Major differentiator for MTS Acumen compared to competition MTS Confidential

54 How users interact with their systems: MTS Echo Software
PC / Software How users interact with their systems: MTS Echo Software Test Operator Cloud Server Monitoring only – no control MTS TestSuite Computers Series 793 Broadcast the status to the cloud. Test System Smartphones Tablets MTS Confidential

55 PC / Software MTS Echo Offering All MTS Echo features are enabled by default on MTS Acumen systems System Views Lab Views Alerts MTS Echo QR Code will be installed on each MTS Acumen frame to enable easy integration Must maintain a recent version of Series 793 software (ME&S) to continue using MTS Echo May be an additional charge annually for future “Advanced” features Our initial offering consists of everything you have seen demonstrated here today being bundled into release 5.5 of If you customer is getting 5.5 either through a new system or an upgrade they will be able to use MTS Echo! As we add new features to Echo, we may charge for these. We will likely include them in Echo for a trial period of 3-6 months and then customers will have the option of paying extra for them. Note: We will require that customers have a recent version of 793 to be able to continue using Echo. The next slides provide detail on what I mean. MTS Confidential

56 Configure the MTS Echo Software System View
PC / Software Configure the MTS Echo Software System View Configure the objects in the property section Drag objects from the toolbox to the display tab MTS Confidential

57 Configure the MTS Echo Software Lab View
PC / Software Configure the MTS Echo Software Lab View Configure the objects in the property section Drag objects from the toolbox to the display tab MTS Confidential

58 MTS Echo Software: Benefits
PC / Software MTS Echo Software: Benefits Access the latest status of the test lab – anytime & anywhere Plan future testing activities with real data Manage time critical tests effectively and efficiently Increase laboratory productivity Simplify communications to lab personnel & customers Use off-hours labor only when needed Improve lab personnel morale Tell a story with each one of these 1. Always go into work on Monday knowing the status of each test in the lab 1. Take an IPAD to a meeting to provide up-to-date information of the status of any test. 2. Know which systems are available and use this information to immediately respond to requests for tests. 3. Rather than have a person babysit a time critical tests, use the notifications available in Mobile to get notified to any change in the critical test status. 4. Rather than having to answer questions about the status of a test to the laboratory personnel and customers, give them direct access to the test status, offloading this work on the part of lab managers and other lab personnel. 5. Rather than have someone come in on weekends to check a test, only have someone go in if absolutely needed. 6. Mobile makes a labs off-hours (nights and weekends) much more productive. 7. Lab personnel do not need to unnecessarily go into the lab to check on the status of the test. MTS Confidential

59 MTS Acumen Software Summary
PC / Software MTS Acumen Software Summary MTS TestSuite Software Primary user interface Usability enhancements for MTS Acumen systems Enhancements specific to MTS Acumen systems MTS Echo Software Major differentiator for MTS Acumen systems vs. competition Any questions on software for MTS Acumen? Simple Powerful Easy to Use Clean MTS Confidential

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